Chapter 32: Let the Laughs Die

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Date: October 31, 2024
Time: 9:25 PM
Location: Kimetsu High School
Weather: Mostly Cloudy


"Step right up students!" Tengen said while sitting in a chair on the side of the dunk tank and managing the students.

"Remember! 3 chances! And considering that some of you are in sports here, I expect you to be the most flamboyant than you can ever be!" Tengen said.

"I feel bad for Tomioka-sensei," Tanjiro said as he leaned over to look at Giyu who was now sweating. 

He snickered a bit at this since he has never seen a man so nervous about a dunk tank, "Maybe he doesn't want to get wet." Tanjiro said with a sad smile, "Naaa, don't feel bad! He looks ok!" Genya said jokingly while also smiling.

Tanjiro gave the man an unamused look as he turned around to see the rest of the group and the line who were already talking to each other.

"You going Tanjiro?" Zenitsu asked, "I'm in the line, of course, I am going..." Tanjiro replied blandly. "Oh yeah." Zenitsu replied with a dumb tone, "I mean you guys should be good at this since most of you are doing physical activities." Tanjiro mumbled, "Oh yeah, as soon as our turn comes up, Tomioka-sensei will be soaking wet by the end of our turn." Zenitsu replied.

"Guess it's your time to get revenge for him hitting you in the neck with that kendo Zenitsu," Genya said as Zenitsu nodded.

"First student up!"
Tengen said as the students at the front of the line were given three balls by Kanae, "Good luck!" Kanae said while giving the students some balls, "Make sure you return the balls to me before you go!" Kanae added.

"Why am I here..." Giyu said to himself while looking at the first student who was preparing himself to dunk Giyu.

As the student finished stretching, he aimed and threw the ball.

The ball hit the target, but the platform didn't drop. 

"Oh yeah, forgot to mention, you might need to throw it a LITTLE bit harder in order to dunk him," Tengen said while giving a malicious smirk.

The student who was going groaned as he began to aim and throw the ball again.

The ball hit the target, but this time it had a little bit more force to it.

But the platform still didn't budge.

At this point, the student was pretty pissed and threw the ball as hard as he can at the target.

But it still didn't give out.

He left the line out of rage and frustration as he gave the balls back to Kanae. "Thank you!" She said, "Next student, up!" Tengen shouted. 

The next student came up and threw her balls at the target, and the same issue happened.

This continued to happen with all the other students in the line as the group watched the scene play out.

"Bruh, they rigged it..." Tanjiro thought while looking at the students storming off looking frustrated and angry. "I mean, I should have expected this..." Tanjiro thought as he glanced at his friends who were still talking with each other. "Hey, guys, do you think there is something off with the dunk tank?" Tanjiro said while pointing to the tank with his thumb, "That the dunk tank seems a bit hard to set off?" Isamu said while looking over to the dunk tank, "Yeah, exactly that." Tanjiro replied.

"Eh, don't worry, sometimes you just need pure brute force to set it off," Genya said while stretching his arms a bit since they were close to the beginning of the line.

"If that's what you say." Tanjiro said as shrugged and turned around, "I used to play baseball when I was young, so I think I am fine." Tanjiro stated, "I used to be a deadly pitcher." He mumbled to himself. "That's nice," Genya complimented.

"Thanks," Tanjiro replied back. "I feel bad for these students now." Tanjiro thought while chuckling to himself.


The group was now at the beginning of the line and Genya was first up to throw. 

"Right, aim..." Genya thought as he put the ball in front of him and took position. "Ready..." Genya said to himself self.

"Now!" Genya said as he threw the ball as hard as he can toward the target.

The ball hit the target and a bell above Giyu rang as the platform that kept him separated from the water dropped and Giyu, who was caught off guard fell into the cold water.

"Wooo!" Genya cheered while his friends congratulated him, "Great job Genya!" Tanjiro said while clapping.

Other students joined in on the celebration too, since he was the first one to dunk the gym teacher.

Giyu crawled out of the water while shivering. "Ara ara Tomioka-san, do you need a towel?" Shinobu said, "N-no thanks..." Giyu declined as he got back in the tank.

"Aight', I'll meet you guys at the snack table!" Genya said as he walked out of the line, but not before giving Kanae the balls he threw at Giyu back (If students managed to sink the teacher, they drop out of the line after that). "Save me a drink!" Inosuke said while receiving a thumbs-up from Genya.

"Next student, up!" Tengen said. 

Zenitsu was up next as he stood at the line that he had to stand behind and prepared to take his chances with the tank.

"1..." Zenitsu thought as he counted down in his brain.


