Chapter 12: The Long Night Part 2

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Date: September 27, 2024
Time: 9:03 PM
Location: South Tokyo
Weather: Partly Cloudy


"Pass the waterfall near that lake over there and we have to take another turn," one of the men said from the convoy. Kanao and Nezuko were following them while Insouke was trying to collect some acorns or something because something piqued his interest. Genya was carrying Zenitsu because Zenitsu was starting to get tired after walking for a while.

"When are we going to get there...?" Zenitsu complained, "We've only just started walking and you are complaining now?" Genya replied back, "But we have to walk on rough terrain, my feet are getting tired!" Zenitsu said, "Your feet are getting tired? Boy, I had to carry a 128 lb (58 kgs) teenage baby on my back for the past 15 minutes, and you say you are getting tired?!" Genya replied back a little ticked off, "Hey... That hurt..." Zenitsu said. "I will only apologize if you get on your feet and move your a*s again..." Genya exclaimed. Zentisu then jumped off Genya and started to walk, "There, you happy now?" Zenitsu said as he started to walk alongside Genya, Genya stretched his back since he had to carry him for 15 minutes. "Better," he said as he stretched again.

"Penya! Monitsu! Look what I found!" Inosuke scream from behind them, the two boys then turned around to see a proud Inosuke running at them at high speeds, they both screamed right as the three boys made a collision, "AH-" Zenitsu and Genya both screamed in unison as they both fell on the ground with the boar on top of them. Both Nezuko and Kanao heard their screams and turned around. "Are you guys ok?!" Nezuko said as she looked a bit worried, "Pink Flower, what was that commotion?" Aoi said into Nezuko's earpiece, "The idiot boar head crashed into us," Zenitsu said as he, Genya, and Inosuke got up from their places and dusted off their attire. "Oh, well then keep him controlled next time," Aoi said as she disconnected the call from Nezuko's earpiece. "Come on guys we have to make sure this package gets to its desired location," Nezuko said as she and Kanao started walking along with the convoy who also stopped to see what happened.

The three boys started walking from behind as they kept escorting the convoy. "So what did you want to show us Inosuke?" Genya said with a bit of anger in his tone, Inosuke then reached into his pocket and took out a couple of acorns and pebbles, "Seriously? You just crashed into us for that?!" Zenitsu exclaimed, "But these are not just any acorns, these are the special acorns that have been blessed by me, the lord of mountains!" Inosouke said proudly, Zenitsu and Genya looked at him with dumbfounded faces. They decided not to argue with him since as soon as they start, he will devolve into a literal gorilla.

As the group was walking down the trail, they were drinking water the entire way since they needed to stay hydrated and active to stay cautious. As Zenitsu was drinking from his bottle, he realized he managed to finish the entire thing in just a matter of 30 minutes or so, "Dammit, I'm out," he said, "Why did you drink so much in such little time?" Genya said as they walked, "I don't know, I guess I'm just dehydrated..." Zenitsu said as he tried to savor the last drop of his water, Insouke sighed, "There is a stream nearby here, it's continuously running so the water there is fresh," he said, "I'll take you there if you want, but this will be your last chance to get some fresh water for this entire trip if you deny," he added. "The f*ck... Why did he just sound smart?!" Zenitsu thought as he looked at Inosuke with a flabbergasted expression, Genya heard this too, and looked at Insouke with the same expression. "What?!" Inosuke said, "I've lived in the mountains near here for years, you don't think I know basic survival skills?!" Inosuke said while looking a little pissed. The boys just sighed, "Ok, take us there," Zenitsu said, Inosuke nodded and the three boys decided to split off from the convoy, but not before telling the girls that they were taking a short detour, "Kanao! Nezuko! We're going to go to a nearby stream to refill on water, we'll be gone for a few minutes, but we'll be back!" Genya shouted as he left, "Ok! Be safe!" Nezuko said as she waved, Kanao looked at the boys leaving along with Nezuko, they soon turned around and began walking with the convoy.

"So where is this stream?" Genya said as the three began walking down a random part of the forest, "Over... That way," Inosuke said as he pointed toward the direction of the stream, "And how do we know that you're guiding us correctly?" Genya said, "Nope, I hear it, it's down that way," Zenitsu said as he pointed to where Inosuke was pointing. "Fine," Genya said as the three boys started to walk down the path, toward the stream.


As the boys reached the stream, they unscrewed their caps and refilled from the stream. They soon took a drink from their newly refilled water bottles, "Tastes... Streamy..." Genya said as he smacked his lips, "It may not be the best, but it's better than being thirsty the entire night," Zenitsu said, Insouke just took a big gulp of his water, "Ah! Tastes like home!" He said, "Literally" the other two thought.

"Anyways, we should be going now, the convoy is waiting for us," Genya said, the other two nodded and refilled again from the stream and turned around to begin walking again. But before they began walking, Zenitsu stopped in the middle of his steps, the other two boys noticed this and asked him, "What's wrong?" Genya said, "Yeah Monitsu, what's gotten into you?" Inosuke said. "Heartbeats, two," Zenitsu said as he turned around along with the other two just to see two creatures that look human but mutated into humanoid figures, the three then took out their respective weapons and took a stance.

