Chapter 21: Massacre

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Date: October 3, 2024
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Tanjiro's House
Weather: Partly Cloudy


As Tanjiro sat inside his secret room with his "contractor" (AKA Minato) on a call. Tanjiro had a holographic projector built inside the table that was in the middle of the room, from which he was talking to Minato from. As he chatted with Minato he was organizing files that were filled to the brim with paper

"That should be the last of the files for my previous operations..." Tanjiro said as he stacked the files on top of one another and placed them in a cardboard box, "Send them over to HQ and I'll give it to HR personally." Minato said, "Couldn't you just let one of the mailmen do it? It's their job you know?" Tanjiro replied, "I like to waste time..." Minato bluntly replied. "I like how you are a very laid-back person, especially since you have a job that requires a high skill level since any wrong move from you guys could lead to certain world doom," Tanjiro states. Minato chuckled a little bit at the statement "We haven't had any massive threats recently, so why not?" Minato asked, "Point taken," Tanjiro replied. "We've only had missions that usually deal with criminal organizations or mafias or something like that. The entire department is acting more relaxed than it has ever been, even though HR said to stay frosty..." Minato said, "Besides, what are a few low-level criminals and mafias going to do to pose an actual threat to an organization that receives as much funding as it needs and has high-tier weaponry and agents?" Minato added as he laid back in his chair, Tanjiro looked at his friend with a stoic face as if he looked like Minato already knew, "Remember 8 years ago?" Tanjiro said as he raised an eyebrow and continued to place files in boxes, "Ye-uh, oh..." Minato replied with a sigh, "Come on 'Sun Boy' don't be so serious, you used to be so energetic and casual on missions like these." Minato replied, Tanjiro sighed as he relaxed a little bit.

"You've got a point, I used to be a happy little agent who treated every mission as a walk in the park, but after my parents died, I felt grief for the first time in my life. And you know the stages of depression." Tanjiro stated, "Yeah, yeah, Tanjiro I know what it was like, your parents were almost like second parents to me and the others. Losing them hurt as much for us just at it did for you. We're trying to get over the depression by doing what we like, like me." Minato said, "By being lazy and dumb?" Tanjiro questioned with a smirk, "Ye- Hey! I'm not dumb!" Minato replied, Tanjiro laughed, "Haha! Oh sure you aren't buddy, sure you aren't!" Tanjiro said as he joked. "If I'm dumb, then how would I be able to access and navigate the entire world's navigation, communication, and transportation systems? While also being able to tap into any security systems that the world has to throw at me?" Minato questioned, "Relax buddy, I'm just joking with you!" Tanjiro replied, "I don't think you're dumb, I know how much work you do every day." He added.

"Glad to see you appreciate the work I do, even if all I do is just stare at a screen for like 15 hours or until my shift ends." Minato bluntly stated. "Yeah, doesn't it strain your eyes after a while?" Tanjiro asked, "The R&D department gave us all glasses that can help against that, so it doesn't strain until you spend like an entire month in a row just doing missions for other agents 24-7." Minato says, "Nice." Tanjiro states, "Anyways, if you are done organizing your files, then you can send them over to HQ and we can finally be done with a chore that was supposed to be completed like a month ago..." Minato states, "And we can move on to today's mission too." He adds.

Tanjiro nods and begins to take fixed boxes over to a corner of a room with a keypad integrated inside the wall. He inputs a code and out the wall starts the open up, revealing a long tube with a massive door in the middle. He then individually puts the boxes inside the tube as they all are sucked down the tube one by one.

He closes the panel and walks back to his seat to start talking about today's mission. "Alright, onto today's mission briefing," Minato said as he grabs a paper from a set of files on his desk, he then begins to read the text on the document as Tanjiro listens closely in. "An abandoned warehouse has been home to recent sightings of groups of armed men participating in illegal arms and drug dealing. You, agent are to infiltrate and eliminate the groups participating in these actions. The warehouse is located 5 miles from the South of Tokyo and has limited access to roads, meaning the warehouse is almost isolated, which means that you have little fear of being caught. The group is estimated to be around 20 people, both from different organizations. The men are armed with Rifles and SMGs, along with lightweight Kevlar vests. You will be provided with all equipment needed in order to complete this mission along with the exact location of the warehouse that will be sent to your mask." Minato said, "Mission Importance?" Tanjiro asked, "Mild," Minato replied, "Risk Factor?" Tanjiro questioned again, "Mild," Minato replied again. "Mission Status?" Tanjiro asked one last time, "Terminate, just like before." Minato bluntly replied.

