Chapter 30: The Dance

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Date: October 31, 2024
Time: 6:45 PM
Location: Kimetsu High School
Weather: Cloudy


"Hello, Tanjiro-kun!" Mitsuri said as she ran up to the group and greeted each one of them with a large smile. 

Mitsuri was wearing a kitsune outfit as she had several large and bushy fox tails protruding from her exterior, she was wearing a white kimono with red linings, and her kimono was also held together with a large red bow. Her legs showed to reveal she was wearing lime-green socks with dark blue cuffs, the socks were from Iguro as a gift which she wore every day to school. 

"Mitsuri-sensei! Nice to meet you! Great costume by the way!" Tanjiro said with a bright smile as he reached for Mitsuir's hand to shake it.

Mitsuri was so occupied with greeting Tanjiro and the others that she didn't even bother to pay close attention to their costumes. As she went to Tanjiro to shake his hand (after shaking it once before), she finally got a full glimpse of his costume and the others and she started to blush like crazy.

"KYAAAA! TANJIRO-KUN YOU LOOK SO HANDSOME!" Mitsuri said as she covered her face and turned away from Tanjiro.

Tanjiro and Mitsuri got a mix of reactions and looks directed at him and Mitsuri. He was picking up multiple emotions with his nose, but the two strongest were coming from Zenitsu and Iguro with them beaming with jealousy. "Oh boy..." Tanjiro thought as he looked at the two who had several tick marks on their face, were gritting their teeth (Tanjiro could sense Iguro was doing that even if he was wearing a mask), and looking at Tanjiro with death glares. "I'M GONNA MURDER THAT BRAT!" Iguro thought as he crushed his fists together, "Tanjiro how the goddam hell do you do it?! You're not going to make it past this day I swear!" Zenitsu thought.

Tanjiro was also picking up another scent jealously coming from his group, he turned his eyes to see Kanao who had a tick mark on her face. Tanjiro quickly turned back to face Mitsuri who was still blushing, "Oh god, Zenitsu and Iguro aren't the only jealous ones..." Tanjiro thought as he looked to the ground with a goofy expression. "A-anyways, what do you need us for?" Tanjiro said, "O-oh yeah, we needed you to set up these charms along the main school building and fence!" Mitsuri replied as she turned to Kanae who had a few boxes in her hands, "Kanae-chan! Over here!" Mitsuri waved as Kanae walked over to the group and placed the boxes down, "Hah! Here they are!" Kanae said with an ecstatic tone, "Now make sure that you space these out at least 5 or 6 feet from one another, there is only so much that we can use!" She said as she gave the boxes to the group, "Now off you go!" Kanae said as she turned the group around and shoved them out of the gym.

The group was initially caught by surprise, but they soon turned back and gave a nod of approval as they walked off, "Oh yeah by the way Tanjiro!" Kanae said as the entire group including Tanjiro turned around, "Looking good!" She said as she secretly gave a wink to Kanao, who knew what it meant and started blushing once again.

Tanjiro once again could pick up another scent of jealousy coming from Sanemi who was looking at him with a death glare and a box cutter knife in his hand, "I have a knife and a goal..." Sanemi thought as Tanjiro broke eye contact with him, "I'm pretty sure I'm on their hit list now..." Tanjiro thought as he signaled his friends to follow him with a snap and a yank of the head, they soon followed Tanjiro down the hall.


Tanjiro began to open boxes to see small charms with large pieces of paper on the front reading "Happy Halloween," or "Hope you have a spooky time!" And other phrases that were written on them.

But before Tanjiro could even begin to set up the decor, he noticed something was off about the smell of the charms. "Weird..." Tanjiro thought as he gave the box another whiff, "These charms smell like Wisteria..." He thought.

Tanjiro's mind then began to work as it tried to think why it was specifically Wisteria. "Aren't roses cheaper or other flowers?" Tanjiro thought, "I know Wisteria can be used to create lethal poisons, but that's all it's good for, other than producing a nice odor..." He thought as he began to take the charms out of the box and handed them to Genya who was placing the charms on the school fence with some tape. "Wait, isn't there a Wisteria forest nearby here?" Tanjiro thought, "I guess one of the teachers just went to the nearby forest to pick the flowers and bring them back to put in the charms..." He thought, "Yeah...I guess that's what they did..." Tanjiro finally concluded in his flurry of thoughts, "Or does Wisteria serve a purpose, like a symbol or something?" Tanjiro wondered before shaking his head and continuing his work.

"Bah! Best not to worry about it now." Tanjiro thought as he huffed.
"Hey, Tanjiro." Genya said, "Hm?" Tanjiro replied. "What is your Halloween costume supposed to be?" Genya stated, "Is it supposed to be like a groom or something, because you look like you are dressed for a ball or a wedding." Genya added, "Oh, so I've been getting into James Bond movies recently..." Tanjiro said as he scratched his head, "Oh so you are dressed up as a spy or something like that?" Genya asked, "Yeah, I guess you could say that!" Tanjiro replied with a smile.

"That makes sense, but how much did the suit cost?" Genya said, "I don't know, my parents bought it for me before they passed, and they never told me the price." Tanjiro replied. Genya then reached down for Tanjiro's suit and felt the fabric.

Tanjiro's eyes widened out of shock and he froze for a brief moment since another ability of his suit was to deliver a violent electric shock to anyone who handles the suit with force. "It feels sleek and nice! This thing must have cost a fortune! How f*cking rich were your parents?!" Genya asked as he took his hand off Tanjiro's suit.

"I-I don't know..."
Tanjiro said as he snapped out of his trance and looked at Genya. "Rich boy! Anyways, c'mon, help me with hanging these things up before the dance starts." Genya said while teasing Tanjiro a bit, "I want to make it in time for the costume competition!" Genya stated.

"Oh yeah, right!" Tanjiro replied as he also started to help Genya with his work.


As the gang sat at the snacks and drinks table while music was playing in the background and students who had already arrived at the dance were now engaging in the plentiful activities the school had to offer such as apple bobbing, pin the tail on the donkey, darts, etc. The Kamaboko Squad was having a great time as they were talking and chatting while waiting for their other friends to arrive.

"Aoi-chan! Kanao-chan!" Said a voice from the crowd. The group of friends soon quickly turned their heads as they saw three people emerge from the crowd.

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