Chapter 61: The Field Trip Part 1

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Date: December 24, 2024
Time: 4:35 AM
Location: Mangō Ave.
Weather: Heavy Snow and Light Wind




"Yo? You guys there?" Tanjiro questioned as he peered his head from a wall, he was wearing his winter jacket this time and wore a black backpack on his back. 

He heard a nearby noise and he soon saw two figures approach from the other corner of the other side of the wall. "Yeah Man! We're over here!" A voice from a certain black person yelled as Tanjiro walked off from behind the corner to meet the two figures.

The snow was piled up to about four to five inches (10.16 cm - 12.7 cm) so walking in it was pretty tiresome after a while, but it didn't deter the three as they had prior training beforehand in order to deal with this. 

Luckily, the snow wasn't as soft and mushy as expected, meaning the three could tread on it fairly easily. 

"Man, weather is getting worse huh?" Edmund stated while looking around the dark surroundings that were only illuminated by a few street lights, "Yeah, but it ain't that bad..." Tanjiro replied with an unsure smile while wagging his hand which he turned horizontally and moved it from side to side, signaling an "eh ..." symbol.

"True, I've seen worse." Andrew replied with a stoic and casual tone, "Man's got a point, anyway, why'd you call us here?" Edmund turned to Andrew then to Tanjiro and asked with an eyebrow raised, "Why not? We could probably do a lot of things without the others around." Tanjiro said, "Like what?" Edmund asked with the same expression as before. "Hmmm ... the mission, causal things, etc. I don't know, you choose." Tanjiro answered.

"Should we be heading to the school by now? Our buses leave at 5:30, and it's about a 30-minute walk from here." Andrew nonchalantly asked. "Yeah, I guess we should start our walking," Tanjiro stated as the three began to walk in the same direction as Andrew and Edmund came from.

"Now you guys remember what to bring while you're on the trip?" Tanjiro asked in a somewhat fatherly tone, "A mask, a water bottle, a portable charger, a wallet with some cash in it, and ... an umbrella just in case." Edmund replied, "Same." Both Tanjiro and Andrew replied while nodding in unison.

Edmund snorted a bit out of the sheer unison the two were in but quickly dismissed the thought.

He sighed and began to mumble some things about some random things, "Dang man ... the Lamenters are a sad chapter ..." He said, which caught the two off guard, but only Tanjiro was confused.

"Wh-what?" Tanjiro asked with a concerned eyebrow raised, "Yeah, he's been getting into Warhammer 40K, lately." Andrew replied.

"Huh ... Weren't we all into 40K?" Tanjiro then questioned, "Yeah, but I think Edmund is now looking into the lore, unlike the rest of us who basically know it like the back of our hand." Andrew stated, "Really? Weird." Tanjiro said while giving of shrug of acceptance.

"But not gonna lie, 40K is must better than Star Wars lore, change my opinion." Tanjiro blurted out, much to the agreement of both Edmund and Andrew. "Yeah, Star Wars lore is getting a bit boring nowadays, but on the other hand ... 40K lore is chef's kiss!" Edmund as he did an Italian chef's kiss.

"I also like how the Black Templars literally have like 3,000 marines in their ranks while a regular chapter has like 1,000." Edmund said, "Brother! That is not what the codex says!" Tanjiro stated mockingly, "The Black Templars gave the Ultrasmurfs a fat middle finger and decided to build a legion-sized chapter and created their own codex." Edmund said while laughing. 

"If there was a song to describe the Black Templars, it would probably be 'The Last Stand' from Sabaton." Tanjiro 

"FOR THE GRACE, FOR THE MIGHT OF OUR LORD!" Edmund screamed out while signing in tune to the song, "IN THE HOME OF THE HOLY." Tanjiro followed before they switched to Andrew, "For the faith, for the way of the sword." Andrew said with a robotic tone.

"GAVE THEIR LIVES SO BODLY!" Tanjiro and Edmund shouted with Andrew saying it rather calmly.

"Yeah, that song is perfect though." Edmund said after they finished the chorus, "Oh yeah, remember that time when we were in Saudi on the highway?" Edmund added.

"Oh yeah! A year ago! We were blasting phonk on the car for no reason, I loved that!" Tanjiro replied as he started laughing.

"Yeah and with your Dad - o-oh ... wait ..." Edmund stated before his tone turned into that of guilt and sorrow. "Naaa, it's fine, I'm over it already, remember, I ate 2 granola bars! That's all I needed!" Tanjiro exclaimed while showing Edmund "two" on his fingers.