Tanjiro nodded as he disconnected the call from the holographic projector with the touch of a button and went to the wall full of suits, he picked one as he walked to the armory wall and grabbed his usual heat blade, and silenced USP. He then went to the cabinet that contained his blood samples, entered the code, and opened the door. He reached above the cabinet and grabbed a dropper, he then took out a vial and put the dropper inside it. He squeezed it a few times as the blood from the vial flowed into the dropper, he then put the vial back in the cabinet and slammed it shut.

He then walked over to the container his mask was in and performed the necessary steps in order for the container to open, he then put on the mask and was greeted with the usual, "Welcome back, agent" from the AI integrated into his mask.


As Tanjiro runs through a forest, he follows a path that the AI lays down for him using a 3D projection, "You got some info about what they are carrying?" Tanjiro says into his earpiece, "Yeah, I sent a reconnaissance drone earlier, the surrounding area is not guarded, meaning you won't be spotted, there is only one light bulb illuminating the entire warehouse, which seems pretty dumb and convenient for us. And it looks like they are carrying rifles and drugs with them in some heavy-duty cases." Minato said as he scrolls through the several pictures that the drone sent to him earlier.

"Right, thanks for the info," Tanjiro replies as he continues down the path.

In a few seconds, his mask starts to speak to him as he nears his destination, "You have almost reached your destination, please continue to follow the path to reach your destination," his mask says in its usual monotone voice. Tanjiro then jumps on a tree and starts jumping from that tree to the next until he finally reaches the warehouse.

There, he could see an old and dusty warehouse that looks like it was decades old, it had broken walls, the metal from the pipes and roof was rusting, there was a certain dusty and airy smell coming from the inside, and there were vines and vegetation growing from the small cracks located on the walls of the warehouse. He could see the light illuminating faintly from the warehouse as he silently managed to jump on the roof of the old building from the tree that he was posted on.

From there, he crawled up to a broken window that was located at the very top of the building, he peered through the gap and saw about 20 men all armed with rifles and sub-machine guns; they all had lightweight, bullet-resistant vests as they conducted a meeting with two men located across from each other, one had a case full of cash and the other had a few cases full of firearms, Tanjiro also saw a box filled to the brim with heroin. As the men conducted their meeting the other gang members were surrounding them as they guarded the meeting. Tanjiro was looking for a way to interrupt the meeting when he saw the singular light bulb that illuminated the entire area, Tanjiro then took out his silenced USP and shot one bullet that penetrated the thin sheet of metal that was covering the light bulb and made contact with the light bulb, shattering it, and plunging the entire building into complete darkness.

He then jumped down as his night vision was activated automatically and he unsheathed his heat blade. As he landed, he could tell everyone was confused about what was going on, but then quickly their eyes fixated on the man who had neon orange and red markings illuminating from his mask and his heat blade shining a bright shade of orange.

They all quickly turned on their flashlights (which they were equipped with since they had to navigate an extremely dark forest in order to get to the warehouse) and faced it towards the man who had already begun attacking.

Tanjiro charged forward and pinned one man to the ground, he quickly grabbed his head and snapped it. The other gang members started firing at him, Tanjiro reacted by zipping around the bullets at amazing speeds and decapitating one of the men with his blade, his head went flying and blood spurted everywhere, including on Tanjiro. Tanjiro didn't mind as he kept attacking the gang members.

He lept towards one of the gangsters and only left a few feet of space between him and the gangster. As the man was about to lift his gun to fire at him, Tanjiro quickly grabbed his arm and crushed it, the man let out a painful scream as he fell to the ground and gripped his arm, Tanjiro grabbed his gun and flipped it in his arms, he then whacked the man with the stock of the gun as blood spurted from his head and the man dropped on the floor dead with his skull caved in.

He then lept in the air as he dodged incoming bullets from other gang members and landed on two other men, as the two men fell to the ground, Tanjiro picked them up by their heads and smashed them together as blood spilled everywhere and a pair of eyes plopped on the ground. Tanjiro then dropped one of the bodies and threw the other at another nearby gang member.

