Chapter 19: The Restaurant

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Date: September 29, 2024
Time: 2:24 PM
Location: Yuri Rd.
Weather: Sunny


"No way! Really?" Tanjiro said as he laughed along with the rest of the group, "I kid you not guys, nemi was wearing a pink cooking apron, funniest shit I ever saw." Genya says as he laughs at the memory of seeing his big brother wearing a pink cooking apron.

"Haha, you guys want to know something else?" Zenitsu said, the entire group nodded and started to listen to what their blonde-hair friend had to say, "So one day while I was taking care of the dishes..." Zenitsu said as he paused to add to the suspense, "... I saw Kaigaku wearing makeup!" Zenitsu said as he laughed like a hyena, the entire group also burst into uncontrollable laughter, "I swear to god! Funniest thing I have ever seen! I have a dam picture of it too!" Zenitsu said as he pulled out his phone and opened it to the picture and showed it to the group.

The group started to laugh more as Zenitsu told the backstory of why Kaigaku looked like Cardi B, "It happened at school a few weeks ago when Kaigaku was caught up in a bet. Long story short, he lost the best and was forced to wear makeup for an entire day. I and Gramps reacted with uncontrollable laughter as he just stormed off to his room, furious as hell. I managed to take a picture at the perfect time and I showed it to Gramps, he told me to save it and so I kept it." Zenitsu said as he started to chuckle.

"Man..." Tanjiro said as he wiped a tear from his face due to him laughing too much. "That was some entertaining stuff guys." Tanjiro said, Genya leaned down next to Zenitsu's ear, "Kaigaku do be built like Cardi B." He said as Zenitsu snickered, "Send that to the group chat Monitsu, the great lord demands that picture!" Inosuke says as he tries to grab Zenitsu's phone to which Zenitsu tries to keep it away from him, "St-stop! Inosuke, I'll send it to group chat just wait!" Zenitsu beckons as Inosuke releases his foothold on him, "Jeez, have some patient..." He said as he sends to picture to the group chat.

All the group's phones ding as they log on to the group chat and save the picture, "A fine addition to my collection..." Tanjiro said as he smirked. "Hey, Tanjiro have you finally found your costume idea yet?" Aoi asked as she looked at her phone, "Nah... I don't have any idea yet, but I am pretty sure I will come up with one soon enough." Tanjiro replied. "What? How come?" Genya asked, "Maybe it's probably because I have a lot of ideas, at first I didn't have any, but now I have some, which I guess is progress." Tanjiro said as he scratched the back of his head, "What are your options so far?" Aoi asked, "Uhh..." Tanjiro said as he was thinking of the options he had, "Well for animals I guess I would put down a wolf. Food, maybe some type of dessert. But if I ever choose to go to the dance as an urban legend or some mysterious folklore monster, I would choose a vampire. For a job, maybe I would go as a construction worker or something like that, maybe a businessman." Tanjiro said, "That's a lot of options Tanjiro..." Kanao said, "Yeah, it's good that you have options, but you have to decide on one soon enough because the dance is a month away from now..." Zenitsu said, "It's fine! It's a month remember? I have plenty of time left!" Tanjiro said with a smile, "Ok, but if you can't decide on the costume you are wearing by the time of the dance, we're busting into your house and putting random clothes on you until you look like you have a full outfit." Zenitsu said, the entire group nods as Tanjiro looks at them with a concerned look, "Please don't do that..." Tanjiro said, "Only if you come to the dance with a full costume." Genya teased, "Why are you guys forcing me to the dance, I thought I had a choice whether to go or not." Tanjiro said, "In our group, we all attend the same events no matter what! If even one of us back down from a group activity, we will drag them by force until they decide to participate in it." Neuzko said. The entire group except for Tanjiro nodded as Tanjiro looked at them with a dumb expression, "Ok..." He said, "Guess I'm going to the dance then, but don't worry, I'll probably have a costume decided by then." Tanjiro said as he reassured the group.

