Chapter 2: Introductions

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Date: September 9, 2024
Time: 6:00 AM
Location: 5410 Yoshiteru Ave. (Tanjiro's House)
Weather: Sunny

The day starts off when the alarm clock that was set on his phone goes off. He quickly gets up to answer it and starts off his day with a few stretches. He then quickly moves to the bathroom to freshen up before changing.

A few minutes later, he exits the bathroom with nothing but a towel on him. He walks to his room and picks out his uniform for school. After changing, he grabbed his books off his desk and shoved them into his backpack along with his phone and air pods. He then went downstairs to prepare a basic breakfast consisting of a sandwich and orange juice. He looked at the time and noticed that it was 6:15 AM.

"Crap! I'm going to be late!" He thought. He was scheduled to meet his friends down at the park at 6:30 while heading on his way to school. He grabbed the house keys from a key holder and ran out of the house, but not before locking it. With his sandwich in his mouth, juice in his right hand, and his backpack in his left hand with one strap on his back, he jogged down the road toward the park.

His red hair flailed in the wind along with his hanafuda earrings silently clacking in mid-air. The park was a 15-minute walk away, but he decided if he were to jog, he would be able to reach there faster and first (not that he finds pride in being first). After 10 or so minutes, he knows that he reached the park because he said that park's gate was to the side of him.

He also noticed that he was the first one there out of all of his friends, which meant that he had time to rest and eat his breakfast in the limited peace he was going to get, as he knew that it would soon be chaos afterward. He placed his orange juice on the ground and reached into his backpack and grabbed his phone started playing tunes whilst his air pods were also plugged into his ear, he put his phone in his pocket and grabbed his math practice book, and quickly turned the pages to the lesson he had which was the one that was being tested on today.

He leaned back on the wall while listening to the song that was playing on his playlist while eating his breakfast and studying for the math test, book in one hand and orange juice in the other.

Name: Tanjiro Tsugikuni (I did not make him a Kamado for a reason, sorry)
Height: 5'10 (1.78m)
Age: 17
Appearance: Burgundy red hair, along with red eyes, a flame-like scar on his head that reaches to his chin, a kind face, and a pair of "Rising Sun" Hanafuda earrings.

 Description: After a few days of joining Kimetsu High School in the third year, Tanjiro became a very popular student of all ages. His gentlemen-like demeanor gets him a lot of respect from his classmates, friends, and sometimes teachers. He is said to be very intelligent as he manages to maintain high A's in all his classes except physical education. Though he is said to be physically fit, he only manages to score high B's in physical education, people try to tell him that he has a lot of potential in physical education, but he just dismisses them by telling them that he is trying to get an A, and thanks to his personality, the students and teachers just leave him at that. He somehow also manages to attract most of the women in Kimetsu High due to his looks, and of course, personality. But he just ignores them on the occasion that he does sense them spying on him (which does happen a lot). He has also been reported to possess an almost dog-level if not a higher sense of smell, and a crazy strong forehead that is almost as hard as a brick, he also somewhat has a sense of humor, he also lives alone as his parents died in an "accident," but since his parents were rich, he was able to live alone without the fear of debt.

After a few minutes of eating, drinking, and studying. He hears a loud rustle coming from the park. He turns around to see what is causing the noise and notices a man running from the woods behind the park.

The running man has dust trailing behind him and quickly jumps over the park wall to meet his friend.

Name: Inosuke Hashibara
Height: 5'9 (1.75m)
Age: 17
Appearance: Semi-long black hair with blue tips, along with green eyes, a women-like face (according to others), and a muscular physique.

 Description: Aggressive and an idiot... That is probably what you would think when you first saw him. Though he is aggressive, always itching for a fight, and always hungry. He always cares about his friends and (sometimes) respects them. Nobody knows how he was administered into Kimetsu High as he was rumored to be raised by boars in the mountains, he just came into a first-year class one day and sat down. And ever since that day, he has been coming to the school every day, most of the teachers tried to kick him out of the school the first few weeks he was there, but every time they tried, he would only come back the next day. Nobody knows his intentions of why he joined to school, but they choose to ignore it as asking him that question would probably get him challenged to fight by him. He also can't say names properly which can lead to some misunderstandings, but people get used to it.

