Chapter 17: Anger and The Report

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Date: September 28, 2024
Time: 5:30 PM
Location: ???
Weather: Clear


A man bangs his hand on the table and screams, "WHY ARE ALL MY DEMONS SO WEAK?!" He screams as he swipes all of the objects on his desk out of pure rage and anger, "Gah!" He screamed as he banged his hand on the desk again. He then took a breath to calm down and sat again on his desk, "That demon I assigned to that job was already killed, I already gave him too much of my blood and he dies just like that?!" He thinks as he clenches his fist, "Dam it! This man may be more of a pain to the a*s than I thought, he might be a new threat..." He thinks, "No! We can't have that, this war is to be fought by me and the slayers only! Not some fancy pants know-it-all! I need him gone!" He thought as he got up, "If he was able to take care of a demon that easily then I may need to get rid of him quickly, I don't care if he has info about the slayers, I need his head!" He thinks.

As the man stands up he continues to think of how to get rid of the mysterious man, he then gets a sudden image of the man who almost defeated him years ago. He then begins trembling a bit, "I need him gone..." He thinks, he then walks to the door and his body starts to shapeshift into that of a woman, his clothes also change into that of a black kimono instead of a suit and tie. "Nakime." The man thinks as the floor then opens up and he is transported to a wooden platform with fencing all over it, miles of old Japanese architecture can also be seen while viewing from the platform. A woman with pale skin, black hair covering her eyes, a black kimono, and a biwa in her hand can be seen sitting on the ground with a cushion under her feet. The man turned around and faced the women with the biwa, "Call the lower moons." She said, the woman nodded and strung her biwa once.

In a moment, six people are brought in front of the two people. The six people can be seen in random positions, most of them covered in blood. realizing where they were and the people in front of them, they cleaned the blood off their faces and immediately began bowing towards the man, or woman that was in front of them.

"Lord!" They all said in unison, "Silence!" The woman screamed. The entire room then went silent, and for a second you could hear dust falling to the ground. "So it appears that we may have a new threat." The woman said, "I already sent a demon to deal with him, but apparently..." She says, "... All the demons that I have are weak!" She exclaimed. The tone of the woman's voice caused the six demons who were bowing to her to tremble in fear, "It appears that I need to send you six in to deal with him for me..." The woman added, "But let it be known that this man is stronger than he seems, so that's why I would send you six to deal with him." She said, "But let it be known that if even one of you fails me, I will punish all of you severely." She stated.

"M-may we ask what he looks like my lord?" One of the demons said, "Who are you to tell me what to do?!" The woman screamed, the demons only cowered more in fear due to the pure anger coming from her, "Tch..." The woman said as she snickered, "Seeing as the other demon that I sent failed to complete a simple task, I may as well give you some information on what the man looks like, but let it be known that this will be the only information I will give you because I only have a vague description of what he looks like." The woman stated, "The only information that I know is that this man wears a suit." She said as she looked at the demons with killer eyes, "I hope that serves as a description for you," the woman added, "Y-yes my lord!" The demons all said in unison as they trembled due to pure fear and anxiety. "Good. Now, leave my sight, and find this man, this is your mission, and remember, if you fail me, you will all be punished." The woman said with a serious and strict tone. The demons all nodded and the woman with the biwa strung her biwa once and the demons who were bowing all disappeared in a second.

"Good..." The woman thought as he turned back into his primary form; A man with a black suit and white trousers. "Those idiots better not fail me, or else I will dissolve the lower moons, they have already proven themselves beyond useless, if they fail this task, I will not hesitate to murder every last one of them..." The man said as she looks at the woman with the biwa, "Nakime." He says, the woman then nods and plays her biwa, the man is transported back to his office as he sits back at his desk, and begins to work on finding his "cure".


