Chapter 44: Departure

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Date: November 30, 2023
Time: 12:34 AM
Location: [REDACTED]
Weather: Unknown


"Leaving already mate?" Johan asked in his casual outfit along with the others as they stood outside Tanjiro's door and watched him as he packed his things, "Yeah, you know I have to go back, mission ain't over." Tanjiro said with a sarcastic eyebrow raise, "Dam...just as it was getting good." He stated, "You had an entire week to have as much fun with me, now it's up to you to see how long you can fend off without me babying you every step of the way." Tanjiro stated, "Am I right, Eddie?" Tanjiro asked Edmund who nodded, "Me and Andrew are fine without you, but...I ain't sure about these three." Edmund says as he points to the three people in front of him which were Minato, Johan, and Lorenzo.

"I imagine about a few days these guys will last without getting into some sort of BS or something." Edmund said as he tapped his watch, Minato slowly turned around to face Edmund, "Boi." He said as he turned around again, "Alright when I leave, I'll put you two in charge. And make sure that these guys aren't acting like complete retards and manage to breach an anomaly that could spell the doom of the earth." Tanjiro said as he pointed to Edmund and Andrew.

"Aye aye, Sir!" Edmund said as he started to sweat a bit out of nervousness, "Oh boy..." He thought as he turned to Andrew who had a poker face. "Good, now...Minato, I just want you to do your job and help through these missions, I'll provide you with the information that I collected from my father's diary if I ever read it again so that you can use those clues to finally find out what we are dealing with here." Tanjiro stated Minato raised a finger in response, "Hold on, first of all, why can't you just send me the entire thing now or later so that we don't have to wait day by day for you to upload a page that could've contained some vital information I needed earlier, which could put me off my investigation. And second, I'm pretty sure that you don't even have to do that, we have a pretty good understanding of who and what we are dealing with." Minato responded, "We are dealing with super-human beings that have existed for a thousand years and are immortal, but they feast off humans, and they are very weak to the sun. On the other hand, we have the Demon Slayer Corps, who have been around for as long as demons have, and utilize Ninchirin blades in order to neutralize demons. Currently, the demons have a leader who we still don't know, but they refer to him as 'lord', and the Demon Slayers are led by the Ubuyashiki Clan." Minato said with a piece of paper in his hand and some reading glasses. The entire group looked at him with a confused expression, "The f*ck you pulled those things from, your a*s?" Johan asked.

"In my life, I never thought I would see Minato be able to read." Edmund joked, "Counterpoint Minato." Tanjiro said as he placed some clothes into his bag, "We already do know the leader of the demons, it's probably that Michael Jackson lookin' ahh stripper or some shit. Also, I don't have time to read the entire diary, it's like a good 1,000 pages long, and we have a job to do other than read a f*cking 20-year-old diary." Tanjiro stated.

"And how do you know?" Minato asked with a bit of sass in his tone, "When I sensed that man with my nose, I knew he was a demon, but his scent smelt different from the other scents that I picked up from the other demons..." Tanjiro responded, "His scent was much more intense than the others and he smelled a should I put it...musty... signaling that he may have existed for a long time..." Tanjiro said as he wagged his finger.

"Wait, if these things have existed for a thousand years, then how come we have never picked them up on our radar until now?" Edmund asked, Tanjiro shrugged, "I don't know, I guess they are the masters at hiding since they usually do that during the day which is when it's easiest to spot an anomaly." Tanjiro said, Lorenzo sighed a bit with his arms crossed, "This sounds an awful lot like the mission we had in Brazil where we had to face off against the 'Jackals' and the 'Jester'." He said.

The group agreed and started to recall memories about that mission which was years ago but still left a taste on their tongues. "Yeah, those guys were weak but they spread like f*cking COVID." Edmund said, "Still remember that time when we were bum-rushed by like 100 of them or some shit." Andrew said, "Oh yeah, they came charging at us like a f*cking horde from 'World War Z'." Minato said while laughing.

"They really took Russian wave tactics to a whole new level." Tanjiro joked as the group bursts out in laughter, including Andrew who chuckled a little bit. "Now that my things are packed, I shall be heading on my way!" Tanjiro said as he walked through the group at the door, "I shall be seeing you b*tches later!" Tanjiro said as he waved back and headed on his way.