"Your ways of coping and dealing with grief is weird ..." Andrew replied with a somewhat concerned tone, "Ok, bud, don't try to guilt trip me over not feeling any grief for my dead parents. I don't think of them as 'dead', more like ... 'In a better a place'!" Tanjiro replied with a somewhat over-exaggerated expression, "Plus ... I'm pretty sure he's proud of me up there ... or down there ... I don't know." Tanjiro added with his finger going up and down in a respective manner to what he said.


*Meanwhile Yoriichi and Uta in ... I don't know ... f*cking Limbo?*

Yoriichi: Uhh .... yes ...? I am proud of you ... but I'm still holding a grudge against you for saying that ...

Uta: Awwww ... why not? You can't expect him to be stuck on our deaths forever, honey ... he's gotta' move on somehow.

Yoriichi: But don't you think he did it a bit too fast? Like it only took him like 2 weeks to get over our deaths ..."

Uta: He's always been like this, remember? A bit psychotic and deranged, but overall a kind and handsome child! 

Yoriichi: That's why he's my favorite son.

Uta: Wh-what? He's your only son ...

Yoriichi: Exactly.

Uta: I'm kinda' of glad we died, any more missions with your son and his friends might turn you as deranged as him ...

Yoriichi: Hey ... that's not a kind thing to say, is it? *Pinches her cheek*

Uta: O-ow! I am not that we died! I'm just saying that I don't want two idiots in my household.

Yoriichi: *Starts pulling on her cheek a bit* Take that back, me and Tanjiro are fine, Tanjiro is the weird one.

Uta: Honey ... please stop ... it's starting to hurt me now ... *Gives him puppy dog eyes*

Yoriichi: No.

Uta: Aww ...

Yoriichi: Fine. 

Uta: Yay!

Uta: Anyway, you think that "Kanao" girl is a good fit for our son?

Yoriichi: Maybe, she acts a lot like you when we first met. Shy and quiet, but cute as hell.

Uta: Awww! Thank you!
*Hugs him*

Yoriichi: No problem, Uta. *Smiles at her*

Yoriichi: Either way, Tanjiro is going to have to find someone to marry soon, that's the only way he can "learn".

Uta: The hardships of parenting?

Yoriichi: No, something else.

Uta: Eh? You and your mysterious ways ...

Uta: Also, now I remember back, you hid your sword in the Corporation's garden even though it was strictly prohibited from any other employee to tamper with it other than Maintenance Department employees, and you kept it a secret from me and the others? Is that right? *Turns into a menacing tone*

Yoriichi: *Mumbles* Oh shit...

Yoriichi: Uhhh ... I think lunch is being served, I-I'll get some for the both of us! *Gets up and runs away*

Uta: H-huh?! What do you mean by lunch?! We're dead! We don't need to eat or sleep! We're in Limbo for goodness sake! Get back here Yoriichi Tsugikuni! *Chases after Yoriichi with a menacing and punishing aura*


"What the hell, did I just see ...?" Tanjiro thought while glancing up at the sky as he played with a metal yo-yo in his hand that he got from his backpack.

Tanjiro was stuck in a thought process until his mind was interrupted by the familiar tune of "Come out Ye' Black and Tans" (An IRA song if you need to know).

"Wh-oh yeah, I forgot Andrew made that his ringtone," Edmund stated after a bit of confusion.

"You know, they saw he's American, but in reality, he's from Ireland and constantly wishing for Britain's downfall." Tanjiro comedically replied, "Yeah, hello, Minato?" Andrew asked into his phone as he put it on the speaker.

"Hey! How you guys doing?" Minato stated, "Great, also, why the absolute f*ck are you up so late?" Edmund asked, "My guy, we ain't in the EP anymore, we can get up at like 7." He added.

"I was given some extra work by the HR, something about locating some sort of abandoned underground facility in the middle of Siberia ..." Minato replied with a sort of sleepy tone.

"Man was trying to find a goddam SCP site." Tanjiro joked and he spun his yo-yo around the string which caused Edmund to laugh in response.

"Naa, it ain't like that, fortunately, and unfortunately. Cause if we did find an actual abandoned SCP site, that would be very concerning."
Minato joked as well while laughing a bit.

"So what did you need us for?" Tanjiro asked as he continued to play with his metal yo-yo; unaware of his surroundings, he accidentally smacked Edmund in the face with it and he dropped to the ground in pain.

"AGH, SHIT, F*CK, HOLY SHIT THAT HURT." Edmund said in pain while laughing at the same time, "OH SHIT, HAHAHHA." Tanjiro exclaimed in surprise and began to laugh as well.

