Chapter 5: The Missing Parcel

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Date: September 9, 2024
Time: 8: 45 PM
Location: 9583 Mangorobu Dr.
Weather: Clear


"And... That should be the last test paper." Kanae said as she finished grading the paper. "Kanao! Are you ready!" She yelled from inside her room. "Yes, Nee-san!" Kanao yelled back. Kanao was already downstairs by the door waiting for her sister to get ready.

A few minutes later, Kanae came down wearing a light pink hoodie and some regular track pants, Kanao was also wearing a pink hoodie but it was a darker shade of pink, she was also wearing yoga pants. Both the women had swords strapped to their right sides. As Kanae came down the stairs she called out to Aoi, "Aoi! We're leaving!" She shouted, Aoi replied back, "Ok! Stay safe!" Kanae and Kanao left the house when Kanae turned around, "Oops, I forgot something!" Kanae said as she ran inside the house. A few moments later she came out with two fox masks, both with pink flowers decorating the face of it. "Urokodaki-san gave these to us. He said it contains a spell that helps ward off demons, also it can be used to conserve our identities." Kanae said with a beaming smile. Kanao nodded and took the mask, "Where to first?" She asked, "Well first we have to investigate the last known location of the parcel." Kanae replied. "Master said that the parcel was last known to be located in a tree in Kimetsu Park right?" Kanao asked, Kanae nodded as the two women started walking down the road.

Codename: Crimson Flower
Identity: Kanae Kocho

Description: Kanae is a really good fighter, able to rise through the ranks of the corp and reached the highest rank: Hashira. She possesses incredible speed and agility, as well as a considerable amount of stamina. She also possesses a sword style similar to Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Nezuko, name Flower Breathing. She also has extensive knowledge in giving care and aid to injured slayers, in fact, it was her idea to convert the Butterfly Mansion into a secret slayer hospital. She doesn't often get visitors from injured slayers, but it's not rare to see one or two slayers come in for some treatment.

Codename: Pink Flower
Identity: Kanao Tsuryui

Description: Kanao is Kanae's student, as she also knows Flower Breathing. And similar to Kanae, she possesses a high degree of speed, agility, and stamina. Along with her keen sense of eyesight, she is able to defeat opponents that are seemingly impossible to kill, some say that she might even become a hashira before Kanae retires. In her squad, she is their "slippery snake," due to her ability to squeeze through tight gaps with her agility.


Date: September 9, 2024
Time: 9:00 PM
Location: Kimetsu Park
Weather: Clear


As the two women reach the gates of the park, they enter the park through the gates as they being to wander into the forest passing the playground completely. "Should be a bit further into the forest," Kanae said as they both walk further into the woods.

After a few minutes of walking, they began to notice that the light from the park was starting to fade, they both reached into their hoodie pockets and took out some flashlights. They turned the flashlights on and resumed walking further and further into the woods. "So what tree was the delivery in?" Kanao said as she aims her flashlights at some trees, "Master didn't specify on it, but he did say it was a large tree since the shipment was large, so just look for any big trees with any odd features on it." Kanae said as she looks around with her flashlights. As the two began walking further and further into the woods. They stopped a few minutes later and Kanao began to look around, "Why'd you stop?" Kanae questioned. "I feel like it's here somewhere." As she looks around curiously, "Ara ara, and what makes you think that?" Kanae jokingly questioned, "Something is telling me..." Kanao answered with a bit of a suspicious tone in her voice. Kanae just nodded and began to look around too.

"You found anything?"
Kanae asked, "Not yet!" Kanao yelled back. As the two women kept searching, Kanao was about to turn around to tell her sister that they should continue to walk forward, but something caught her eye. From the corner of her eye, she could see a large tree that looks like it was cut through with a burning blade as she could see burn marks on the part where the tree was cut. She walked up to the tree and took a closer look at it, she confirmed it was burn marks and that the tree was cut open with a hot knife or blade. "Nee-san! I found something!" She shouted as her big sister rushed over to her, "What did you find?" She asked, "Look." Kanao said. They both looked at the tree and began to observe it, "This should be the place where the parcel was, the hole is cut in a rectangle shape so I can imagine whoever took it out also knew that there was something inside." Kanae said as she began to run her fingers across the burnt wood chips of the tree, "What do you think can make that cut, Nee-san?" Kanao asked, "I'm not sure, my best guess is that a hot blade of some kind managed to cut the tree open, but..." Kanae said, "The person who cut the tree must have incredible accuracy and precision because they could've cut right through the box and also the hole is a perfect rectangle" She added. Kanao looked surprised and began to think about what could have made the hole. "A demon?" She asked Kanae. "Demons aren't this accurate, this is definitely something else," Kanae said while stroking her chin. "Do you think we should ask the person in charge of the delivery?" Kanao stated.