"Inosuke what's up?"
Tanjiro said with his sandwich still in his mouth, he removed the sandwich and took the last sip of orange juice from his cup, and tossed it into a nearby trash can, he also took off one of his air pods and put it in his case so that he can hear Inosuke better (not that he can't). "HOW'D YOU GET HERE BEFORE ME MONJIRO?" Inosuke exclaimed. To this, Tanjiro just laughed, "Guess I'm faster than you." Inosuke was slightly offended by this and puffed out his chest and pointed to it with his right hand, "Nobody beats the Great Lord of the Mountains Inosuke!" Inosuke then proudly exclaimed. Tanjiro smiled and said, "Nobody can beat you Inosuke, you truly are the king of the mountains." "Dam right I am Monjiro." Insouke then proudly stated.

They began talking about the math test for a while, with Tanjiro helping Inosuke study some problems in his practice book that Tanjiro was holding out. They then turned around to see two people with familiar faces.

"Tanjiro!" The two unknown people said in unison.

"Zenitsu, Nezuko! Hey guys!" Tanjiro said, "You guys doing fine?" He then stated. "Yep!" Zenitsu replied.

Name: Zenitsu Agatsuma
Height: 5'9 (1.75m)
Age: 18
Appearance: Yellow hair with orange tips, yellow eyes, and a "delicate" face.

 Description: He's mostly a crybaby at times and chases after every girl he sees. He is sometimes regarded as a "simp," a "coward," and a "pervert" sometimes, even by his friends. But nevertheless, he is caring and possesses a considerable amount of intelligence. He is the fastest of the group and is sometimes regarded as a "lightning bolt" everywhere he goes when he shows his incredible speed. He currently lives with his adoptive grandfather, Jirgo Kuwajima, and his senior/adoptive older brother, Kaigaku Inadama. He joined Kimetsu High 3 years ago, meaning he has been in Kimetsu High ever since his first year. Over time he has had many crushes, with most of them rejecting him. But now, he has a new crush that he considers "his one and only" and that person is Nezuko Kamado, though he gets jealous when his closest friend, Tanjiro gets close to her due to Nezuko's and Tanjiro's relationship. But he usually calms down afterward because they said they would never date each other. He also possesses enhanced hearing which can be both beneficial and harmful at the same time.

"Good morning, Tanjiro!"
Nezuko shouted, the young girl running to the burgundy hair boy and hugging him almost immediately. "Nezuko, glad to see you're doing fine," Tanjiro said while patting the young girl's head.

"Did you study for your test today, Tanjiro?" Nezuko stated. "Yep, and I can help you study for your science test along the way if you want," Tanjiro replied. "Thanks for the offer, Tanjiro, but I think I am all set," Nezuko said. Tanjiro just smiled, "Alright, tell how me how you think you did afterward ok?" the red-hair boy said. "Will do!" The young girl exclaimed.

"Oh and by the way, Kanao just texted me that we can begin walking from the park as she and Aoi are running a bit late today," Nezuko said, "Is that so? Then tell her to see you there." Tanjiro then stated. Nezuko immediately obliged and began texting.

In the meantime, while the redhead and young girl were talking. The yellow-haired boy and woman-faced man began to argue (as they always do).

"Those two never change..." Nezuko said. Tanjiro chuckled and patted her on the shoulder, "Come on let's go, school is going to start by the time we get there, and I don't want to be scolded by Tomioka-sensei again." Tanjiro said.

The young girl nodded and turned around to face the two boys arguing in the back, "Zenitsu, Inosuke! Come on, let's go. We're going to be late!" Nezuko exclaimed as she started walking with the burgundy hair boy. "Coming Nezuko-channnnnn." Zenitsu squeamishly said and immediately began walking towards the two students. Inosuke just sighed and began to walk along with Zenitsu, Tanjiro, and Nezuko.

Name: Nezuko Kamado
Height: 5'4 (1.63m)
Age: 16
Appearance: Long black hair with orange tips, vibrant pink eyes, and a cute face.

 Description: Nezuko is very kinda and vibrant towards others, especially people that she knows about and cares for. She is regarded as one of Kimetsu's beautiful girls since she looks like she can kill a man if looks can kill. She is also intelligent and somewhat athletic. And even though she is not that athletic, she can pack a punch when aggravated. One time, she was being messed with by a random third year, the third year grabbed her shirt, but she countered with an elbow to the face. She quickly apologized for her outburst and the issue was dismissed quickly, but ever since then, she has been kinda feared throughout the school. She and Tanjiro's relationship has quickly bloomed into an almost sibling-like relationship. She admires Tanjiro and respects him as a younger sister should do to an older brother. Many people mistake them for dating due to how close they are, in which she and Tanjiro quickly give them a disgusted look signaling them that they will never date each other, not in their entire life. She lives alone as her family died in a car crash a few years ago before they joined the school. Thankfully, her parents were rich and left behind a fortune big enough so that she could live on her own. She gets lonely sometimes at her house, but usually one of her friends comes by (mostly Zenitsu) to say hi and leave, which brightens her day. She is also fond of Zenitsu and doesn't know he loves her (to which others describe her as dense, because he makes it known every day that he does love her).