"Looks like we have lunch a bit earlier than expected," one of the demons said, "It seems so," the other demon replied back.


Meanwhile, with the girls and the convoy, they were walking along the route while taking twists and turns in every direction, "What's taking the boys so long?" Nezuko asked with a worried tone in her voice, "I don't know, but I hope they will be back soon," Kanao replied.

As the two were walking, they heard a noise behind them, the two turned around to see a demon above them with one of the men's heads being dangled from his hand. They then looked on the ground to see a man without a head slowly fall to the ground with blood spurting out from his neck, the two women were disgusted by this sight but had to hide it since they had greater things to deal with.

"My my, what do we have here?" The demon said as he smiled sadistically and dropped the man's head, the other men in the convoy dispersed, with them leaving the package on the ground.

"Good, they left." Kana thought as she and Nezuko took out their swords and prepared to attack.


"So, are you guys new to this business?" Emiko said to the leader of the group, "Nope, we've been doing this for 5 years," the man said. "So you know these routes?" Emiko asked, "Like the back of my hand," the man replied. "That's good," Emiko said as she kept walking and the convoy just kept following.

"So, now where did you get this from?" Emiko added, "The location of the mine of the ore is private and not to be known by even the most trusted of people." The man said. "Aww, that's a bummer," Emiko said as she pouted. "Anyways, what's the route from here?" Emiko said as she stopped and began to look around, "It's a straight route from here for 2 or so miles, but then we have to turn back since we need to keep as far away from our final destination as long as possible, or until we get the signal to burry the package," the man said. "Ok!" Emiko cheerfully said as she started walking again but with a little skip in her step.

After a while of walking for 15 or so minutes, they came past a ledge that overlooks the city, Emiko was dazed by the beauty of the city skyline and decided to take a closer look at it, she walked near the ledge and sat down. The convoy was tired due to all the walking they had to do, so they sat down and took a rest for a while.

"It's so beautiful," she thought as she looked at the skylines. "I can't believe humans can build things like these," she thought as well. "I wish you were here to see me, Mom and Dad..." She thought as she started to tear up, "I wish you could see how far I progressed ever since you died." She thinks as a lone tear slowly trails down her face, "I hope you are in a better place..." She thinks as she takes in the beauty of the city.

"Hey? Are you ready to go now?" One of the men from the convoy beckons. Emiko then snaps out of her train of thought and looks back at the group who are already standing up and ready to move, "O-oh yeah, let's go..." She said as she stood up and continued to walk ahead.


After a few minutes of taking unexpected twists and turns, Emiko and the convoy were still walking, but Emiko noticed something was off... "Hold on," she said as she took out her sword, "Stay behind, I'll go investigate," she said as she slowly walked into the forest with her sword drawn and on guard, the convoy stayed behind and drew their weapons.

She walked for a while from the convoy and the further she walked, the more she became less suspicious. She then walked onto a patch of grass and stopped, "Huh, nothing..." She thought as she turned around a began walking towards the convoy again. As she starts walking back, she begins to think about what happened that made her do that, "I swear, I thought I sensed something..." She thought, "Maybe it was just my brain playing tricks on me since I am so cautious..." She thought as she begins to shake her head to get her brain to stop playing tricks with her. "But maybe... It was all a distraction, to get my attention diverted, maybe there was an actual threat, but it disappeared as soon as I got here." She thinks as she stops in her tracks, "But... Why would something want to distract me from... SHIT!" She thinks as she starts running towards the convoy.

When she got there, she realized that it was all too late. There was blood everywhere along with corpses with limbs missing and organs spilling out on some of them, in Emiko's mind she gagged at the sight but had to keep it a secret since she had something much more serious in front of them.

"Well here's the slayer." One of the demons said, "Told you the pan would work," the other demon said to his colleague. "What have you done!" Emiko said as she took her stance, "We could let you off the hook girl if you just walk away and pretend as if nothing had happened." One of the demons said, "Like hell, I would!" Emiko replied, getting more angrier as each second passes by, "Very well then if you want your death early." One of the demons said, Emiko then charged in with her sword, attacking the demons.


"Apparently they are taking a turn near the cliff again," Minato said as Tanjiro walked through the forest, "Thanks," Tanjiro said as he walked through the forest. The moon was shining brightly, even though it was partially gone. "Hey, Tanjiro." Minato asked, "Yeah?" Tanjiro replied. "Why exactly did you come here?" Minato asked, "What do you mean?" Tanjiro questioned, "You know how much you are valued in the organization, and you are used for high-risk missions, this type of mission is usually given to weaker agents. In fact, this mission was supposed to be given to another agent, but you took it, why?" Minato asked, "Remember when my parents died?" Tanjiro asked, "Yeah..." Minato said with a little sadness in his voice, "I found a connection from their death to here after they died," Tanjiro replied. "Well that would explain why you took the mission," Minato said, "But what exactly do you plan to achieve here?" Minato added. "It's simple, I want revenge." Tanjiro states in a bit of an angry tone, "This is the first time I have ever seen you seek revenge Tanjiro," Minato states. "Well there is first for everything, isn't there?" Tanjiro says with a bit of a sadistic tone.