"I think he is currently out right now, but I think one of his henchmen who were responsible for the delivery is available," Kanae said. "Where is he?" Kanao asked, "I don't know..." Kanae replied. "I could try calling Aoi and see if she can contact the person," Kanao asked. "That's a good idea Kanao, you do that while I examine the scene further," Kanae said, Kanao nodded and started to contact Aoi on her earpiece.

"Hello, Aoi?" Kanao said into her earpiece, "Yes Kanao?" Aoi replied back. "Can you track down the person who was responsible for delivering the parcel?" Kanao said, "But isn't he out?" Aoi replied back. "I heard that one of his henchmen is available so I want you to try to track his location for me," Kanao asked, "Ok, give me a few minutes," Aoi said as she began typing on her computer.


"Found it!" Aoi said after a few minutes of silence in Kanao's earpiece, "Where?" Kanao said. "Let me just pull it up...." Aoi said, "Apparently, he is in Kimetsu Hospital." She added after Aoi said that, both she and Kanao realized what she said. "Hold on, Kimetsu Hospital?" Aoi said to herself as she began working again in order to confirm if the location is correct. "Oh my, he is in the hospital right now..." Aoi said after a few seconds. "I wonder what happened to him?" Kanao asked, "I don't know, but that should be your next location right now." Aoi stated, "Ok, bye for now." Kanao said as she dropped the call on her earpiece.

"Nee-san! Aoi found where he is!" Kanao screamed, Kanae jumped a little bit and turned around, "Ara ara Kanao we're like 5 feet apart, there is no need to scream." Kanae said as she turned around a bit shaken, "Sorry nee-san..." Kanao said in an apologetic tone. "Forget it for now, what did Aoi say?" Kanae asked, "She said that he is in the hospital right now." Kanao said back. "Oh my, how did he get administered to the hospital in the first place?" Kanae asks, a bit surprised. "I don't know, but our primary focus, for now, is to know who stole our parcel, and I think he knows." Kanao said, "Ara ara, since when did you get so serious Kanao?" Kanae asked jokingly, Kanao looked at her with a confused expression (Kanae couldn't see it, but she knew she was confused), Kanae chuckled, "Nevermind that," Kanae said as she started to walk out of the forest with Kanao.


After they exited the park and began to walk down the road towards the hospital, "Nee-san, isn't the hospital like a 3-hour walk from here?" Kanao says as she questioned her older sister. "I guess your right, we might have to cut this walk short since we don't have enough time because of school," Kanae replied, she then jumped on a roof and began to run, "Last one there is a rotten tempura!" Kanae cheekily said as she began to run along the rooftops of the houses, "H-hey! Not fair!" Kanao said as she jumped on another rooftop and began running alongside her sister.


Date: September 9, 2024
Time: 9:56 PM
Location: Kimetsu Hospital
Weather: Clear


As the two women jump on the rooftop of a large building in the middle of the city, the two can be seen panting a little bit since they are a bit exhausted from their run. "*Huff* *huff* I win again Kanao." Kanae said while panting, "Not fair nee-san you got a head start..." Kanao said while sitting on the ground, Kanae chuckled "Ara ara, don't be such a sore loser." She said, Kanao puffed her cheeks in a bit of a ticked mood, "Hmph!" Kanao replied. Kanae just laughed and walked to the edge of the building, "At least we are at the hospital." Kanae said while looking from the building where a large hospital is located from across the road, Kanae then waved her hand and signaled Kanao to follow her, Kanao stood up and followed her older sister to climb down a ladder on the side of the large building.

After they climbed down the ladder, they ended up in an alleyway that was across from the hospital. "Take off your masks, and make sure to keep your blade concealed," Kanae said as she took off her mask and tucked her blade inside her clothes, Kanao did the same as they exited the alleyway and crossed the road full of cars.

