Chapter 36: Arteus Corps Part 2: Childhood Friends

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Location: [REDACTED]
Weather: [REDACTED]


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Video 2 of 9

"Tea you two?"


"Look closely at these files I will present you, they will contain your options on which department you can join after you sign our waiver."

"Arteus Corps contains several different departments with the goal of preserving the fragile infrastructure of this world."

"We have many departments that you could choose from, but after joining, you can't leave."

"Yes, Sir."

"Great, we have a total of seven different departments: External Intelligence Agency, Security Department, Maintenance Department, Research and Development, Ethics Department, Medical Department, and External Relations, Cybersecurity, and Privacy Department.

"I know it may seem like a lot, but in general, it should be pretty simple to understand just by their names.

"The External Intelligence Agency or EIA we call it for short is probably the best department we have here. And for a good reason, these men and women or "agents" are assigned to go out into the open world with the task of either bringing down an entire criminal organization or eliminating a potentially life-threatening anomaly. These people are the most highly trained and highly skilled fighters that we have, they are outfitted with the best gear and weapons in order to make their assignments easier. These agents are very valuable to the Corps and often favored by The Board, these agents are mostly taught from birth about how to conduct missions how to handle certain situations, and more importantly, how to fight with any weapon. These agents are surprisingly also well-liked amongst others in our corps considering the fact that they get better gears and weapons and The Board's approval most of the time, this is due to the fact that they were taught manners and to always respect others no matter what rank. If an agent perishes in the line of duty, then they are honored with a portrait of themselves in the "Hall of  Loyalty and Dedication".

"The Security Department focuses on protecting other personnel and maintaining the peace in our organization. You can say that they are our police force, they serve under direct orders from their commanding officers, Ethics Department, or EIA. They are also equipped with very advanced armor, weapons, and tools, with even some of them wielding tech that is only used by EIA. They are also well respected among other departments due to them being situated in a very dangerous place in the Main Facility. They are also tasked with containing the anomalies that we captured if they ever breach containment, we have specialized containment groups organized to deal with this threat. And even though they are equipped with highly advanced armor, some still perish in the line of duty. They along with all the other departments are honored the same way that fallen EIA agents are honored.

"The Maintenance Department are basically the ones who monitor all the equipment, machines, gadgets, and tech that we produce to make sure they all function properly. They also are the ones who keep our facility nice and tidy. Their expectations for the status and quality of equipment are really high so they usually work day and night to make sure that all the tech is up to standards and even a bit more if they decide to add a few upgrades. They are very good at their job and often paid a high salary, along with the other departments due to the engineering mind you need in order to work most of the jobs in the MD. They are also tasked with performing routine checkups for all tech in their designated areas occasionally."

"The Ethics Department specializes in establishing the rules and procedures of Arteus. They are the ones who make the rules that everybody must follow with no excuses. They are pretty strict when it comes to following rules since those rules that they established are there to protect the Corps as a whole, they have made some very controversial decisions which is why they are not that liked among any other departments, but it is for the good of the Corps. The department works alongside SD in order to maintain order and command amongst Arteus. Though they are probably the least popular department on this list, they are definitely one of the most important, in fact, the Ethics Department was the first department to be established by The Board before any other department. This gives it a signature of seniority and experience so whatever decision they make, the other departments know that it is for their benefit.

" The Medical Department, as the name suggests is full of Medical personnel that keep the health of our personnel in check and perform tests to see if an agent is affected by a certain parasite or disease since that can happen in this field. The McD is full of highly-trained and professional doctors, nurses, surgeons, psychologists, etc. We all work together to help promote the well-being of our agents and their lives. They are given highly-advanced medical technology that can identify any disease in a person's body in just a split second. They are also given highly-effective medicines and vaccines that can cure almost any disease known to mankind. These medicines have also been shown to slow down any new unidentifiable diseases that have sprouted in the agent's body, which can allow time for doctors to develop a specific type of vaccine and medication for it in order to cure the agent of their disease.

"The Research and Development Department... They are very intelligent and highly respected personnel in this corporation. They have made everything including the blueprints of the Main Facility, and they are arguably the most important department that we have so far in this corporation. They research new technology, build new technology, analyze the properties of newly-found anomalies so we can find their weakness, etc. The requirements for joining are very high and only a select few from the waiting list that you guys are in are picked."

External Relations, Cybersecurity, and Privacy Department, or ERCPD as most of us call it since the department name is too long is basically the department that deals with politics and foreign relations, hence their nickname, "The Lobbyists". They are the ones who create peace treaties with foreign governments in times of conflict and work to keep the peace between us and them so we can get their funding. They also focus on information control, since our organization is highly secretive and only known to high-ranking political officials. But sometimes, private information is leaked to the public via an anonymous source. The ERCPD focuses on first, securing the information and deleting it from public forums, and then brainwashing the individuals who have seen the classified info through various means.



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