Meanwhile, Tanjiro sits in his living room as he watches a show on his TV (he likes to do that a lot), he then receives a call from his phone which was laying on the table in front of him. He picks it up and answers the call, "Hello?" Tanjiro asks, "Tanjiro, it's me." A voice speaks back, "Ahh, Minato! How are you?" Tanjiro states, he then gets up from his seat and walks to his room. "Good, how about you?" Minato replies, "Good, what do you need me for?" Tanjiro states, "HR wants a report from your mission," Minato replies, "Weren't you supposed to do it?" Tanjiro questions, "The report was like a sentence long, I can't just put "mission successful" on the official report, they want to know what you found out and what you did." Minato replies, "Didn't you already get that?" Tanjiro asks, "I don't want to go through like 1500 hours worth of missions just to find one that could only give a vague description of what you did." Minato replies, Tanjiro just sighs, "Ok fine, by the way, I already sent the swords to you guys after I came back, did you get that?" Tanjiro questions, "Yeah we did, Kurina is currently studying them right now along with the ore you also retrieved." Minato replied, "Good, anyways what did you want from me about my mission, I'm sure you can look through 1500 hours of me doing missions just to find the video of yesterday's mission, either way, they are ordered by date, aren't they?" Tanjiro asks.

"Yeah, the system suffered a glitch a few days ago, and they had to take down that part of the system for some maintenance, which made my job a lot harder." Minato replies, "Anyways, I just need you to tell me what you observed during the fight and if you found anything new." Minato adds, "Very well, yesterday we managed to have a further look into these new "entities", we observed that they have superhuman strength, agility, speed, stamina, and regeneration. Apparently, there is no way to kill these new entities other than slicing their neck off with a special blade since my heat blade didn't work." Tanjiro states, "I can also say that these Ninchirin blades serve a special purpose as they seem like the only weapon that we know of so far that can kill these things. Also, they seem like they are built with highly durable material because when I broke the blades, I noticed that they were much stronger than regular blades." Tanjiro added, "Another thing to add Minato, it seems that these entities are all led by one person whom they call "lord", they also possess no regard for human life as we both saw the things kill the men of the convoy without any mercy or regret. This would make them an automatic threat to humanity, which would mean that they are a threat to our organization. And it seems that the "slayers" that I fought were fighting for good as I only sensed true intentions coming from some of them as they tried to protect their friend." Tanjiro says, "Mhm, continue." Minato asks, "Also, I realized that their move sets usually revolve around several different things, but each of them all have a theme to it, like the demon I fought, it had a move set that revolved around nature. Or the demons that I saw earlier in the night, they both had a move set that revolved around fire and negative emotions." Tanjiro said, "Good, that should conclude what you observed for the report, I'll probably take your recommendation and search through the 1500 hours since the technicians said that the system will be back up today. I'll do it after we end this call so I can send the report to HR." Minato said,

"Thanks," Tanjiro said, "No problem bud," Minato replied. "Anything else? Because I do have something else to talk to you about regarding the ore shipments." Tanjiro asked, "I already got the briefing, I'll just look through the files for the footage, I already got the debriefing and new info. So I think that should be it for now..." Minato says as he looks through the papers on his desk, "Hold on, weren't you supposed to tell HR about what we learned a few days ago?" Tanjiro questioned, "Um... I'm lazy..." Minato said with a goofy tone. Tanjiro just sighed, "It's ok I guess, as long as you get the info to HR, we'll be fine." Tanjiro stated. "Yeah..." Minato blandly stated, "Anyways what was that you wanted to talk about the ore shipments?" Minato added, "Oh yeah, I want to know if you found the source where all of these shipments are coming from," Tanjiro asked, "They have a pretty good and discrete shipment route, by with my training, I managed to pinpoint the location of where they get their ore." Minato says, "Where is it?" Tanjiro asks. "Fukushima Mine..." Minato says, "But isn't that a public mine? I thought the mine would be private..." Tanjiro asks, "I thought the same when I first saw it, but I quickly learned how they extract the ore from there." Minato says.