They reached the entrance of the hospital and walked inside, and went up to the receptionist's desk. "Hello we would like an order a visit to a patient that is here," Kanae said to the woman at the desk, "Sure if you would give me the names of you and the patient, we can have your visit scheduled right now." The woman said, "Kanae Kocho and Kanao Tusyuri." Kanae said, the woman began typing, and a few moments later she asked for the name of the patient, "And what is the name of the patient you are trying to visit?" The woman asked, Kanae paused at the comment and began to think, "Please excuse me for a moment," Kanae said to the woman, as she brought Kanao to a corner. "What was the name of the person?" Kanae asked while whispering, "Crap, I forgot to ask that." Kanao stated, "Quickly text Aoi about his name, there is a line forming behind us," Kanae replied. Kanao nodded and pulled out her phone and began texting Aoi.

Aoi (Direct Messages)

Kanao: Aoi, I need the name of that man, quick!

Aoi: Which one?

Kanao: The man you told me about earlier!

Aoi: Oh, ok hold on, I'll get his name for you.

Kanao: Do it quick!

Aoi: Patience, trying to name an unknown man is a difficult process you know?

Kanao: Idc, just do it as fast as you can!

Aoi: Ok fine, I found his name, it's Yuto Endo

Kanao: Thanks, ok bye!

Aoi: Bye...

*Kanao has logged off*

"Well that was certainly something..." Aoi thought to herself.

"It's Yuto Endo!" Kanao said as she looked at Kanae who immediately run back to the desk. "Yuto Endo!" Kanae said, the woman began typing again, and after a few seconds she organized the visit. "Ok, your visit is organized, just follow one of our staff members to his room, and wear the card you will be provided." The woman said as she places two cards on her desk that say, "Visitors," Kanae gasped a sigh of relief and took the cards from the desk, "Thank you." She said as she place one of the cards on her neck and gave one to Kanao, who also did the same.

A staff member then came from a nearby door and signaled them to follow him, "That was quick." Kanao thought to herself as she and Kanae began to follow the man.


After 15 minutes of walking through hallways and taking an elevator, they finally reached a room that was numbered "241." The man who was guiding them then opened the door and walked inside while being followed by the two women.

Inside the room they saw a man in a patient's gown covered in bandages and hooked up to an IV tube, they also saw that his left arm was in a cast. The two women were surprised to see the man in such a state and approached him as their guide left them saying that they had only 20 minutes to talk to him.

"Ara ara, what happened to you? You don't look so well." Kanae said with a soft smile and approached the man's bed. "I'd rather not say..." The man replied. "Yuto..." Kanae said, the man quickly looked at her, "How do you know my name?" Yuto replied back. "Simple, research!" Kanae cheerfully said, which confused the man even more. "Anyways, Yuto-kun, we want to know what happened to the package that you failed to deliver." Kanae said in a somewhat threatening tone, the man was a bit shaken at her sudden change in tone, "So you are the people that my boss sends those packages to?" Yuto asked, both Kanao and Kanae nodded. Yuto sighed, "If you want to know, I'll just tell you this simple thing, he took it." Yuto said, "We already know that, but we want to know who took it." Kanae replied back. Yuto was silent for a bit until he started to give off an uneasy feeling as his trauma from today still remains, Kanae and Kanao both sensed this and start to become more worried for the man. The man finally sighed as he started to talk, "I don't remember what he looks like fully, but he was wearing a black suit with a red undershirt, black tie, black gloves, and black hair..." Yuto says, "And..." Kanae stated. "Well... He had this mask, it looked like it was from the future, with all sorts of red and orange lines running down it, and glowing eyes." Both Kanae and Kanao were a little bit shocked about what the man said about his attacker, "And... Any weapons?" Kanao added, "Two, actually a silenced pistol and a knife, but the knife's blade was glowing in a bright orange color, if you asked me to compare it to anything, I would say that it functioned like a lightsaber from Star Wars." The man said, "So that's how he managed to cut that hole." Kanae said. "Weren't you assigned with a few of your boss's men?" Kanao added. The man started to shake a little bit, "I'd rather not tell you..." Yuto said, "Please tell us." Kanae firmly stated, which shook Yuto a bit, "O-ok, I was assigned with a group, after we put the package where it was supposed to go, we headed back to tell our boss that the package has been successfully inserted inside the tree, we entered a dark alleyway and that's when he first showed up, and in a matter of a few seconds, all of my comrades except for me laid dead on the ground, I looked at my comrade's dead bodies in horror and looked to see the man who did it, and... There he was. I started to run as fast as I can, I knew he was following me because I could sense his presence, I didn't look back and I ran... I ran until I took a turn in an alleyway, but it was a dead end. When he caught up to me, he asked me where the parcel is, if I didn't answer correctly he would've killed me on the spot, I gave him my answer and he was about to leave, until he grabbed my arm and crushed it on the spot. I yelled in pain as he left the alleyway, he said the hospital was close by so I ran to the hospital as fast as I could while in pain, I reached the hospital and they immediately took me in. They did surgery on my arm and said I would have to be here for a few weeks until they release me." Yuto said.