As the group was walking down the road towards the school, they were talking about events that happened lately and, of course, about the tests they had for math. "Go ahead Inosuke, solve this problem," Tanjiro said while giving his practice book to Inosuke. "I'LL SOLVE THIS PROBLEM WITH NO PROBLEM!" Inosuke said while snatching the textbook from Tanjiro's hand, Zenitsu looked at Inosuke who had already begun to solve the problem, with a confused look. "What are you looking at dumba*s?" Inosuke said to Zenitsu after noticing he was looking at him weirdly. A tic mark appeared on Zenitsu's forehead but decided not to aggravate the boar as he was not in the mood to fight and Nezuko was right next to him. "The answer to that problem is that x = 4, but x also equals -7 but that is an extraneous solution," Zenitsu said while smirking at Inosuke who looked dumbfounded. "What does that even mean?" Inosuke questioned. "It means that -7 is not a real solution," Zenitsu answered. "But -7 is a solution after solving the equation, so it should be a solution." Inosuke then said, Zentisu just sighed and said, "Because if you plug -7 into the original equation and solve, the final solution won't be correct." "But -7 is a solution..." The boar asked looking confused... A few minutes later they began to argue, but not fight.

Meanwhile, with the other two people in the group, they were chatting about home life as they both live alone in their houses. "Have you done any shopping lately Tanjiro?" Nezuko asked, "No, but I was thinking of going to the store today and collecting groceries." Tanjiro said as he gulped the last bite of his sandwich. "Ok, just let me know if you need help, I'm also going shopping today," Nezuko said with a bright smile. "Alright, I'll call you if I need you Nezuko," Tanjiro said with a soft smile while patting her head. Zenitsu saw this while arguing with Inosuke, "How does he do it?" He thought. But before saying anything he was quickly brought back to the argument with Inosuke and began to argue back with him again.

After a few minutes of walking, it was 6:45 AM. They were walking down a road when suddenly, they see a tall man with a mohawk turns the corner.

Name: Genya Shinazugawa
Height: 6'1 (1.85m)
Age: 17
Appearance: Sharp, black eyes, with a mohawk, a large scar on his face, and a threatening face.
Description: He may seem aggressive and act aggressive to strangers, but deep down inside, he is a big softy. He likes to laugh a lot; he is also very caring towards his friends and his older brother due to them losing their family in an "accident." He possesses an average level of intelligence, but don't underestimate him as he is one of the top students in the shooting club of Kimetsu. He is also very strong and enduring, occasionally helping at construction sites as a volunteer to collect some community service hours. His friends respect him and treat him as so instead of the big brawler that every group seemingly has. He usually has noble intentions when he fights but sometimes his emotions can cloud his judgment, but when that happens, at least one of his friends holds him back from going all out. He is also very nervous around girls, which the others like to giggle at when they see him panicking in front of a girl who simply just gave him thanks for helping her.

"Yo, Genya!"
Tanjiro immediately says, this stops Zenitsu and Inosuke from arguing as they turn to face the tall man, Inosuke immediately runs up to him; shoving Tanjiro's book into Zenitsu's arm and giving him a noogie.

"Ow-ow! Stop Inosuke that hurts!" Genya said whilst in pain, Inosuke then stopped and looked proudly at him, "The great Inosuke has beaten Senya!" This leaves Genya to look at Tanjiro who already had his practice book back in his hands, with a confused look. Tanjiro then gave Genya a look that said Inosuke will always be Inosuke, to which Genya immediately understood and sighed. "Yes, you have beaten me oh great lord Inosuke." Genya sarcastically said.

"Haha, the king wins once again." The boar proudly said, which caused the group to snicker. "Come on Genya, we're supposed to meet Kanao and Aoi at the school gate," Tanjiro said. Genya nodded and fell into their group and began walking along with them.

Date: September 9, 2024
Time: 6:50 AM
Location: Kimetsu High School
Weather: Sunny

As the group of five reach the school gates, they are greeted by two petite girls in their school uniform.

"Kanao! Aoi! Good morning!" Tanjiro yelled as he and the others were running up to them.

"Good morning, Tanjiro!" A young girl stated.

Name: Aoi Kanzaki
Height: 5'5 (1.65m)
Age: 17
Appearance: Black hair tied into two ponytails with two blue butterfly clips holding it together, blue eyes, and a pretty but strict face.