As the corpse and the man collided, the man fell to the ground as blood dripped on his face from the bloody corpse that was thrown at him at high speeds, as he tried to regain his foothold, Tanjiro quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it, the man dropped his rifle and let out a bloodcurdling screech. Another gangster nearby dropped his gun and took out a large knife and tried to attack Tanjiro from behind. Tanjiro noticed as he quickly spun around and used the body of the man he had in his hands as a meat shield, the gangster with the knife accidentally slashed his friend, the "meat shield" let out another scream and Tanjiro swept the leg of the man with the knife, and he fell to the ground with a thud. Tanjiro then quickly silenced the person in his hands by slitting his throat and stabbing him in the heart, as the person's body fell to the ground, Tanjiro stomped on the chest of the man who tried to attack him with a knife. He stomped on it so hard that you could hear his ribs breaking in half and impaling his heart and lungs. As the man yelled in pain, Tanjiro took the gun that was dropped nearby and shot him twice in the head.

Tanjiro then ducked underneath some boxes that were in the warehouse as the other gang members shot at him after trying to find where he was in the pitch-black area with their low-quality flashlights. As Tanjiro looked around for something he could use to distract the gang members with, he found a pipe near him and he grabbed it. He was about to throw the pipe into the ground but noticed that a stary gang member managed to sneak up on him, he was about to fire at Tanjiro, but Tanjiro's quick instincts kicked in as he impaled the man's leg with the pipe, the man fell to the ground as Tanjiro took the pipe out of his leg and crushed his head with it. He then got up and rushed over to a nearby pillar where shots were still being fired at him. Tannjiro took out his USP and fired a few shots into the crowd. The bullets made contact with 3 people as their bodies fell to the ground.

Tanjiro then took out something from his suit; It was a small, white tablet that Tanjiro kept in his bottom coat pocket. He then threw it on the ground as a large puff of smoke engulfed the entire area.

The men were now confused about what was going on as their vision has been severely limited to a few feet in front of them. Tanjiro on the other hand could see perfectly through the smoke and darkness as his mask activated a mode that would allow him to see through the smoke that was covering the entire battlefield. Tanjiro's mask merged both his night vision and "smoke vision" in order to help him fight better in the smoke.

Tanjiro started to attack a group of men as they tried to maneuver their way through the thick fog. Tanjiro began his attack by sweeping the legs of one of the men as he fell to the ground, the other men spotted him and tried to attack him. Since Tanjiro was so close to them, there was limited space and time for the man to try to fire at him with their guns, so they had to resort to using their firearms as blunt weapons and attacked Tanjiro.

Tanjiro caught one of the men's guns as it was about to hit his face, he then delivered two quick backhands, one to the face and one to the stomach as the man dropped to the ground with blood coming out of his nose and mouth. Tanjiro then used that man's gun to hit the other man that was attacking him in the stomach, as the man curled up his stomach in pain, Tanjiro delivered a knee to his face as he fell back and grabbed and held his face in pain. As Tanjiro dropped the gun, he noticed the man that had fallen earlier due to Tanjiro sweeping his legs trying to get up, he then quickly put his foot on his face and crushed his skull.

As blood spurted everywhere on Tanjiro's foot, he grabbed his USP and shot the two men that tried to attack him with their guns. As their bodies fell, Tanjiro quickly noticed that another person was trying to shoot him as he charged over to him and sliced his torso in half with his heat blade.

As the smoke finally cleared, only 9 gang members remained and a bloody mess that could not be seen, but could be smelt. Tanjiro didn't mind the intense smell of blood and corpses as he continued his attack.

He grabbed one of the men by the collar and smashed him into the ground, he then grabbed another man that was trying to attack him with a knife to the head and slammed him into the ground as well. He then took one of their bodies and chucked it at an unsuspecting gang member who was completely turned around. The gangster then collapsed on the ground as Tanjiro killed the other man that was groaning in pain due to his broken back by snapping the man's neck. He then launched himself over to the man that had a body chucked at him as he grabbed him and snapped his leg in two. The man let out a painful screech as Tanjiro was about to kill him, but just as he was about to do so, he was met with a flurry of bullets. Tanjiro noticed this and quickly dropped the man and backflipped over the incoming bullets.