"Yep! Bye!" Edmund said, "We'll see you soon!" He added as he also waved back with the others.

As Tanjiro turned the corner, he broke eye contact between himself and his friends and was now heading on his own way and back to Japan.

He opened the door and exited out of the living quarters of everybody there and now walked onto the cold and hard, marble floor which littered the entire top floors of the Main Facility.

With his backpack on his back, he started to make his way back to the room where he originally came from in order to get here.

"Welp, time to actually do some work!" Tanjiro thought to himself, "Dam! Time went by fast! But hey, you gotta make the most of it!" He said with his hands resting behind his head.

He took a glance at the giant lava lamp as he continued walking and exhaled, "Gonna miss you, buddy!" He thought with a smile. Though he is usually a bit sad after leaving the area he grew up in, this time, he was a bit more excited than before since his mission just got a lot more interesting.


He walked down the hallway that led to the teleporter room, it was rather empty but there were still some people walking up and down it, whether that be janitors, security guards, and even agents who were returning or visiting from a mission. Nevertheless, Tanjiro continued his trek down the hall and to the teleporters.

But before he can even get there, he had to go through the terminals and submit his card and ID to the AI that controlled it.

Tanjiro scanned his hand on the terminal and the same black walls from earlier encased him in his box. "Welcome, Agent Red Sun." The AI voice said, "Hello." Tanjiro said, "Please put your ID and card back into the box." The voice asked as the terminal in front of Tanjiro lowered and a small, clear box that sat on top of a cushion and a pedestal replaced the terminal as it clicked into place.

"Ok..." Tanjiro said before opening the box by clicking the switch on both sides. He then put his ID and card in the box and closed it shut, he gave it a few taps just because and the pedestal lowered and was soon replaced by the terminal. The walls were also lowered and Tanjiro was allowed through.

Tanjiro continued walking and stepped inside a teleporter. After a few seconds, the base of the area he was standing on started to blink white and Tanjiro's body started to fade into blue pixels from the ground up.

"Japan, here I come!" He thought as his body was suddenly engulfed in effect.


He reappeared back in his secret room in his house with the remote that controlled the door to his room still on the table. The last of the pixels finally formed into his feet and he walked out of the teleported and onto the floor without a scratch.

Tanjiro took a big sniff of his basement air and a smile curled up on his lips, "Home sweet home!" He exclaimed to himself before placing his backpack on his bed and taking out the items that belonged in his room before moving to his bedroom.

He first took out his suit and placed it on the hanger along with the utilities that he got from the shelf below his suits.

He was given a temporary heat blade by Minato who submitted his heat blade earlier to the Development Department for some changes. They gave Minato a replacement blade to give to Tanjiro in the meantime as they tweak the blade to his requirements.

He took the replacement blade out of the backpack which had a rather basic handle, coming from a regular combat knife used by military personnel, and put it on the rack where his personal blade would use to go along with his gun.

He took off his suit and changed into a pair of casual clothing that was stored in his backpack and hung the suit on the hangers. After doing so, he picked up his backpack along with the remote and opened the door that lead to his basement by pressing the button on the remote. He walked out of the room and onto the stairs as he placed the remote back in its cup holder which it was originally stored along with pens and pencils in order to keep it more hidden from plain eyes.

The door to the room closed automatically as Tanjiro opened the basement door and entered his living room with the lights still turned off.

He ignored it and went directly upstairs to his bedroom and placed his backpack on his bed and took out his phone, laptop, chargers, and other items that were in the bag along with the clothes that he had brought on the trip for him to change into. He walked over to his desk and placed the laptop there and plugged the charger into the outlet that was underneath his desk and soon plugged the charger into the laptop. He went over to his nightstand to place his phone there along with the charger he soon moved on to his clothes which he just threw into his closet.

"Won't be needing that, yet..." He thought as he closed the closet and grabbed his backpack to place under his bed.

He heard a ding on his phone to which his ears perked up and he walked over to see what his phone was going off for.

He soon realized that it was his school friends that were pinging him and he lifted an eyebrow in interest.

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