Chapter 48: Confused Feelings

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Date: December 5th, 2024
Time: 8:24 AM
Location: Kimetsu High School
Weather: Very Cold


Today was much colder than all the other days on the calendar, of course, winter had just rolled around a few weeks ago. But the expected forecast of the weather for the week was expected to be 49-63 F (9-17 C). This time, it dropped below freezing and everything around the surrounding area started to freeze over. 

Unfortunately, there was no snow which kind of sucked for everyone who expected there to be snow in which they could play or at least have a day off from school. But no, the school continued just as normal, and Tanjiro sat in his chemistry class which he shared with Kanao and Zenitsu.

It was the only class Tanjiro and Kanao shared together, so every chemistry class for Kanao is a bit "special". 

"Zenitsu, get me the Bromine..." Tanjiro said with a lab coat, goggles, gloves, and gas masks on as he poured the liquid that spewed a reddish-brown gas all over the desk and table as he slowly poured it into the water.

The class was working on an experiment on how to neutralize certain elements of the periodic table when those elements are added to water. They were required to write the chemical equation of the solution that they made between whatever element they mixed in with water, and they had to find out what substance they had to use to neutralize the solution by figuring out the chemical equation for said substance. 

Shinobu had the substances on a desk, but since she had given everyone a different element to mix with water, she had a wide variety of mixes and liquids. 

Zenitsu was Tanjiro's lab partner for the experiment today. Kanao on the other hand had Jakuna as her lab partner since all four of them now share a class together. 

"So do you feel about Jakuna over there?" Zenitsu asked while writing on a sheet of paper, "Jakuna? He's very lively, kind, and somewhat humorous. Somewhat like me." Tanjiro stated with a smile, "Yeah, I admit, he's a pretty nice guy. He even offered to help me with a homework problem yesterday too." Zenitsu stated.

The two then saw Jakuna and Kanao suddenly chuckling at each other. While Tanjiro smiled and was happy for them, Zenitsu saw something a bit different...

"Hey Tanjiro, have you ever wondered that Kanao and Jakuna could be a couple?" Zenitsu asked purely based on interest. "I...uh...I mean, if Kanao likes Jakuna and Jakuna likes her back, I guess they could be good for each other..." Tanjiro stated with a certain degree of nervousness, "But personally, I think they are just good friends...that it's..." Tanjiro added.

"Wait...what do I do again?" Jakuna asked while looking very confused, "Just try to calculate the equation while also giving me the materials so we can pass this assignment." Kanao calmly said with a soft smile. "Ah, ok thanks, but I already know that it's just that I don't think our solution can actually neutralize what we have here..." Jakauna said as he scratched his head in confusion and pointed to the mix that they had on the table.

"Oh, I think you're right..." Kanao said as she peered at the equation that Jakuna had made, "Oh there is the problem..." Kanao then said as she pointed to the paper.

"Oh, thanks! I was starting to get confused here. I was about to start thinking that Shinobu-sama rigged it for us!" Jakuna stated while laughing, Kanao also chuckled at his comment and returned back to work.

"Looks like they are having fun," Tanjiro said with a smile, but deep down inside he couldn't help but feel something...even he couldn't describe what it was, his heart tensed up a little at the sound of them laughing together, but quickly relaxed soon. The feeling itself was really weird and unfamiliar, but Tanjiro didn't really have time to notice this feeling as he turned around to Zenitsu and smiled at him before returning to work.

 "Jeeze, Tanjiro...are you really this dense or are you suspecting something else?" Zenitsu thought while secretly glaring at him. Tanjiro felt the glare that Zenitsu was giving behind him, "What is he thinking and when is he going to stop?" Tanjiro thought with a dull face as he continued the experiment.


Tanjiro was sitting in his next class while waiting for the bell to ring. A few students were in the class already since the teacher was Sanemi and he didn't like late students and would punish them by making them stand up for the rest of the class.

There were five more minutes until the bell and Tanjiro already had his items and books out laid out on his desk. He tapped his finger on said desk and looked around for a few seconds before reaching into his backpack.

"Maybe just one entry wouldn't hurt..." He thought to himself before taking out his dad's old diary and flipping to a page.

Book POV

Day 64,

Today, I learned another thing about demons that could be really useful to me in the future...

