Chapter 43: Arteus Corps Part 9: Last Day Before Arrival

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Weather: [REDACTED]


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"Alright, before we go over the last two departments, I just want to make it known that you don't have to come up with a department that you want to join as soon as you are given the waiver and forms. You can decide after that, so I am letting you know that I am not pressuring you to make your decision as soon as the interview closes up."

"Understand, Sir."

"Good, now onto the last few departments."

"Starting off, we have the Maintenance Department or MD. First of all, the structure of MD is similar to the Research Department where there is not really a separate department, but just titles that are given to the people who specialize in a certain area of maintenance. To start off we have Basic Technicians which is the default title of those new to MD, then we have Moderate Technicians, a technician who was been working for a few months without the help of a mentor. And Advanced Technicians are technicians that have gained more than a year of experience and now specialize in a certain role that we have for them. If one receives the 'Advanced Technician' title, then another title would appear on their database which represents what role they specialize in."

"We have several roles but I'll only give you a few since you would find them out later. We have Architectural Integrity Technicians, Electrical Technicians, Anomalous Containment Technicians, and Quantum Technicians."

"The Architectural Integrity Technicians are tasked with keeping the main structure and foundation of a facility safe and free from harm. They can do this by replacing walls that have deteriorated, pipes, windows, etc. but they are pretty vital to the MD and are surprisingly one of the most common titles given to Advanced Technicians since they spent their entire lives learning the in's and out's of the facilities that we have."

"Next is the Electrical Technicians. As the name suggests, these guys are technicians that work on a facility's electrical systems and power. They are what regular technicians do in the open world, but they are much more advanced than their ordinary counterparts. Next is the Anomalous Containment Technicians which maintain the containment chambers that our anomalies are stored in. Due to some of our anomalies having some type of matter-bending abilities, thus being able to breach far more easily than other anomalies, these guys are to manage the status of each anomaly's containment chamber and determine if any parts need to be replaced. They are like the Architectural Integrity Technician, but far more focused on anomaly containment which requires a considerable degree of knowledge since you need to know what type of power each anomaly has and what threat they possess to us. "

"The final one that we have are the Quantum Technicians. These guys assist R&D, specifically Quantum Research Personnel in maintaining and keeping certain projects that have to do with the Quantum Theory working and safe from us and from it. Due to the extremely fragile nature of Quantum Law and how it operates, we need to keep projects that dwell into these mechanics safe from the world since one small mistake could spell doom for us all, which is why Quantum Technicians are the most advanced technicians that we have around here. These Quantum projects are kept secret even from everyone, including most members of the corps since executing some of these projects would require massive breaches in corps rule and humanity."

"This finished off the second-to-last department that we have on our list, so let's move on to our final department, which is the Ethics Department, or the department I am in."

"The Ethics Department is not split up into any departments, divisions, or have posses any titles whatsoever. We are one singular entity that makes the rules and procedures of this very large and risky organization, we also conduct interviews with members looking to join us or ally with us. The Ethics Department has been here since day 1, as I already told you, and they have established a ton of rules that are all kept in the Ethics Guidelines."

"The HR's for the Ethics Department is known as the 'Council of Ethics', which is like a less powerful version of The Board. They do the job of The Board which is to oversee the activities going on in the corporation and to keep the peace of the world safe from the dangers of this earth, but only to a certain extent as The Board deals with much higher risk deals and complications."

"The Ethics member also escort tests that are run by R&D to make sure that they are not breaching any laws and they watch over the other departments to make sure that they are not breaching rules too, and if you ask how closely they watch the other departments, they monitor the departments much more than how a stock broker monitors his/her stocks. Though the ED is hated by the other departments, they would have to respect them since thanks to them, we don't operate in a large organization that loses members every day and have no sense of decency among their own peers."

"We are such sticklers to the rules that we even earned ourselves a nickname called 'Jeff's Sticklers', don't ask me where the 'Jeff' part comes from, probably from one of the founders of the Ethics Department, but the 'Stickler' part, I understand since we act as if the Ethics Guideline is a holy book to us."

"Now that we have officially completed this interview, I will provide you with a couple of forms that I need you to sign in order to fully join our illustrious corporation."

"So, I need you to sign here and here and make sure you read it since we don't know if you actually want to join the corporation or not yet, and we want you to make up your mind, so there will be additional information on each form that could make you confident on your decision to join us or no."

"We agree, Sir."

"Thank you, now if you would be so kind and head out that door and head onto the next phase of entry, that would be a delight." 

"Yes, Sir."

"Thank you, welcome to Arteus Corps you two."


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