This shocked Kanae and Kanao as they both get up and start to walk towards the door, "Thanks for the info Yuto-kun! I hope you get better soon!" Kanae says as she walks out the door along with Kanao, "Thanks..." Yuto measly says as he watches the two women exit his room.

"Well, now we know what the thief looks like and what he is capable of." Kanao says as she and Kanae start walking through the hallways of the hospital in order to find the exit, "We also have a new threat." Kanae adds to Kanao's comment. Kanae just sighs as they both head down the hospital corridors and into an elevator.

"We have to tell Master what we heard about today in order to alert the entire corps," Kanao said as she pushed the button on the elevator to go down, as the elevator starts to move, the two women sat there in silence as the elevator beeps as each floor slowly passes by, "Also Kanao, if one of us were to ever encounter him, don't fight him alone, we don't know what he is fully capable of." Kanae said, "Hai, nee-san." Kanao replied, "But nee-san what if the guy we are worrying about turns out to be weak?" Kanao asked, "Nobody can take down an entire company of men and crush a man's arm like it was nothing and be called weak, I'm telling you Kanao, this may seem like a different threat." Kanae said with a bit of a stern voice, Kanao just simply nodded and looked ahead.

As the elevator door opens, they exit into the lobby and start walking towards the exit of the hospital. While walking, Kanae noticed Kanao frowning, "She's thinking a bit too hard." Kanae thought, she then got an idea and smirked. "Oh, Kanao!" Kanae said as she started poking Kanao, "Y-yeah nee-san?" Kanao said as she snapped out of her train of thought.

As the two walked out of the hospital, Kanae said, "I hope you're not thinking too hard about how you are going to confess to Tanjiro-kun!" Kanae said with a joking tone, Kanao blushed hard, "N-nee-san!" Kanao yelled, "M-me a-nd Tan-Tanjiro are only friends!" She added, "Are you sure about that?" Kanae jokingly questioned. Kanao blushed even harder as Kanae started to walk faster, "H-hey! Get back here!" Kanao yelled as Kanae started running, "You going to have to catch me first!" Kanae yelled back, Kanao started to run after her sister while her older sister was laughing due to the reaction her younger sister made when she mentioned Tanjiro.


The entire night was filled with laughs and chuckles for the two women.


But unbeknownst to them, a certain masked man was watching them leave the hospital. "M-" He says as he is interrupted, "Don't worry bud, I got the info, just head back to your house, your mission is done for now." The voice from his earpiece says, the masked man just smirks as he leaves the ledge he was standing on.


Codename: Agent Red Sun (I couldn't think of a better codename)
Identity: Tanjiro Tsugikuni

Description: Best in the business, only deployed when the missions are suicidal or high-risk, never once failed a mission. Trained by his father from when he was a child, he quickly grew and surpassed him. He possesses a currently unidentifiable amount of speed, strength, agility, stamina, accuracy, etc. Anything you think he is good at, he is better at that thank you think. When new agents enter the organization and learn about him, they are met with the response from more veteran agents: "Anything you think you are good at, he is infinitely times better than you and more."

(This is where I'll end the basic intro, you'll just have to wait and see what other abilities and powers he has in that human shell of his).


And now it's time for the second entry of "The Slayers Creed," brought to you by Kanae and Kanao!

Kanae: Due to the corps' secrecy from the public, slayers like us try to avoid getting administered into public hospitals due to the medical staff wondering how the slayers get odd injuries such as lung damage, with no external damage done to the body, or poisoning by an unknown poison. This is why we have secret hospitals scattered all across Japan, and the Butterfly Mansion is conveniently also one too.

Kanao: We also use earpieces for communication mostly, but sometimes our earpieces get damaged in combat, so we sometimes used the old system of communication between slayers, the Kasugai crow. Though they are rarely used nowadays, slayers still get crows assigned to them after they complete the final selection.

Kanae: Anyway... Join us in the next chapter "New Missions," where we join Tanjiro on his first mission and where the slayer hunt begins.

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