"How so?" Tanjiro questions, "Notice a pattern in these deliveries, they always carry them out at night." Minato says, "So?" Tanjiro asks, "What I think happens is that some workers working in that mine are actually working for these slayers and the way they are able to mine to ore without anyone knowing is that they mine the ore as well as other minerals, and when they take it back to the surface, they pack the ore between the other minerals in order to hide it from the inspectors. They then take the ore from the clutter and place it in a secret place, I imagine they do this after work or during their lunch breaks." Minato states, "Cool." Tanjiro blatantly replies, "Then I think that a group would claim the ores and put them in special packages, they would then give different groups the package and those groups would give the package to other groups and so on until the packages reach their destination." Minato says, "That's a nice observation you made there Minato, but how did you find out?" Tanjiro asks, "I don't slack off on my homework, I check the satellites." Minato says, "Also, they are really strict on time since I always see the raw ore being shipped at exactly 7 PM every night when a shipment is due, which means that they have a strict schedule to follow." Minato adds, "Also, these shipments happen randomly and don't have a set pattern, I think the buyer of these ores only sends out for it when they need it I guess." Minato states, "Thanks for the info Minato, you try to look into finding out the next delivery, and I try to find out who are our enemies and who are not." Tanjiro asks, "Remember Tanjiro, nobody here is your ally, you work for us, and you trust nobody until we verify that we can trust them." Minato says seriously, "Ok, ok, I know, I've worked for you guys ever since I was born, I know what to do and what not to do Minato, sheesh, no need to be so serious." Tanjiro replies, "I know Tanjiro, but this is probably the 3rd time you brought this up, you don't usually do this Tanjiro, I'm just caring for you." Minato replies, "Thanks for the care, but I assure you that I won't ever go rogue." Tanjiro says, "Promise?" Minato states, "I never break a promise." Tanjiro replies sternly.

"Good, anyways, with that aside..." Minato says, "... Want to talk about some things while we are at it?" Minato adds as he suddenly changes his tone from serious to light-hearted, "You're bipolar..." Tanjiro said, "Shut up, anyways, how is school?" Minato says, "You just proved my point bro..." Tanjiro thought as he spoke, "Good..." Tanjiro said, "How's life on your end?" Minato asked, "Good I guess, I made some friends here and there, some people don't like me, but I really don't care..." Tanjiro replies, "That's good. Are you keeping yourself safe?" Minato asks, Tanjiro goes silent for a few seconds. "Boy, I am literally the top agent of a secret organization that deals with life-ending anomalies and threats, and you are asking to be safe?" Tanjiro says, "Ok, ok relax. I'm just taking on the responsibilities of your mom." Minato says, "Stop acting like her, it's unnatural, she's dead..." Tanjiro says in a somewhat sad tone, "I know Tanjiro, I'm sorry to act like this, but I promised your mom to always make sure you are safe." Minato said, "It's fine..." Tanjiro replies, "Thanks bud." Minato says.

Minato then gets a notification from his computer, he clicks on it on reads it. Tanjiro notices murmuring coming from the phone and asks Minato about it, "Is everything ok Minato?" Tanjiro says, "Yeah it's fine, I just received a message from HR about a new mission?" Minato says, "What is it about?" Tanjiro questions, "It's not anything bad, just some people doing some illegal arms and drug dealing." Minato says, "What's the mission statement?" Tanjiro states, "Terminate." Minato replies back, "Very well..." Tanjiro says.

"What time and day will the delivery be carried out?" Tanjiro asks, "7 PM on Thursday," Minato says, "I can make that," Tanjiro replies. "What place?" Tanjiro asks, "An abandoned warehouse about 5 or so clicks from the South of Tokyo." Minato says, "Why is HR sending me in? This is a low-level mission..." Tanjiro says, "I guess it's because you are one of our only agents that is stationed close to the mission objective, they probably want to save time and resources by sending you in I guess..." Minato says, "Make's sense." Tanjiro replies, "Now that you got your mission, let's go back to what we were talking about." Minato says, Tanjiro just sighs.