Even though demons are immune to most types of physical damage because of their regeneration, they are also immune to usually fatal diseases due to them being immortal. This also means that they are immune to poisoning, which is obvious since...they are f*cking immortal...but there is one poison that is easily accessible to anybody and is very harmful to demons. That poison is wisteria poison, and since there are a lot of places where wisteria trees usually grow in this area of Japan, the poison can be easily crafted and used at any time.

It's so effective that it can actually render a demon paralyzed and immobile for a while by limiting their regenerative capabilities and Blood Demon Art when used in normal doses. In high amounts, it has the potential to kill a demon, even speculated to have the power of killing an Uppermoon if the dosage of the poison is really high. 

I have also learned the name of the leader of these demons. His name is Muzan Kibutsuji, nobody has ever seen him before, so we don't know what he looks like. But if we were to ever meet him in person, we would feel this sense of intense dread and fear and immediately drop to the ground on our knees if he even releases a sliver of power. And that's coming from the toughest slayers I have met so far in this organization...if this is the man that we are fighting against, then I fear humanity itself, is at stake...

They say that he wants to become the "perfect" being and become truly immortal by gaining immortality from the sun. And in order to do that, he needs to find a flower called the "Blue Spider Lily"  in order for such a thing to occur...I've heard from regular people that the Blue Spider Lily only blooms two or three days a year in winter, during the day. So in order for Muzan to get his Lily, he needs someone to get it for him, and it can't be one of his demons since they are not immune to the sun. He needs a human subject that could go out and harvest the flower, but the problem is that nobody knows where the flower actually blooms, so he can't send somebody out to go find a flower that they mostly have no idea existed.

Also, even if he does gain immortality from the sun, we still have another trick up our sleeves which is the poison...which I don't think he'll ever gain immunity for that...

"Glad to know my old man had a sense of humor, even back then," Tanjiro said as he chuckled a bit, "But...there is another thing that seems quite intriguing...which is the wisteria poison thing...and since I don't have any Ninchirin blade yet, I bet I could use the poison to coat on my current blade until my blade is ready." Tanjiro thought, "But...if wisteria is another weakness of demons, that would probably give me the real of why the charms that I put on the exterior of the school on Halloween gave off the scent of wisteria. I guess it was used as a way to ward off demons from the dance so that nobody could be harmed." He thought with a slight grin on his face.

"Ok you slayers, I'm picking up what you're putting down." Tanjiro thought, "Also, nice to know that Michael Jackson is who we're dealing with. And the surprising thing about this is that he managed to evade spotting for this long..." Tanjiro thought, "You could say he is a smooth criminal." He thought as he looked at the screen with a smirk.

He chuckled at his own joke, "That was a dumb joke..." He said to himself while still snickering. 

"Tanjiro, what are you laughing about?" Andrew said while walking in from behind Tanjiro, "Naa, it's nothing," he said as he waved his friend off.

Andrew then took a seat at his spot and began to take out his items. Tanjiro just ignored him and looked straight ahead, he peered at the clock before returning his gaze to the board. "3 more minutes," he thought.

A group of girls in the classroom suddenly came up to Tanjiro and bombarded him with questions, "Hey Tanjiro-kun! Are you single?" One of them said, "Tanjiro-kun, can you please go out with me!" Another girl said, "Tanjiro-kun! I found a nice restaurant we can go to!" Another said.

"I know Tanjiro looks nice, but I didn't know he pulled this many b*tches..." Andrew thought while glancing over at the crowd at Tanjiro's desk in confusion. "Wait...actually if I do remember...he did once. I just forgot it because that mission in Norway was one hell of a job..." Andrew thought, "And I believe that the same technique I used back then should work with this." Andrew thought as he faced the crowd at Tanjiro's desk.

He gradually started to give off an uneasy feeling to everyone in the classroom as each second passed by only made more uncomfortable for everyone in the classroom. He turned back in his seat and closed his eyes as he heard a sudden stop in all the voices that were going on at once in the room. The great thing about Andrew's aura was that it couldn't be traced back to him, almost as if the aura was suddenly created out of thin air, the only person who could trace it back was Tanjiro due to his enhanced sense of smell.

He kept the aura for the duration of the entire rotation period until the bell rang, the group of girls who were surrounding Tanjiro were now already in their seats either shaking, sweating, or giving off an uncomfortable and uneasy feeling. 