Minato was a bit scared but decided to shake it off, "By the way, what was your current mission at the time before you got assigned here?" Minato asked, "I don't know, it was just to infiltrate a compound full of armed men and collect some documents," Tanjiro replied. "I thought they only sent you for high-risk missions? Doesn't seem that bad." Minato replied, "I was bored, and I decided to take a mission from The Board." Tanjiro replied, "Right..." Minato said as he took a sip of his coffee, "Also, Tanjiro I got a little surprise for you." Minato said, "What is it?" Tanjiro replied casually, "You know how R&D has been trying to create a new firearm for all agents to use?" Minato said, "Ever since that first failure?" Tanjiro asked, Minato chuckled a bit, "They don't like agents mention the first prototype, that thing backfired miserably." Minato said, "Yeah, but what about the new firearm?" Tanjiro said with a bit of a chuckle in his voice, "Well they said they will have it out in a few months, or maybe even next month," Minato said. "Well that's nice, but it's a shame that I have to turn in my trusted USP though..." Tanjiro said, "It got the job done, but to be honest, it was kind of ineffective for dealing with the things we usually deal with," Minato said.

"You got a point, I don't know how high command expected us to deal with superhuman anomalies that can literally slice a bullet in half without any effort," Tanjiro replied. "That's what R&D said that it would try to deal with, they said they would try to make the firearm more effective towards superhumans, also a bit more "versatile" in terms of rounds used," Minato replied. "Nice, anything else?" Tanjiro questioned, "Nope, that's all they said..." Minato stated as he took another sip of his coffee, "Also, Tanjiro, when are you coming back for your checkup?" Minato asked, "Give it another two months, I'll come when school is out for Thanksgiving Break." Tanjiro exclaimed, "Why can't you just come during the weekend," Minato asked, "What you think boy?" Tanjiro said with a little dullness in his tone. "Oh yeah," Minato said.

"By the way Tanjiro, how is school?" Minato asked once again, "Could you stop drinking coffee, I'm trying to walk here?!" Tanjiro exclaimed, "Boy, you know that once I go on coffee, I can't stop talking!" Minato said, "Fine, school is going great," Tanjiro said as he sighed, "Got any new friends?" Minato immediately said, "Yes..." Tanjiro stated, "Got good grades?" Minato said, "Ok, now you're starting to sound like my dad now..." Tanjiro said, "Got a girlfriend yet?" Minato said jokingly, Tanjiro blushed, "Ok! Now you are sounding like my mom, stop pretending to be people you are not!" Tanjiro said as he screamed into his earpiece, "But it's my job, I'm a spy, I have to pretend to be others." Minato said while laughing, "Yeah, but now when you are trying to mimic a person's dead relative?!" Tanjiro says, "Sometimes we have to do that..." Minato asks, Tanjiro sighs, "Anyways how are things going on back at HQ?" Tanjiro questioned, "Well... Things are doing fine for now, so you don't have to worry about anything so far..." Minato replied.

As Tanjiro kept walking towards his destination, he kept on chatting with his friend. He then stopped in his tracks and went silent, "What's wrong? I heard you went silent," his friend said as he began to work his computer because he knew that Tanjiro was about to go into some trouble, on the other side, Tanjiro began to run towards the "scent" that he picked up, "The smell of blood," he thought as he was running through the forest he was completely unfamiliar with.

As he was running, his mind began to map everything around him and store them permanently in his memory, "It's coming from this way," he thought as he moved even faster. He then stopped and moved to a bush as saw an ensuing fight going on, "Two men and a young girl about my age," he thought. He then took a quick glance at the men, "Those men aren't human aren't they...?" He thought to himself as the three people are fighting, he took a quick smell and realized it was familiar, "They smell of evil and blood, could it be that they were similar to that man?" He thought as he reached to his earpiece, "You taking notes of this Minato?" Tanjiro asked, "Yep, you don't have to worry for now..." Minato said. Tanjiro nodded and decided to observe the battle between the three from afar.

Spy's Diary

Entry 4


Tanjiro: The organization I work for has a strict code of conduct, and don't like agents to disobey them, but since I am a "special" case, I guess I am left off the hook usually because they know how effective and good I am at missions, I get looks of jealously from my colleagues, but it only lasts for a second or two, because even I have to keep serious sometimes. Also, the organization does checkups on all of its agents, agents need to visit HQ at least three times per year, or else they will be considered overdue for a checkup and forced to abandon their mission. I currently did my checkup two times, and I will go soon after Thanksgiving Break starts.

Tanjiro: While we wait for that to happen, you guys can enjoy the next chapter, "The Long Night Part 3" where we witness the fight between the Kamaboko squad and the demons.

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