"Good." Nezuko said, "Now, onwards!" She said as she led the group, "Wait, Nezuko, do you even know where the restaurant is?" Tanjiro questioned, Nezuko stopped and turned around with a deadpan look and said, "No," Tanjiro looked at her with a "Bruh" face, "Come on, I'll lead." Tanjiro said as he led the group to their location.


After a few minutes of walking the group took a left on a road as they kept on talking, "So you guys prepared for the test next week?" Genya said, "The chemistry test?" Kanao said, "Yeah that." Genya replied, "I know me and Aoi are ready, but I don't know about you guys," Kanao said. Zenitsu pouted, "No fair that you two have the chemistry teacher as your sister..." Zenitsu says as he pouts, "Just because Shinobu nee-san is our sister, doesn't mean she is more easy-going with us." Aoi said as she corrected Zenitsu, Kanao nods, "She treats us like any other student grading-wise and grades us like how she grades the other students, meaning she won't curve our grades and she won't put a pass in the grade book for a test we either miss or fail. We sometimes try to ask her for tips, but she always replies with her own statement, telling that we should look in the book and try to find out what we missed." Kanao said, "Well glad to know that Shinobu-sensei is not biased unlike some of my teachers in second year..." Nezuko says, "Yeah most of the teachers were pretty biased in first and second year, except for Gyomei-sensei." Aoi replied.

As Tanjiro listens to the group talking he starts to look around to find something interesting, and low and behold, he finally found something that piqued his interest. "Holy crap!" He thinks as he takes out his phone and starts to run toward the supernatural phenomenon, the group notices this and questions Tanjiro where he was going, "Tanjiro, where are you going!?" Kanao asks, "I'll be back in a few minutes just keep walking!" Tanjiro replied back, "But how will we know where the restaurant is?!" Nezuko exclaimed, "Just keep heading straight for now! The restaurant is located downtown, near the first Starbucks that you find! It's called "Chow Time" and it should be right across the street from it!" Tanjiro said as he continues running, "What's gotten into him?" Aoi said, "I don't know, but he said he will come back in a while, and we know that Tanjiro never lies, so I guess we could trust him..." Zenitsu says as the group continues to walk on without Tanjiro.


Meanwhile, Tanjiro was running down an empty street when he took his phone out and started to record something rather peculiar.

It was a rat with a chef's hat carrying a piece of bread along the sidewalk.

"Holy crap, Minato is going to love this!" Tanjiro said as he records the rat dragging a piece of bread along the sidewalk.

He finishes recording the video as he goes to his messages and clicks and a private message labeled, "Dumba*s"

Dumba*s Private Messages

Dumba*s: When the hell are you going to change my name on your phone Tanjiro?

Tanjiro: Uh...

Tanjiro: Soon... Very soon Minato...

Dumba*s: Yeah, yeah, anyways aren't you supposed to be on a walk with your friends?

Tanjiro: Yeah, we decided to go to a restaurant after the walk since all didn't go as planned, but look what I found!

*Tanjiro has sent a video attachment*

Tanjiro: So, what do you think?

Dumba*s: I'm saving this shit on my gallery.

Tanjiro: Lol, I knew you would love it.

Dumba*s: Of course, I would, how could I not save a video about my favorite childhood movie?

Tanjiro: It's f*ckin Ratatoullie!

Dumba*s: Can you send more pictures of it?

Tanjiro: Yeah hold-


Dumba*s: What happened?

Tanjiro: Ratataoullie got ran over...

Dumba*s: Bruh, well there goes my childhood...

Tanjiro: At least we have the last memory of our heroic rat...

Dumba*s: Yeah, I'll try to commemorate him in my free time.

Tanjiro: It's just a rat man...

Dumba*s: A rat that's my childhood hero! Don't make fun of me!

Tanjiro: Ok, ok, fine, I'll stop making fun of you and your weird rat fetish.

Dumba*s: Take that back boi.

Tanjiro: I was joking! Probably cause I have to leave soon since my friends are waiting for me...

Dumba*s: Ok, fine, I'll let you off the hook for now, but when you come back to HQ for your checkup, I better not catch you making fun of "Ratatouille" ok?