 Description: Strict but cute is what they say about this woman. Aoi is a very close friend of Kanao, with them going back all the way to their childhood when she was 8. Her ability to cook and take care of others in need makes her a fine housewife. Her cooking is complemented by many other people, especially by her friends (more specifically, Inosuke). Though she cooks fine, she has a strict attitude which makes her feared by her peers and classmates. Even though she is strict most of the time, she can still act nice if not aggravated a lot, she was also taken in by the butterfly sisters as she had no place to live since she was abandoned when the sisters found her.

"Morning Aoi, hey Kanao!"
Tanjiro said while giving a beaming smile, which made Kanao's cheek turn light pink.

Name: Kanao Tsuyuri
Height: 5'5 (1.65m)
Age: 18
Appearance: Black hair with a ponytail tied together with a single butterfly hairclip, bright lilac-colored eyes, a delicate and innocent face with rosy-pink lips.

 Description: She used to be a mysterious girl at first, emotionless and dull. At first, she was considered a boring person to talk to during the first two years of high school, often using a coin in order to start conversations. But after Tanjiro's first day, she quickly started to show more emotion and become more independent. Nobody knows what happened but everyone (especially her sisters) is happy for her. The reason she was so emotionless from the start was that she had a terrible upbringing, she was sold on the black market as a child slave and abused to the point where her emotions finally broke and she could no longer cry. That was until the butterfly sisters found her trying to take food from a dumpster and took her in. She met Aoi on her first day at the sister's house, and they both quickly grew a sibling-like relationship. Aoi and the butterfly sisters started to help her get her emotions back, but no matter what, she just wouldn't budge. The eldest sister, which was named Kanae, decided to temporarily solve her problem and give her a coin to help her make decisions. Ever since that day up until Tanjiro's first day, she has been heavily reliant on the coin and the commands of her sisters. She is also regarded as one of the school's top beauties due to her looks. She is very calm and gentle usually but would threaten anyone who dares hurt her friends or sisters. Also, only a few people noticed this (Kanae and Zenitsu), but it seems like Kanao may have slight feelings for Tanjiro, which nobody knows about yet. She also is considered as a high school prodigy possessing both high intellect and athletic ability, managing to get only straight A's from her first year to her third year. She is the most agile of the group, and along with her keen sense of sight, she is a force to be reckoned with.

"I envy you Tanjiro." Zenitsu thought as he noticed Kanao's heartbeat gradually rise. "How are you guys doing?" Tanjiro calmly but boldly said. The two girls replied that they were fine and started to head into the school grounds with the others following suit. "You guys prepared for the test?" Genya stated to which he received a reply from Aoi, "I and Kanao stayed up all night on Saturday in order to pass." To which Kanao just nodded and gave a soft smile.

The time was now 6:55 AM and the first bell of the day rang signaling that all students have to report to their class before the second bell rang signaling that they were tardy. "Crap." Zenitsu said, "We should probably be running off to class now before Tomioka-sensei smites our a*ses... Again..." Genya then replied. The entire group nodded and split with Nezuko heading down one hall as she was in the second year, Aoi and Kanao heading down another hall together, Genya heading down the same hall as Aoi and Kanao but took a right splitting off from the two girls, and Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke walking down the hall before reaching the classroom.


The second bell of the day has rung, meaning that school was now in session.

And now it's time for a "High School Gossip" segment brought to you by our main characters.

Tanjiro: According to an article online, Kimetsu High School is very different from other high schools, the principal/superintendent, Kagaya Ubuyashiki bought the land that this school is on and opened the high school 20 years ago.

Genya: Ubuyashiki-sama also managed to convince the government that this school was going to be different.

Nezuko: The high school is separated from the standard curriculum, meaning that unusual classes can be held as an elective or extra-curricular.

Zenitsu: This would explain why the school has many different clubs and classes such as kendo, archery, shooting, and meditation.

Aoi: But I heard that there will be a new elective class coming to the school, I heard it was called human ethics. After the new segment of the school is done being built, the elective will be available to all students in the school.

Kanao: The Ubuyashiki family is very rich so they can expand the school to their own liking, Ubuyashiki-sama also has a suggestion box for new classes in his office so he can decide which class to incorporate into our system.

Inosuke: But often these suggestions are rejected by Ubuyashiki, we know because he announces on the PA whether a suggestion is accepted or not, which rarely happens.

Tanjiro: Haha, that was perfect guys, way to nail our first segment together!

The others break out in celebration of the successful segment.

Tanjiro: Join us next time in the following chapter, "The Test" in order to get to know the teachers.

Others: Hai!

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