"Got any plans for tomorrow or something?" Minato states, "Yeah, I have to the park with some friends later this weekend..." Tanjiro said, "What about you? Going to finally make a move on Kurina or are you just going to be a baby about it?" Tanjiro jokes, even though Tanjiro couldn't see it, he could tell that Minato was blushing, "I haven't thought about it yet! D-don't bring that up!" Minato yells, Tanjiro just laughs, "Just joking! Though you should really make a move on her since you like her ever since childhood..." Tanjiro says, "I've been thinking about it!" Minato replies, "I still remember that song that we used to sing about you two with the others when we were little..." Tanjiro says in a teasing tone, "Stop..." Minato says, "Minato and Kurina sitting in a tree..." Tanjiro jokingly sings, "Stop!" Minato yells. Tanjiro chuckles again, "Ok, ok fine... Just getting some payback from last time bud." Tanjiro says, "You better not do that again..." Minato says, "Fine..." Tanjiro says while he has his fingers crossed behind his back, "Ok..." Minato replies.

"Anyways, you haven't told me the names of your friends, would you care to introduce them?" Minato asks, "You are acting like my mom again..." Tanjiro says, "I'm actually asking this time Tanjiro..." Minato blatantly says, "Ok fine, if you want to know, their names are Zenitsu, Inosuke, Nezuko, Kanao, Genya, and Aoi. Three girls, three boys." Tanjiro replies, "How are they like?" Minato asks, "Zenitsu is a coward and simp, but he is caring. Inosuke is aggressive and dumb, but he can be calm at times. Nezuko is very nice and caring, I think of her as my sister. Kanao is the same but she is quieter, Aoi is tough and strict, but she is still a nice friend. And Genya is tall and intimidating, but inside, he's a pretty nice guy." Tanjiro says, "That's cool, a little bit like us and the others isn't it?" Minato asks, "Yep." Tanjiro replies.

"Anyways I got to go now, I forgot to do my daily checkups around the servers, so see ya!" Minato says, "Aight' bye man!" Tanjiro says as he drops the call. Tanjiro gets up from his desk and walks from his room, while walking he receives a notification on his phone, he looks at it and reads it.

"Tomorrow at 2 PM..." Tanjiro thinks, he then turns off his phone and continues to walk, while walking he is thinking about what to do with his friends as a stray thought appears in his mind, "Kanao..." He thinks as he quickly shakes his head and ponders what he just thought about. "The hell..." He thinks as he reaches his living room, he then jumps on the couch and watches the TV which managed to skip a few episodes since he didn't pause it, but he didn't mind.

Spy's Diary

Entry 6


Tanjiro: The agents with whom I work all receive the same heat blade as mine, the hilt is able to produce a controlled magnetic field so the plasma can be formed into the shape of a blade, and the hilt is also made of a highly durable metal with a very high heat capacity. We can also control the magnetic field, which means we can extend our blade or shorten it to our liking. The heat blade also has two settings, the plasma blade setting, and the steel blade setting. We can switch from plasma to steel blades in under a second with just a click of a button or with our chips if we can't find time to do so. The hilt also has loads of microscopic sensors that are used to detect the holder, if any agent from our organization holds it, it will automatically ignite, but if anybody else does, then the hilt will start to heat up to crazy temperatures which would burn the unauthorized person hands. The heat won't damage the internal mechanisms of the blade since the mechanisms are coated in a thin, heat-proof sheat. This weapon has been in service with us ever since the organization has ever been founded, this weapon is highly effective and very loved among the agents, so much so that agents usually customize their blades, from their hilts to the color of their plasma blades. Agents can do so by mixing in pouring certain chemicals into a compartment that is located on the hilt. I guess the manufacturers of the blade that we use knew that we would end up customizing it, so I guess they put that compartment there some people go really far with customization.

Tanjiro: There are so many more uses and abilities that our heat blades have, but I'm afraid that we don't have time to cover them all. But what you can do is find out what happens next in the next chapter, "The Park Visit" where me and my friends go for a walk in the park.

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