Tanjiro: Yeah ok, anyways I got to go, see ya!

Dumba*s: Bye.

*Tanjiro has logged off*

As Tanjiro puts away his phone he runs back to the road that his friends were last on and began to run down it until he saw his friends. "That was kinda gruesome..." Tanjiro thought as he thinks about the rat that got run over by a truck, "Rat got truck-kun'ed out of nowhere..." Tanjiro thinks as he keeps running, he soon wipes the thought as his nose picks up the faint scent of his friends. "There you are!" He thinks as he keeps running.

A few minutes later, he appears behind the group and manages to secretly follow them without them noticing. "Maybe I should play a trick on them..." Tanjiro thought as he smirked. He got a few pebbles and threw them on the ground which created a light but noticeable "tik" sound as the pebbles hit the ground, he quickly disappeared out of sight as he watched their reactions, "What was that?" Zenitsu said as he turned around, the group turned around to look at what Zenitsu was looking at, "It's nothing man..." Genya said, Zenitsu turned around and immediately turned around again, "The hell was that?!" Zenitsu exclaimed, "Relax Monitsu, it's nothing." Inosuke said, "Just keep walking." Genya stated. The group kept walking until Zenitsu turned around again, "I swear, I'm not hearing things, who is there?!" He said as Genya and Inosuke pinned him down, "He's hearing voices again, give me the pills!" Genya said Aoi pulled out some pills and the entire group looked at her like she was crazy, "When I said "give me the pills" I meant for Zenitsu to calm down Aoi, I didn't expect you to carry an entire f*cking pharmacy with you, where did you even fit that?!" Genya said, "I'll never tell..." Aoi said with a chuckle, "Ok... Anyways, Zenitsu there is nothing there, what are you talking about?" Genya asked, "If only you had good hearing, then you can hear what I heard." Zenitsu replied, "Zenitsu there was nothing there, you heard nothing and you saw nothing." Genya firmly stated, "Why are you trying to f*cking gaslight me?! Let me go!" Zenitsu said as he squirms in Genya's and Inosuke's arms.

As the scene ensued the same sound was heard except it was louder, the entire group heard the sound as they turned their heads immediately, there they saw Tanjiro coming out from the corner of a street. "Suprise!" He said as he walked up to the group, "Tanjiro!" Nezuko said as she ran up to him, "So it was you who made those sounds that Zenitsu kept hearing?" Genya said, "I told you, I'm not crazy!" Zenitsu said as Genya and Inosuke loosened their grip on Zenitsu and fell to the ground with a thud. "Yeah, sorry. But to be honest, I was planning to keep the joke going on for longer, but since I saw Zenitsu being reprimanded because of him hearing things and Aoi pulling out some pills, I thought that I had to stop since I didn't want Zenitsu to be sent to an asylum." Tanjiro said, "Eh... It's ok as long as you are here." Genya said as he walked up to his friend, "Why were you gone for so long?" Aoi said as the group began walking, "You guys know the popular Pixar movie "Ratatouille" that come out in 2007?" Tanjiro said, most of the group nodded since they heard about the movie or at least seen it, "Yeah, the movie where a rat violates multiple health code conditions?" Aoi said, "Minato is going to kill you if you say that to his face..." Tanjiro thought, "I saw the movie it was pretty nice." Genya said, "I saw it too, with an old friend of mine, who said it was his favorite childhood movie." Tanjiro said, "Anyways, I took a video of a rat with a chef's hat while carrying a piece of bread." Tanjiro added, "Hold on I'll send it to you so you guys can see it," Tanjiro said as he starts to type on his phone.

A few seconds later the video was sent and the entire group clicked on the video and watched it, "Awwww! Cute!" Nezuko said as she squealed which caused the entire group to jump back, "Pretty funny!" Genya said as he saved the video to the phone, "I hope that rat is safe!" Nezuko said, Tanjiro's eyes widen to show a goofy expression as he looked down, "Eeeee..." he said. "Let's not that talk about that..." He said as they exit the road that they were walking on and into the entrance of the main city.