"3!" Zenitsu counted as he threw the ball with force toward the target.

The ball completely missed the target and bounced all the way to the back of the gym and hit a wall.

Zenitsu looked in surprised and felt defeated.

But he didn't let that stop him since he took another ball and prepared to throw again.

He took a big breath in and waited a couple of seconds before throwing the ball at the target.

This time the ball hit the target, and it was enough to cause the bell to ring again and drop the teacher.

"Yes!" Zenitsu said while cheering for himself, "Congrats, Zenitsu!" Nezuko said while giving him a wide smile.

Zenitsu stopped for a brief moment to look at Nezuko and started blushing madly, "Thank you Nezuko-chan!!!!" He screamed as he fell to the ground.

"Zenitsu!" Nezuko screamed. 

Tanjiro and the others sighed as Tanjiro picked up Zenitsu, "Imma go drop him off at Genya, he'll deal with him." Tanjiro said while walking off, "Save my spot in the line by the way!" He exclaimed as the group nodded in return.

As Tanjiro walked towards the snack table to drop Zenitsu off, he was met by Genya who saw the entire thing. "Classic Zenitsu." Genya said while chuckling, "Yep, take care of him until we come back, ok?" Tanjiro said, "Ok..." Genya replied while eating a snack.

"How many things have we eaten today?" Tanjiro asked, "Enough to feed a whale." Genya simply stated, which led Tanjiro to snicker a bit. "You eat a lot, you work a lot, big guy," Tanjiro said as he softly punched Genya's shoulder.

"Got that right,"
Genya replied while taking another bite of a biscuit. 

The two were talking for a few minutes as Tanjiro noticed that his turn was coming up and he immediately rushed over to the line, "Hold on, I'll be back in a few minutes!" Tanjiro said while Genya glanced over at Zenitsu.

"Boi." He thought simply.

Meanwhile, Tanjiro rushed over to the line and saw Isamu throw the ball, which he managed to sink Giyu again.

"Nice shot Isamu-san." Tanjiro said, Isamu slightly nodded at him before falling out of line and joining the group who were currently on the side watching the other others go until all of them went.

"Tanjiro, you're up!" Tengen said as Tanjiro grabbed one ball from Kanae, "You forgot the grab the other balls." Kanae said, "Don't worry, I only need one." Tanjiro replied.

Kanae was left confused as Tanjiro stepped up to the line.

He readied himself as he prepared to throw the ball.

His left foot went up against his right leg as if was preparing to pitch like in baseball. He also changed the way he held the ball as he put two fingers on the top and his thumb on the bottom of the ball.

He took a deep breath and tighten his grip on the ball slightly before throwing a curveball towards the target.

The ball curved in and hit the target at blazing speeds as the bell went off and the platform dropped.

Giyu fell in again, "How many times..." He thought to himself before getting out of the tank and getting up to sit on the platform again.

The students were pretty shocked and surprised to see such a perfect display of pitching demonstrated by the redhead.

Some students who were on the baseball team in the high school were also pretty impressed at the curveball which was estimated to be thrown at about 86 MPH (138 KPH). 

The group and some of the teachers were shocked too at Tanjiro's pitch as they sat there with their eyes completely wide open in surprise. 

"Didn't I say that I played baseball as a kid?" Tanjiro questioned while looking at his flabbergasted friends.

"You did, but you didn't tell us you were this good?!" Nezuko exclaimed, "I told you, I was a deadly pitcher." Tanjiro replied, "Now you tell us!" Nezuko stated. Tanjiro walked over to the group who then started walking back to the snack table, "Genya heard me, so I thought you guys too." Tanjiro said, "You should have said it louder."  Nezuko replied as she huffed

Tanjiro chuckled a bit after seeing the girl look away from him with her cheeks puffed out. "Come on, let's join Genya," Tanjiro said as he motioned the others to follow him.

"Tanjiro I saw that, holy crap man," Genya said while he gave Tanjiro a high five. "Thanks, but is Zenitsu awake yet?" Tanjiro questioned as he looked over to his friend who was once lying on the ground now completely awake and eating.

"Oh, you're awake!" Tanjiro said, "Mhm." Zenitsu replied while munching on a sandwich, "So what do we do now?" Nezuko asked. "I don't know, we are only allowed to go once, so maybe just wait here or something." Genya replied, "The costume competition results will come out soon, so we can wait for that before we go." Tanjiro said.

"Oh yeah, I want to see who will win!" Akira said with a fist pump in order to indicate her excitement.

Isamu patted her sister's head, "Relax, Akira, we'll get the results soon enough." Isamu said. Akira turned around to face her older brother and gave him a cute/ecstatic expression which caused Isamu to smile a bit.

