Chapter 37: Arteus Corps Part 3: A Little Bit of Trolling

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Location: [REDACTED]
Weather: [REDACTED]


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"So that pretty much sums up our departments."

"Any questions you two?"

"No, Sir."

"Good, moving on to the next topic..."

"Ranks and Clearance Levels."

"The files I have provided you should also have that in there if you flip to the next couple of pages."

"Found it?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good, let's start with ranks."

"Just keep in mind that the Security Department also has these same ranks along with military ranks such as private, captain, sergeant, etc. But they only apply to personnel in the department."

"Anyways, starting from the lowest rank where most of the new personnel such as you two will be placed."

"Class F personnel are newcomers and completely fresh recruits, usually these personnel are taken under mentors that are provided for each department. It's really easy to advance from Class F since all you have to do is listen to your instructor and do what they say. They get limited access to the facility since they are brand new and can't be fully trusted until they have advanced from a certain post or gained experience and trust from other members.

"Class D personnel are slightly more experienced than Class F, they can perform some tasks on their own without the help of their mentor, but they still need assistance with performing some tasks they are unfamiliar with. The rank is usually given once the person has spent a few months working in the organization and has much more access to the facility than Class F, but it is still limited in some way since they could only fully access 3 floors of the multi-store facility.

"Class C personnel are much more experienced and much more skilled. They have already been shown the ropes and can perform various tasks without any help from their mentor or others. Class C EIA personnel are now allowed to go on missions, but only with a member that is ranked higher than them and more experienced. They are still learning from their mentor for further teaching into more advanced concepts for whatever department they pick. These ranks are usually given to personnel who have spent more than a year here and have proven their capabilities multiple times."

"Class B personnel have proven themselves to be an asset to the corporation, they are much more respected than the other ranks below it due to their experience and knowledge. These people have shown to be able to effectively deal with many problems and challenges that are thrown at times with impressive accuracy and speed. These personnel are now leaving the grasp of their mentors to become more independent and self-reliant, but they could still choose to be taught by their mentor in order to further understand and replicate procedures that are viewed by most as 'mind-boggling'. This rank is given to those that have stayed loyal and persistent to the corporation for a long period of time with limited infractions in their data books.

Class A personnel are some of the best the world has to offer in terms of skill, intelligence, and experience. Only a few hundred hold this title in our corporation due to its requirements. These people can perform and complete tasks at a much faster pace than those of the lower ranks, they are now allowed to mentor and teach other lower ranks whatever they need in order to advance in the corporation. The only members that hold this rank are high-rank agents from every department. In order to achieve this, you are to spend almost five to ten years here while being shown to be able to provide a viable asset to the organization. They have most of the facility unlocked with their clearance except for a few floors.

"Class S personnel go above and beyond, they are extremely good at what they do, and can complete tasks at almost god-like speed with god-like precision and effectiveness. Less than a hundred possess this role and these members are hand-picked from all Class A personnel. Once in a while, The Board will pick a Class A personnel to rank up to Class S judging by their recent accomplishments. Class S agents can take in multiple students at a time instead of just one student. These ranks also scale with power along with experience and loyalty in combative divisions such as EIA or Security. But most of the agents who possess Class S are mostly in EIA since they see more, do more, and are taught more than Security in terms of combat. This role is also given to the directors of each department. These people can usually access almost the entirety of the facility except for the room that houses The Board.

"Class X personnel are only titles given to Board members, which are our highest ranked personnel here. They are to be met with absolute respect and dignity due to their standing. They are to be protected at all costs due to them being so valuable and are often escorted by several high-ranking agents if they decide to take a walk outside their room. Their identities cannot be known so they usually wear a mask to keep their identities safe, they also cannot exit the facility and would often be denied permission to do so. So far, there are only eleven members on The Board which means there are only eleven Class X personnel. They direct everything that goes on around here and can kick out any person that works here if they come under their suspicion. Not even the slightest amount of disrespect toward them will be tolerated, doing so will land you in the Ethics Court, and the result would most likely be your 'disappearance'.

"So that's the rank system, are you two following what I am saying so far?" 

"Yes, Sir."

"Good, now onto clearance levels."

"A quick tip, clearance levels also scale with rank, meaning that as you rank up, you will get a new clearance level that coincides with that rank."

"But sometimes, there are some exceptions here and there with some Class A possessing Class S clearance levels and Class C personnel possessing Class B clearance levels due to them having shown a bit more than their average counterpart in their class."

"The clearance level system goes from Class F clearance level to Class Omni clearance level.

"As you could probably tell from what I said earlier, Class F personnel gets a Class F clearance level, Class D gets a Class D card, etc."

"But the ones you should focus on are Class X and Class Omni. Currently, there is only one known possessor of the Class X clearance level, his identity will be kept secret, but you will find out soon once you join since he is one the most popular agents here. Class Omni on the other hand is given to the members of The Board. Class X card holders have the highest authority out of any other cardholders in the organization, except for of course, Class Omni holders. Class X can access almost anything in our facilities, including the Anomaly Containment Zone which is only accessed by Class A+ due to how dangerous it is there and other agents' personal rooms. But they cannot access The Board's main room or as we like to call it 'The Roundtable' due to the fact that the room is in a circular design. These people need clearance from Class Omni in order to enter the room due to the fact that they are very picky about who enters the room and who doesn't."

"Anyways, I hope you two understand what I am saying here so I don't have to repeat this again since we still have a lot to cover in this interview."

"Yes, we do, Sir."

"Good, moving on..."

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