After 15 or so minutes of walking, they reached the restaurant and look at the long line, "Dam, you're right Tanjiro, this restaurant is very popular..." Genya said as he looked at the line, the group fell into line as they waited.

They waited...

And waited...

And waited...

After a few hours of waiting filled with laughter, chatter, and silence Inosuke was starting to get impatient, "God dam it! How long is this line taking?!" Inosuke exclaimed, "Calm down Inosuke, it's a popular restaurant, it would make sense that it would have this many people in it." Aoi said, "I'm tired of waiting, I want food now!" Inosuke demanded, and as soon as he said, Aoi stuffed a tempura into his mouth to keep him shut, "There, happy? Now be silent until we get to the front." Aoi said, Inosuke smiled and began to eat his tempura.

As he was eating his tempura Inosuke looked around and saw a tall building, he was immediately enamored with it and ran towards the building, "Inosuke where are you going?!" Tanjiro screamed, "I'll be back, don't worry Monjiro!" Inosuke replied, Tanjiro was about to speak since he knew Inosuke can't be responsible for shit but stopped since he wanted to see what he was going to do.

He then looked over to see a store employee offering free water samples due to the large line, he takes one a starts to drink the water.

As he is drinking his water he hears a voice coming from across the street, "Hey Monjiro! Look at me!" Inosuke yelled from atop a multi-story building, the scream was so loud that everybody in the line that Tanjiro and the group were standing in looked up to see a blue-haired man with green eyes and an unbuttoned shirt standing on top of a building, Tanjiro spits out his water in surprise, "What the f*ck?!" He thought, "Inosuke! What are you doing?!" Tanjiro yelled, "Proving that I am the king of the mountains!" Inosuke yelled from the building, "You dumba*s get down here!" Genya yelled, "Inosuke you idiot!" Zenitsu yelled, "Inosuke get down!" Aoi yelled, Kanao and Nezuko were speechless at what Inosuke was doing. "You two, come with me," Tanjiro said as he pointed to Zenitsu and Genya. The three immediately ran out of the line and across the street, "Wh-where are you going?!" Nezuko yelled, "We're going to try and get Inosuke down from the building, just hold our place in line until we come back!" Tanjiro yelled, Nezuko nodded and looked at the bystanders who were recording videos and taking photos, "This is embarrassing..." Aoi thought as she looked at the people.

"That dumb boar!" Zenitsu said as he ran into the building along with Genya and Tanjiro, "What do you expect, he was literally raised in the dam mountains!" Genya replied, "I mean, it's Inosuke come on guys, this is the least we should expect of him..." Tanjiro says as they run up the stairs to the building roof while completely ignoring everybody inside including security who were trying to stop them.

As they go to the room they opened the door and saw Inosuke looking over the edge while looking proud of himself, "Inosuke get down from here!" Genya yelled, "No way, it's way too fun up here!" Inosuke replied back, "Why you-" Zenitsu said as he grabbed Inosuke by the collar which only resulted in him getting smacked in the face, "Ow..." Zenitsu said as he was carried away by Tanjiro and Genya. Tanjiro opened the door to the roof and the three went inside, they closed the door and began to think of a plan. "Inosuke's not budging, we might need to come up with a plan." Said Tanjiro, "And quickly, I can hear security coming." Genya replied, Tanjiro opened the door slightly and sees Inosuke pounding his chest, "We might need outside-the-box ideas for this..." Tanjiro says as he closes the door, "I say we clap him iron chains and gag him and drag him all the way down to the entrance and across the street!" Zenitsu yelled, Tanjiro and Genya looked at Zenitsu like he officially lost it, "I asked for out-of-the-box ideas not out of your mind ideas..." Tanjiro said, "Sorry, I'm just really pissed off at what that boar did to me." Zenitsu replied, "Hey! Come down here!" Yelled security who was climbing up the long flight of stairs, "Quick! We don't have time!" Genya yelled, Tanjiro frantically looked around and saw a box at the bottom of the staircase they were on, he quickly rushed down the stairs, grabbed the box, and rushed up the stairs and opened the door. He then went to Inosuke and covered his head with the box, "Hey! Who did that!" Inosuke exclaimed, "If you want to know, then you have to catch me!" Tanjiro said as he began to run from the boar head, "Come back here Monjiro!" Inosuke yelled as he chased after the redhead, Genya, and Zenitsu soon quickly followed the two people down the staircase as they all expertly maneuvered themselves down the staircase and past security.