"As the dunking continues, please allow us a moment to present the costume competition's winners!"
Shinobu said from a mic. She glanced at Giyu who was now soaked to the bone and looking very cold, "Poor Tomioka-san." Shinobu thought while letting out a little giggle.

Everybody's eyes were on Shinobu who took a small paper slit from her pocket and held it in one hand while she held the mic in the other.

"Starting from 3rd place is..." Shinobu paused, "Genya Shinazugawa!" She exclaimed as the entire gym erupted into a loud cheer and applause for Genya who started blushing due to pure embarrassment since he was not used to this amount of attention.

"Congrats, Genya!" Nezuko said, "Th-thanks, Nezuko!" Genya said while looking like a tomato.

Zenitsu who saw this was now teeming with jealousy for Genya. "How dare he approach my Nezuko-chan!" He thought with a dark expression.

"And next up for 2nd place is..." Shinobu said after waiting for the cheering to calm down a bit, "Nezuko Kamado!" She said.

The entire gym then exploded again in cheer and applause, but it was a bit louder than the last.

Nezuko was also met with applause from her friends as she celebrated along with them. "Thanks, guys!" She exclaimed happily while getting pats on the back.

"Of course, my Nezuko-chan is on that list, she is the cutest girl in the world." Zenitsu thought while drinking a juice packet.

"And finally for first place, who actually won by just one vote is..." Shinobu said with a large smile on her face.

The entire gym waited for her to say the name with dead silence filling the air. 

"My little sister, Kanao Tsuyuri!" Shinobu said as she pointed to her sister who was surrounded by an even louder session of applause and cheer.

"I knew my sister could do it!" Aoi said with a cheerful smile on her face, "Th-thanks, everyone!" Kanao exclaimed while looking a bit flushed.

"Way to go Kanao!" Tanjiro said as he put his hand on Kanao's shoulder and looked at her with a bright smile.

Kanao turned around to look at him and immediately looked down while looking a bit redder than before and also remaining completely silent.

"Kanao?" Tanjiro questioned as he noticed her looking down in silence with a massive red tint to her cheeks. "Are you ok?" He questioned.

Tanjiro received no reply as he started to push the young girl more, "Kanao..." Tanjiro said.

"How many times must this happen?" Genya asked while looking at the two, "Enough until they realize that they both like each other." Zenitsu murmured with an unamused expression on his face.

"Idiots in love..." Aoi sighed, "More than idiots." Genya replied as he snickered.

The entire group chuckled at the statement except for Isamu as they soon started talking about other things while enjoying the rest of the dance.


Meanwhile, in another area of Kimetsu, an unknown figure walks around in the dead of night while wearing an olive green hoodie and some black sweatpants.

He walks down an empty and dark road with street lamps lighting a path for him as he makes his way down the sidewalk.

He then comes across a large building that said "Blood Donation Center" on the front of the sign that was posted on the building.

The man then starts to walk behind the building and reaches a power box that was located at the very back of the building. He then places his hand on the power as he begins to murmur a sentence.

His hands then light up yellow as electricity starts to emit from his hand and causes a violent electric shock to the power box that causes the entire facility to loose power. He then looks over to see a window that was slightly open, "My lucky day," the man thought as he opened the window and climbed through into an empty lab. "I have a short timeframe." He thinks while manuvering through the dark and silent lab. 

He eventually reaches a large freezer with labels stating common blood types such as "A+" or "O-". The freezer had several vials of blood in each of them.

He opens the freezer and grabs a few vials of blood and closes the freezer again before moving over to a waste disposal bin that was built for throwing away blood that was infected by diseases.

"It seems that they didn't take it out yet." He thought as he reached into the bin and grabs a few more vials of blood that were thrown away.

He then makes his way back to the window he first came from and exited the building. He closed the window behind him and puts the vials of blood he had in his hand in his pocket as he walked back to the power box.

He then put his hand on the power box and murmered the same sentence before the thing was engulfed in a quick flash of electricity before the facility regained power and all the lights turned on in the building. "I'm sure they won't mind." He thought to himself as he looked at all the bright lights in the building before walking down the alleyway he once entered in and walked along the sidewalk he was walking on before.

"Today is my cheat day, I get to have fresh blood samples." The man thought to himself as he looked around for any signs of any other human, he then took off his hood to reveal a face that resembled a human, but he head cat-like eyes and a patch of skin with a light green tint to it. He also had small horns on his head along with black hair and grey eyes. He took out one of the vials of blood and broke it open without spilling any on the ground.