"HOLY SHIT, F*CKING ######!" Edmund exclaimed which caused Tanjiro and Minato to be completely caught off-guard and even Andrew widened his eyes a bit. 

"AYO BRO, HE SAID THE BAD WORD." Tanjiro exclaimed, "HE SAID THE N-WORD." Minato laughed, "You going to Brazil motherf*cker." Tanjiro jokingly said while leaning over him.

"NO, NO, NO, I'M SORRY! I DON'T WANNA GO TO BRAZIL!" Edmund suddenly changed the tone to a comedic one as his pain soon began to quickly die off.

He got up and rubbed his forehead where he got hit as a small little bump began to form on it.

"You should really watch where you're chucking that thing man ..." Edmund stated as he turned to Tanjiro.

"True ..." Tanjiro replied.



"I'm sorry everybody but we'll be switching to a new scene now," Tanjiro said with a rectangle in his hand that showed Kimetsu High School at the current time with buses and students on the ground in front of it.

"Nothing interesting is going to happen until then so I'll be switching it," Tanjiro stated as he put the rectangle in front of the screen and it automatically zooms into the new scene.


Kanao and the others were standing in the middle of the crowd of students, the teachers were on the side managing them and trying to catch any troublemakers.

"Wow ... there sure are a lot of students here ... isn't there?" Nezuko asked as she turned to Kanao, "Yeah, this doesn't seem like 300 students ... this feels like 1,000 ..." Kanao stated while in pure astonishment.

Nezuko sighed, "I still can't believe what happened only a few hours ago when on that mission, I didn't even go to sleep because of it." Nezuko said.

"You didn't? I did ..." Kanao replied with a curious tone, "Yeah, that's because you were probably thinking about him the entire night which caused you to go to sleep comfortably," Nezuko said in a teasing but a bit serious tone because she was a bit grumpy for not getting her sleep.

"Uh-u-u-uhh ..." Kanao started blushing out of embarrassment, not only was it true, she also completely forgot to tell her sisters about it as she literally slept like a baby while lulling herself to sleep with Tanjiro in her mind.

"I swear, one day, Kanao is going to go full-on Yandere on me ..." Tanjiro appeared out of nowhere and shuddered a bit at the thought of having a sadistic lover who's on him 24/7.

(Silence, you already broke the 4th wall, go back.)

"Fine," Tanjiro replied while disappearing out of sight again.

"Speaking of Tanjiro, where is he?" Nezuko began to look around the crowd as she left Kanao still blushing in embarrassment. "Kanao? You ok?" Aoi asked as she quickly swooped in to help her sister.

"I-it's f-fine Aoi ... hehe ..." Kanao replied with a sort of goofy laugh, "You were thinking about Tanjiro, weren't you?" Aoi replied with an eyebrow raise.

"Ye-Yes ..." Kanao replied with an embarrassed laugh, "Huh ... no wonder you went through two pairs today ..." Aoi stated while stroking her chin.

"A-AOI! NOBODY NEEDS TO KNOW!" Kanao shouted at her in embarrassment and anger.

"W-WAIT, YOU ACTUALLY DID?! THAT WAS A JOKE!" Aoi exclaimed in pure astonishment before she began laughing. 

(Something never seen before, Aoi is laughing, now we just need Andrew and Giyu.)

"HOLY HELL, YOU ACTUALLY - AHHA AHHAHAHAHAHA, HOLY SHIT, THIS IS TOO FUNNY." Aoi continued to laugh as she gripped her stomach and fell to the ground, Kanao pouted out of fury held her skirt down, and looked away from her.

"HOLY HECK, I'M ACTUALLY CRYING, AHAHAHAHAH," Aoi stated as a lone tear trickled down her face. 

"Aoi? What's wrong, you're laughing like a hyena." Nezuko asked with a lot of concern, "NO! AOI! PLEASE!" Kanao shouted at her sister, "K-KANA-AHAHHA-SHE WENT THROUGH TWO PAIRS-AHAHHA." Aoi replied while trying her best to get under control.

"PFFFfft!" Nezuko sputtered in another direction away from the two and began laughing as well, "MMMMMM! I hate you both!" Kanao stated with a large tick mark on her face along with her blush.

"What happened, I keep hearing you guys laughing, especially Aoi, this woman never laughs." Genya joked as he soon interrupted the three, "What you mean 'never laughs'?! You think just because I'm a bossy and strict person means I can't have a good laugh once in a while?!" Aoi suddenly stopped laughing and turned to Genya with a rather furious tone in her voice as she leaned over him.