They reached the entrance of the building with security closely trailing behind them, they burst out the entrance and ran across the street, and mixed themselves in with the line that was very surprised and confused as to what was going on. The security started to ask the people in the line where the four students were, to which they all responded that they have no idea. And after a few minutes of asking, the security gave up and went back inside.

After security went back inside, the four students moved to the front of the line where the girls were. "We're back." Tanjiro said, "What happened?" Nezuko asked, "The idiot boar head over here wouldn't get off the roof, so Tanjiro placed a box on his head and he started to chase after him." Genya said as he grabbed Inosuke who was about to lunge at Tanjiro, "Glad you guys are safe, but I'm still surprised on how security didn't spot you guys." Aoi said, "Especially you Genya." She added, "I'm surprised about that too, but I think it's best to ignore it for now since we're about to be seated." Tanjiro said as he pointed to a waiter that was guiding them inside.


As the group was walking down the road and back to their houses with their stomachs filled, they begin to talk about how today went, "That ramen was good!" Genya said as he rubbed his belly, "Yeah, this was actually the first time in a while that I have been to a good restaurant." Zenitsu said, "Yeah, thanks for paying Zenitsu, even though I could have paid..." Tanjiro said, "No one could have paid, except for Zenitsu." Genya said as he glared at his blonde-haired friend, "Thanks for recommending the restaurant Tanjiro, I think I may go there again." Nezuko said Tanjiro chuckled, "That's if you can withstand the 2-hour long line." He stated.

As the group reached an intersection, they start saying their goodbyes as they were about to split off, "Bye guys, I had a really fun time with you." Tanjiro said, "See you on Monday Tanjiro." Zenitsu said, "See you on Monday too Zenitsu." Tanjiro replied, he waved his hand and turned around as he walked away, "Bye Kanao, bye Nezuko, bye Aoi, bye Inosuke, bye Genya!" Tanjiro said, "Bye Tanjiro!" The group replied in unison. Tanjiro chuckled a bit, "Lively group." He thought as he smiled, he turned around one last time to see his friends leaving, but to his interest, he saw them leaving in one direction, "They all left in one direction... We usually split off here. I guess they had other plans, best not to disturb them." Tanjiro thought as he turned around and began walking.

"What a day..." He thought with his hands behind his head.

Spy's Diary

Entry 7


Tanjiro: This entry will be a bit different since it won't focus on how our organization works, but instead, it focuses on our good friend Minato and his passion for "Ratatouille".

Minato: I'm right here you know?

Tanjiro: O-oh I guess you're joining me then.

Minato: You bet your sweet a*s that I am.

Tanjiro: Ok, anyways, when we were little we used to watch kid's movies as most children once did in their childhood.

Minato: We watched a lot of movies from Pixar, Disney, Warner Bros, etc. But our favorite movie production company was Pixar.

Tanjiro: As expected since it always came out with absolute bangers at the time.

Minato: Yeah, so I and Tanjiro watched "Ratatouille" once, Tanjiro said it was a good movie, but I thought it was absolute perfection.

Tanjiro: So much so that Minato over here got cooking classes from my mom and managed to become a pretty good cook. I said it was unnecessary and dumb, but he said that he was born to become a cook.

Minato: I was a dumb child ok? But even today, I still have a passion for cooking and according to Tanjiro and the others, I can make pretty solid dishes.

Tanjiro: (Whispering) Except for the actual Ratatoullie that you said you will be able to master in the future...

Minato: I'm still working on it!

Tanjiro: Oh you heard that...

Minato: Yep, anyways, join us next time when we see a few of Tanjiro's teachers attempting to figure out what is his next move in the chapter, "Planning".

Tanjiro: Bye!

Minato: Wh-wait, never mind, Bye!

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