As soon as the bell rang, Andrew quickly dissipated the aura and opened his eyes again to face the board as Sanemi walked in. "Good morning class," Sanemi said as he went up to the board and started writing today's lesson, "Nice to see you guys ready for class and silent in your seats for once." He said as he turned to the crowd with a slight smile.

Tanjiro looked at Andrew who was already focused on copying down the lesson in his notebook due to the teacher writing really fast and barely letting anyone copy down what he had on the board afterward. "Thanks, man." He thought while using the telepathic communicator in his microchip before turning it off, Andrew glanced at Tanjiro and gave him a wink with a slight smile. Tanjiro smirked back in response and turned to the board to begin writing.


During lunch, the teacher's lounge was much more populated as compared to Monday. 

All of the teachers/Hashiras that we all know and love (yes, including the kid with Amnesia) were sitting and having their lunch in peace.

"UMAI!" Rengoku screamed while taking a bite from his bento box, "Delicious it is buddy!" Tengen said with the same posture that Rengoku was in as he mimicked his movements for fun. "Awww...I ran out of Sakura Mochi..." Mitsuri complained with a droopy expression, "You can have some of mine..." Iguro said while tapping Mitsuri's shoulder and passing some Sakura Mochis over to her.

"THANK YOU!" Mitsuri screamed as she embraced Iguro in her chest, "Kanroji! Not again!" Iguro complained while being smothered in her chest. "Ara ara, Tomioka-san, why don't you go ahead and talk with Sanemi over there? He seems like in the mood to talk." Shinobu said as he pointed to Sanemi who was happily chatting with her sister, "I swear if he puts his hands on my Nee-san, I will make sure that he won't be able to reproduce ever again." She thought while clenching her fists in anger and overprotectiveness.

Giyu choked back on his food and looked at Shinobu like she was crazy, "Kocho, I know you want me to socialize more with people, but please...not with him..." Giyu said while pointing to Sanemi, "And why is that?" Shinobu asked, "You know why..." Giyu replied with a stoic face. "BS! I believe you can do it! Just give him some Ohagi, he really loves it!" Shinobu said while passing Giyu an Ohagi to give to Sanemi, "Kocho..." Giyu said in doubt, "Come on! You can do it!" Shinobu said while forcing Giyu to stand up and pushing him over to Sanemi.

"God dammit, Shinobu..." Giyu thought as he slowly walked over to Sanemi.

As he got there, both Kanae and Sanemi were staring at him in confusion, "Do you need something Giyu-kun?" Kanae asked. "I just wanted to give this to Sanemi-san..." Giyu replied while showing the piece of Ohagi in his hand to Sanemi.

Sanemi immediately slapped it out of his arms in response. Giyu then looked back at Shinobu with an "I told you so" face before going back and sitting next to her. "Sanemi-kun! That was not nice!" Kanae scolded, "So?" Sanemi replied. "You should go apologize to him, he was trying to give you something, but you rejected it!" Kanae said, "Tch...fine...I'll apologize to him after school..." Sanemi said with a scoff.

"You sure?" Kanae asked, "Yes..." Sanemi said as he soon pouted like a little child. "Very well!" Kanae cheerfully said as she returned back to her usual state, "Also...why is he here?" Sanemi asked while pointing to Muichiro who was looking out the window while eating his lunch. 

"Ara ara Sanemi, he is one of us, so you should also respect him like how you respect us." Kanae stated, Sanemi raised an eyebrow in response, "Right...I don't have respect for someone unless they show their true skill..." Kanae stated. "But still! He managed to kill the required amount of demons in order to become a Hashira! So he is definitely deserving of his rank!" Kanae added, "Tch...I just hope that this year's slayer batch is good..." Sanemi said, "We barely have any actually skilled swordsmen nowadays due to the government f*cking manhunting us." He added.

"Don't worry Sanemi-kun, I'm sure that after the Final Selection, the batch that made it through would be a group of slayers that we can use to our fullest extent to protect this world from demons." Kanae answered, "Fine...I'll place some trust into them..." Sanemi stated while showing a bit of sympathy. "Also...when's the Final Selection happening?" Sanemi asked her, "Oh, this Friday, I believe!" Kanae replied.

"" Tanjiro thought while outside the room before walking away before he got spotted.


"So's tomorrow..." Tanjiro said later that day in his basement to Minato on Facetime along with Andrew. 