He then drank the blood and wiped the blood off his face after he drank it all. "Gotta admit, fresh blood tastes better than discarded blood. I have to drink discarded blood most of the times, which doesn't taste that good. But it gets me through, and plus, today is my cheat day so I brought a few vials of fresh O+ blood with me." The man thought while taking out another vial of blood and drinking it.


After a few minutes of walking down the same road and into an empty sidewalk with large apartments, small shops, and concession stands. There were large and dark alleyways at around every glance of the eye that the man made. 

He saw a couple of cats running out of a garbage can and further into the alleyway, flies littering a pile of garbage in another, and a small dumpster fire that was bound to go out sooner or later.

He walked down the same sidewalk a couple of minutes before hearing some faint noises that looked like it was coming from a nearby struggle or fight. "A fight!" The man said as he started to run towards the noise.

He ended up at an alleyway where he saw two goons beating up a homeless man. "You like that, yeah?" One of the men said while delivering a powerful kick to the man on the ground who was covered in blood and had a few borken teeth. 

This filled the man who was observing with anger and hatred as he called out to the two goons, "Hey! Kick him again and see what happens you b*tches!" The man screamed. This caught the attention of the two goons as they soon turned towards the man and began to approach him, "And what do we have here?" One of them said, "Seems like some random bastard wants to act hero." The other replied, "Do you know who you are dealing with, bud?" One of them asked. The other man stayed silent and watched them approach him, "What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" One of the goons said.

As the distance between the three closes, the two goons charge forward as they tried to deliver a punch to the man. 

The man soon caught there hands and recited a phrase soon after, "Blood Demon Art: Violent Electric Shockwave." He said as the two goons were then launched back in a violent shockwave of electricity.

The two were knocked out cold as they both crashed on the ground and the homeless man looked up at the man who just caused the two men who were attacking him to launch backwards at extrodinary speeds. He looked at him in fear as the man began to approach him.

"Pl-please don't hurt me!" He said as he covered his face while backing away. The man said nothing as he grabbed in his pocket and took out a few hunder yen in which he dropped on the ground in front of him.

The man walked away as the homeless man looked the money on the ground and picked it up as soon as he saw the man walk away.

"They already took the lives of my family, I'm not going to let them take the lives of others..." The man thought as he contiuned to walk down the path.

Name: Touyo Kodaushiki
Height: 5'11 (1.80m)
Age: 19
Appearance: Skinny, with light patches of green skin covering his body, black hair, gray eyes, small horns on his head, long and sharp nails, along with a completely straight and sorrowful face.

Descritption: He became a demon a few months ago actually. He grew up in a rather modest household with a decent family. He had one little brother and a mom and dad. His mom died earlier in his life, leaving his dad being the only one to take care of him and his little brother. He would always help his dad with the lumber since selling lumber was one of his dad's three jobs that he had to do in order to keep them alive. One day, he went to sell the lumber since his dad was sick, but when he came back, he found his little brother and dad dead on the ground with a note being left behind from a large criminal organization. Touyo was filled with hatred and anger and went on a rampage downtown a few months later after the massacre. He killed dozens of wanted criminials and murderers while also remaining uncaught and anonymous. He met Muzan by accident in where Muzan saw him kill two serial killers with relative ease (He was also a skilled boxer and had interest in electronic management since he was the one to fix all the electronic equipment at his home whenever they broke down). Muzan turned him into a demon with Touyo accepting. But what Muzan didn't expect of Touyo was that a few weeks later, he would break his curse and become one of the only demons to break Muzans curse, which of course, filled the man with rage and hatred. Meanwhile, Touyo vowed to never eat any human since he thinks that they taste disgusting, and take down the criminal organization that killed his last remaning family members, and finally kill Muzan (The first time Touyo laid eyes on him, he could tell that he was trouble, but he could also sense that Muzan was leagues ahead of him. So the only thing he could do was agree to whatever he said and pray to god that he doesn't f*ck up).


"High School Gossip" brought to you by Genya!

Genya: Yo!

Genya: In this high school, we have a lot of clubs and after school activities. 

Genya: But, we also do have sports teams too! 

Genya: Considering that our school has about 800 students or so, the options for sports is wide open and a lot of students enroll in sports.

Genya: Currently on our selection, we have baseball, football, karate, judo, basketball, volleyball, etc.

Genya: These teams are currently full, so I am not bothering joining any of the sports. Either way, I have a job as a slayer which is much more difficult as any other sport.

Genya: Anyways, that concludes it for today. Join us on the next episode, "Head Into the Forest" where Kanao is assigned a mission in a forest where she encounters some demon who decide to make her time spent there one that she will not forget.

Genya: Bye! See you next time!

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