"N-no! I'm just saying that we've never heard you actually laugh this much in a while, I was just interested in what was so funny that caused you to laugh like this!" Genya replied in a worried tone while trying his best to not get on Aoi's bad side.

"It's a 'girl' thing Genya, I don't think it will be appropriate to tell you ..." Nezuko answered Genya's question, "O-oh, shit, sorry ..." Genya was the embarrassed one now as he scratched the back of his head in shame.

"Hey! I'm not done with you yet!" Aoi exclaimed as she quickly redirected Genya's attention to her.

"Shit ..." Genya thought before Aoi's scolding began.

"..." Inosuke stopped trying to kill Zenitsu on the sidelines and looked at Aoi berating Genya, (Who just had a derp face at this point).

"Wh-what happened ..." Zenitsu thought to himself as he was trying to protect himself from Inosuke's next blow, he looked at Inosuke who was just staring at Genya. 

He sensed something was off about Inosuke because he noticed that his heartbeat was slightly faster and heavier than before. He took a quick look at where Inosuke was staring and saw Aoi scolding Genya, "Jealously ... but how is this idiot feeling jealous?" Zenitsu wondered with a very confused face.

"Yo! Inosuke! Are you jealous?" Zenitsu asked as he got up, "Huh?! What do you mean 'jealous'?! The great lord does not feel any of such emotion!" Inosuke exclaimed as he began to try to beat up Zenitsu again.

"Hu-AH! AHHHH-!" Zenitsu exclaimed as he began running around to get Inosuke off his tail again.

But unbeknownst to Inosuke and Zenitsu, Genya actually heard what Zenitsu said and immediately pieced it together, "Shit, I need to go talk to Inosuke." He thought before turning to Aoi.

"Aoi, I understand, but right now, I have many more important things to take care of." Genya said, which caught Aoi off guard, "What?" She asked as she watched Genya quickly scurry away and out of her sight.

"H-hey!" Aoi exclaimed before giving up shortly after.

She sighed and looked at the two girls who were already engaged in another conversation. 

"Excuse me, sorry, passing through!" A familiar voice rang through the crowd that was picked up by the ears of the three girls. 

They soon turned their eyes to see Tanjiro, Edmund, and Andrew appearing from the crowd in front of them. "Hey you guys!" Tanjiro stated with a bright smile and a wave. 

The three girls waved back at him but with differing emotions: Nezuko was happy and overjoyed to see Tanjiro and their other friends, Aoi really didn't show any emotion and just waved back, and Kanao was embarrassed as hell to meet him after what just happened, but nevertheless she waved back.

"Tanjiro! Hi!"
Nezuko said as she ran up to the redhead, "Hey there, Nezuko!" Tanjiro replied as he patted her head and smiled at her.

"The innocent and kind personality for Tanjiro does NOT fit him at all ..." Edmund thought telepathically to Andrew, "Yeah, it's kinda weird to see him like this, he's usually very psychotic and unhinged, but to be honest, this is just him without the deranged attitude."  Andrew thought back.

"Shut up, I can hear you both." Tanjiro's voice interrupted their telepathic conversation and a forced smile appeared on Tanjiro's face as he was talking to the girls. "Just speaking the truth bud, anymore of this and I'm going to have an aneurism." Edmund thought back with a grin, "It's for the mission, I'm not keeping this for long though." Tanjiro thought as he simultaneously spoke with the girls. 

"What do you mean?" Andrew thought with a curious face, "I'll tell you when the time comes." He listened to Tanjiro think, "Ok!" Edmund thought with a smile on his face before turning off his telepathic communicator.

And then a moment after that, a loud sound rang out through the crowd, and everybody went silent and faced where it came from.

Gyomei successfully managed to gather the attention of all the students as he watched Ubuyashiki step forward to present himself. 

Ubuyashiki cleared his throat before he spoke to the crowd with Amane by his side, "Welcome children, to the annual winter field trip of Kimetsu High." He said before some claps and cheers rang out through the crowd.

"The field trip is the same as last year, you will all be split up into groups, one group will have a chaperone and teacher's assistant escorting the rest of the group. Now, I am positive that all of you have received the group, bus number, and chaperone's name in the letter I sent out a week ago, right?" Ubuyashiki asked with a calm and soothing tone.

There was a mix of nods and "Yes, sir!" From the crowd of students.