"Hold on, you said the entire thing is one are you going to the assignments that were given to you for that week?" Minato asks, "Simple, I'll just have Andrew forge a doctor's note saying that I have to stay in for the week since I caught a sickness. Of course, my other friends would be concerned about my health so they would most likely try to visit me. I would most likely text them beforehand about my 'disease' and call it in sick while also trying to stop them from visiting my house in every way before they bust in and realize I'm gone." Tanjiro stated, "I know they have the guts to do that because they are practically unhinged and would do anything for each other. That's why if one of them even tries to visit or approach my house with the intent of going in, I'll just have Andrew knock them out give them a dose of a green-level memory-wiping agent, and place them on the side of the road, leaving them with no recollection of what happened beforehand." He added, "Ok...but what if they want to drop off food or something?" Minato asked, "I'll tell them to leave the food on the front deck and I'll come to pick it up after they leave, Andrew will probably stay at my house for the entire duration I'm gone because I don't trust Edmund in my kitchen." Tanjiro replied.

"Does this mean I have to complete your homework assignments too?" Andrew asked, "You can send those over to Edmund, he's the faster writer after all. You're just more responsible." Tanjiro answered, "Oh...ok." Andrew dully said while turning around after hearing a loud bang coming from next door.

"The hell?" He said to himself, "Uhh...Andrew...doesn't Edmund live right next to you?" Minato said out of concern, "Yeah." He replied, "I also think that that was his doing since the sound came from the right of me, and he lives in the apartment room that is right of me..." Andrew said as his brain started to calibrate what happened.

"He used the f*cking kitchen again..." Tanjiro said out of disappointment while slowly stroking his temple. "I swear to god if he did." Andrew said while getting out of his seat, "What else man?! Do you think he purposefully set off a goddam grenade in his room?!" Tanjiro exclaimed, "I know that he didn't, I'm not dumb, I'm just concerned about the neighbors who heard that and are now calling the police on him." Andrew stated, "Hold on, Ima' see what's going on..." He added before dropping the call.

"I don't know about Edmund, but I'm pretty sure his landlord is going to be pissed after hearing what to the kitchen." Minato joked, "He legit just picked up a dam spoon, and the kitchen committed suicide." Tanjiro said while laughing, "Ahaha...anyway man, let's see how Andrew deals with this crap and what the police are going to say to Edmund if they even come." Minato said, "I imagine they are probably going to go along the lines of: 'Hello yes, we received a call from your neighbors that they heard a loud explosion coming from your room, is that right?' And then they would probably suspect that he tried to make a bomb cause...uh...different skin color." Tanjiro said while getting close to the microphone.

The two laugh their a*ses off after what Tanjiro said since a similar thing happened when they were last in Japan.


Another episode of "High School Gossip", but this episode is special! Because I got lazy...

Tanjiro: You twat!

Shut up! I had to do some things in my life and my creativity went down!

Tanjiro: Skill issue!

I'll deal with you later...

Giyu is leaning on a wall outside the school alone after dismissal as he soon sees Sanemi approaching him from the distance.

Giyu: What could he need now?

Sanemi: Hey...Giyu-san...I know that any interaction between me and you can never end in peace...but for once...mostly because Kanae-san said. So let's just call it a truce.

Giyu: Mhm?

Sanemi: I want to apologize for slapping the Ohagi out of your hands earlier during lunch...

Giyu: Oh...

Sanemi: I hope you can take this as an apology gift and I hope you can forgive me for my actions.

Sanemi hands Giyu an Ohagi that he had in his hand.

Giyu: This sounds awfully scripted...

Sanemi: Shut up! I had to go through so much pain and cringe while trying to come up with an apology for you! That's why I wrote it down on paper and memorized it! Now take the stupid gift and let me have what's left of my dignity!

Sanemi then storms off in a rage, frustration, and cringe.

Giyu: Y'know...I thought he was actually warming up to me...


Tanjiro: Join us in the next chapter, "The Final Selection Part 1", where I visit Mt. Fujikasane to take part in this year's Final Selection exam, and Andrew curb-stomping Zenitsu in the face and force-feeding him pills.

Tanjiro: I know that part would be my favorite.

Tanjiro: Bye!

(Hey! Sorry for the long wait! I had to take care of some things in my personal life if that's fine for you! If not, then thanks for your patience! If another book or something while you wait...why are you relying on this book lol? There are many other stories that are better than this one, so just take the time to find them while I create a chapter.)

(Anyway, see you next time!)

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