He then charged at the group of men as he stabbed one of them in the neck and uppercut one of them in the chin. As blood started to spurt out of the man's neck, Tanjiro's focus turned to the other two who were trying to attack him. Tanjiro rushed over and kneed one of them in the face, he then grabbed him and performed a quick volley of punches as the man fumbled back, another man tried to attack Tanjiro from behind with a rotten wood plank, but Tanjiro delivered a quick and powerful backhand to his face which broke his nose. He step back in pain as he covered his bleeding nose, Tanjiro then grabbed his shirt and slammed him into the ground, and threw him towards his other attacker. As the two quickly fell to the ground Tanjiro grabbed a nearby gun and unloaded the entire mag on the two of them as blood spurted for each and every shot he fired.

He was then attacked with a large knife from behind that was aimed at his neck, but he managed to duck in time and turned towards his attacker. The man tried to swing at him multiple times, but Tanjiro just dodged again and again with his hands in his pockets. "Dam you!" The man said as he continued to attack, Tanjiro chuckled quietly under his masked as he made his move.

As the man was about to slice him again, Tanjiro launched his arm through his chest and took it out, leaving a hole in his chest. The man then fell to the ground as blood slowly spilled from his open chest wound. As Tanjiro relaxed a bit from the massacre and carnage he caused he heard a yell from behind, "Rahh!" A man yelled with a broken leg yelled started to run at him with a metal pipe, Tanjiro didn't turn around and instead flipped his heat blade in his hand and stabbed the man straight through the heart.

As the man finally fell to the ground, Tanjiro looked around at the carnage he caused and walked over to the table that still had the case of cash, firearms, and heroin all stacked upon it. He grouped the items together and placed a sticker that he got from his coat pocket and left the scene by jumping through one of the skylights.


"Minato?" Tanjiro said into his earpiece, "Guhhhh, Y-yeah?" Minato replied, "The hell what that?" Tanjiro questioned as he walked away from the warehouse. "Uhh... Nothing..." Minato replied, "Have you been sleeping the entire time?" Tanjiro asked, "It's not easy to stay up when you have had only two hours of sleep today!" Minato exclaimed, Tanjiro laughed a bit at his friend's excuse. "Anyways man, I completed the mission, I am pretty sure you can file the report after you get your beauty rest sleeping beauty." Tanjiro said, "Ok that's nice I guess..." Minato bluntly replied, "Good, I'm signing off for now so you can go to sleep." Tanjiro said as he disconnected the call.

Tanjiro then starts to pick up speed as he starts to run toward his house.

"I might have to wash this..." Tanjiro thought as he looked at his bloody suit and shoes.

Spy's Diary

Entry 8


Tanjiro: Dodododododo, huh? O-oh hey! Welcome back!

Tanjiro: In this entry of the Spy's Diary we're going to explore the standard issued uniform for all agents inside the agency.

Tanjiro: As you can see, our uniform is a basic suit and tie. But it's not like any other suit and tie, it has many pockets and storage spaces so we can fit our necessities, such as our heat blades and firearms. It's pretty thick so it's viable for winter conditions, but for summer we have a specially designed suit just for that. We actually have many types of suits available to us, such as stealth and heavy-duty; Each having its own purposes. But mostly, all of our suits are bullet and slash-proof, meaning that we can wear this to any engagement and our suits come out unscathed (mostly). The normal suits can come in many different forms and designs, and usually, we get assigned more than 5 or 6 normal suits when we first start off. We can pick the design we like and they tailor it to exactly our body size. The suit can also absorb liquid substances such as water, oil, soda you name it! It can also absorb blood so agents can look less suspicious after coming from a mission and having to walk in a public crowd.

Tanjiro: The suit absorbs the substance at a pretty fast rate, so you can go into any crowd without having a blood stain on your front or back. But, the stench is still noticeable, so you are not completely concealed. But R&D is working on a way to mask or eliminate the smell that the substance gives off, which is good I guess. Our suits also have many small gaps that were deliberately placed there. They serve as easy access for the other weapons our suits carry such as throwing knives and grappling hooks.

Tanjiro: I really wish I could show and tell you more about our suits, but the author decided to cut my time short and end it off here.

Tanjiro: Anyways, why don't you read the next chapter "Breaking News" to see how my friends react to the massacre I just committed a while ago?

Tanjiro: With that said, I bid you farewell dear reader, and have a fun time reading the rest of this series.

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