Ubuyashiki smiled, "But considering we are one chaperon short, we're going to have one student volunteer act as a chaperone for one of the groups, the group will be considerably smaller than the rest of the adult-led chaperone groups. And I have a feeling that most of a few of you will at least, will already know who the chaperone is." Ubuyashiki stated before speaking again, "May Tanjiro Tsugikuni please come on up?" Ubuyashiki asked before he heard some murmuring among the crowd of students before seeing the recognizable redhead step out from the crowd and walk up to Ubuyashiki.

"I'm here, Ubuyashiki-sama!" Tanjiro said with a bright smile that Ubuyashiki returned and chuckled a bit, "Alright my child, go ahead and join the other chaperones." Ubuyashiki as he patted Tanjiro on the head.

Tanjiro nodded in response and ran up to the teachers to join them.

He was met with a very mixed response from chaperones, with most being happy and overjoyed to see him such as Rengoku, Mitsuri, Kanae, and Gyomei. To feel a bit neutral about it like Giyu and Uzui. To feeling outright angry, like Obanai and Sanemi. Tanjiro felt no intimidation coming from Obanai and Sanemi and instead decided to show a stoic expression as his reaction.

"As you all know, there are 10 groups in total. Currently, we have 340 students, and since each bus can hold 38 students, we've decided to rent 10 buses for this trip. One group for each bus, and one color for each bus as well." Ubuyashiki stated.

"And since the student volunteer's group will only be 17 students, some of you have been moved to other groups as said in your letter." He added, "Tanjiro, my child, why don't you come forward for a second?" Ubuyashiki asked before a swift nod from Tanjiro as he stepped forward. 

"Would you like to select a few volunteers to be your assistants along the trip?" Ubuyashiki asked with the same tone as before, "How many, if I can ask?" Tanjiro questioned with a smile, "You can pick 3 at the current, your group won't be that big so you could choose less if you want to." Ubuyashiki replied with a similar smile.

"Alright, I'll pick Kanao, Edmund, and Andrew," Tanjiro stated without hesitation.

(Like none at all, this motherf*cker literally said names without thinking.)

(And I know what you're thinking: "But won't Tanjiro take at least a few milliseconds to decide, meaning he did technically have time to think?" And to that I say ... )

(This motherf*cker didn't even take one Planck time or second to decide that (For those that don't know, Planck time is the smallest unit time can be measured in). )

"Alright, may Kanao, Andrew, and Edmund please step forward," Ubuyashiki said with a heavy accent on the two English names he wasn't that used to saying English names, but his accent was clear enough for the rest to understand.

The three previously mentioned students stepped forward with all of them looking rather confused as to what they were called up for. 

"You three will be aiding Tanjiro in managing his group during the field trip," Ubuyashiki said with a smile.

Andrew and Edmund were rather perplexed about why specifically Tanjiro chose them but were pretty happy to be chosen. But Kanao on the other hand was very overjoyed that her crush chose her to help him.

She was silently burning up inside but unbeknownst to her, she was turning red in front of the crowd.

Tanjiro looked at her with a very concerned face, "She ain't ok ... this ain't good." Tanjiro thought with a rather comedic tone in this thought bubble.

"Alright, with all that sorted out, may every student please line up in front of their respective chaperones and buses?" Ubuyashiki said with a chuckle after seeing Kanao before he looked at the rest of the students.

And before long, the boarding process for the field trip began.

Spy's Dairy

Entry 27

Tanjiro: Huh ... only 27? I thought we were well past 27 ...

Yeah, kind of weird.

Tanjiro: Oh well, the show must go on.

Yeah, you do that while I listen to some Sabaton (I'm literally doing that while writing this part of the chapter)

Tanjiro: Which song?

Red Baron

Tanjiro: Noice.

Tanjiro: Anyways, there's been a little theory brewing amongst our employees in the Corporation saying that there will be a new department created in the coming years.

Tanjiro: The department would mostly focus on the education employees and agents both internal employees who were just employees that were born inside corporation walls, and external born, meaning employees that were born in a country.

Tanjiro: You know how we had schools and educational programs to teach our agents both young and old?

Tanjiro: Well that was a branch under the Ethics Department, but due to some new policy changes and plans for a much bigger project that seeks to improve our education and training amongst new agents, the branch is probably going to become its own department probably named the Academic Education Department or something similar to that.

Tanjiro: It's still going to be under the Ethic Department's command, sort of like how the Marines serve under Navy command.

Tanjiro: Well ... that's it for today, join us next time when we will witness the journey from Kimetsu city to Tokyo boarding off our buses and starting our adventure in Tokyo in the chapter, "The Field Trip Part 2"!

Tanjiro: Bye!






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