Chapter 6: New Missions

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Date: September 10, 2024
Time: 2:30 PM (After school)
Location: Kimetsu High School
Weather: Cloudy


After a normal school day at Kimetsu High, the final bell of the day rang.

As students started to pour out of the entrance to the school and walk to the school gates, the teachers were still in their classrooms grading papers, all except for one.

"What is it that you called me for my child?" Ubuyashiki said, "After our mission last night, we uncovered some information that can serve as a purpose in finding out who stole the shipment." Kanae said while sitting across from the principal. "You may speak my child," Ubuyashiki replied. "After visiting the hospital to speak to the last remaining survivor of the group that was supposed to make the delivery, he said that the man who attacked them was wearing a black suit, red undershirt, black tie, black gloves, and a mask from what he says "looks like it's from the future," he also said he carried a silenced pistol and a small blade that seemed like it could conduct heat." Kanae said, "Thank you for the information my child, I will alert the other hashiras to this new threat, for now, you may leave and conduct other business." Ubuyashiki kindly stated, "Thank you, Master," Kanae said as she got up from her chair and left the room, but before she left the room she said one last thing, "Also, Master, this threat may seem like a large one, because the man said that in a few seconds, his entire company laid dead and he crushed his arm like it was nothing. So I might consider sending in some strong slayers to deal with this threat." Ubuyashiki smiled, "As you wish my child," he said. "Thank you for listening to me Master," Kanae said as she left his office.


Date: September 20, 2024
Time: 5:56 PM
Location: 5410 Yoshiteru Ave.
Weather: Mostly Cloudy


"And... That should be the last of it." Tanjiro said as he was completing Friday's homework. "Well... Now that the week is over, what do I do?" He said as he lays down on his bed with his phone next to him. "Hmmm, maybe I should check the chat group..." He thinks to himself.

The 5 Sense (+Some more) GC

Inosuke: Yo, you guys busy?

Genya: For now yeah, I have been busy with homework.

Aoi: You still didn't complete it?

Genya: No...

Aoi: Slow.

Kanao: I and Aoi completed our homework, but we are busy this weekend because of some family matters.

Zenitsu: Which matters?

Aoi: You know dingus...

Zenitsu: Oh yeah.

Nezuko: Anways, I'm bored I already did my homework, what do I do?

Zenitsu: I will keep you company for the weekend Nezuko-channn!!

Nezuko: Really? Thanks, Zenitsu!

Inosuke: Oi! Monitsu, I am coming with you, we still have to fight remember that!

Zenitsu: No you boar head, it's just me and Nezuko-chan!

Nezuko: Zenitsu, it's ok, Inosuke can come too if he is feeling bored.

Zenitsu: Wha- fine, but only for you Nezuko-chan.

Inosuke: Haha I win again!

"Seems like everyone is busy..." Tanjiro thought to himself, "If so... Then that means I can finally focus on my mission," he thought to himself again. He quickly got up from his bed and went to his desk, he tapped a number on his phone and placed it on his desk, he then opened a computer and waited for the caller to answer.

"Hello?" A voice says from the phone, "Hey!" Tanjiro says back. "Oh Tanjiro, it's just you." The voice replies back, "Who else could it be?" Tanjiro replies back jokingly. "Knowing you, it could be anyone." The voice says, they both chuckle at the thought for a while. "Ok, anyways, you got any leads?" Tanjiro says, "You actually called at the right time, I just found a shipment that is heading out at 6:30, the final destination is a construction located 5 clicks from your area." The voice replies, "Should be the one where that bowling alley is being built." Tanjiro said, "I don't know man but that package will be there so go get it." The voice said back.

"Ok, ok, how much of it is being transported?" Tanjiro questioned, "About 12kgs," the voice stated back. "Ok, I'll be on my way then." Tanjiro said, "Good luck agent," the voice replied back. "Won't need it," Tanjiro said as he chuckled, the voice did too. Tanjiro then dropped the call and checked the time "6:04" he thought, he then got up from his desk, "Should still have some time to grab a snack." he thought as he went downstairs towards his kitchen.

After getting a snack, he sat down on his couch and turned on the TV, "Maybe some anime would do nicely." He thought when he sat down and turned on the TV.

After he ate his snack and finished watching the anime he was watching (I'll let you imagine which one he was watching), he got up from his couch and headed to his basement. He opened to door and went downstairs into the basement. He went behind the staircase and moved the boxes that were blocking the entrance to his secret room. He dusted off the keypad and placed his hand on it, the scanner beeped and the door opened.

He walked inside the room and went to a clothesline with suits on it, he took one suit from the hanger and started to put it on, it was a black tuxedo with a black tie and white undershirt, he also wore a green-checkered tie clip on his tie. After putting his suit on he fixed up his tie and went to a certain container containing a certain mask. He looked at the mask for a moment and turned around, he went to a corner of a room where a keypad was located, he put in a code and pulled open a drawer that revealed a freezer containing vials of his own blood, he took a nearby dropper and one of the vials, and opened it. He transferred some of the blood in the vial to the dropper and put the vial back in. He close the drawer and went back to the container. He squeezed the dropper into a hole that was located on the side of the container, after a few seconds a keypad and eye scanner appeared on another side of the container, and he put the code in while looking at the eye scanner.

A few moments later, the container opened and he took out the mask and puts it on, "Welcome back, agent." The mask says. Tanjiro waited for the mask to recalibrate, which didn't take more than a few seconds. He then rolled up his sleeve and checked the time "6:23," he thought, he then went to his weapons and gadgets rack and took his silenced firearm, heat blade, and a detachable handle. He then left the room as the door closed automatically behind him and he pushed the boxes back, concealing the room.

As he closes the basement door behind him, he goes up to his room to retrieve his earpiece, which is in a nightstand buried under other things. As he walks downstairs and exits his house he closes all the lights and locks the door behind him. He then jumps onto his house's roof and starts to run from house to house to the construction site.


"I called you two here because I want you to escort the group that will bring today's delivery back to safety." A man said in an abandoned cave with two people kneeling before him. "As you wish Master, but will you mind telling us where they will be?" A male said, "They will be located at the construction site for the new bowling alley that will later be built here." Ubuyashiki said.

"How many people will we have to escort, Master?" A female said, "About 11 to 10, from our contacts." Ubuyashiki replied. "But for now, I want you two to protect those people and escort them back to safety, I have already told the corps about the new threat and I am sure that you are aware of it too," He added, the two people nodded and replied, "Hai Master." Ubuyashiki then smiled, "You two are dismissed." He said, the two slayers nodded and stood up, and left the cave.

"What do you think this new guy is like Oni-chan?" The female said, "I don't know but I heard he is a considerable threat to the corps." The male explained back, "What if this new threat doesn't turn as bad out as we expect him to be," The female said, "Well then, that's one threat gone and we can focus on our real threat... Demons." The male said with a pause. The female nodded and began to walk out of the forest and into the city.

Codename: Wolverine
Identity: Akria Hamada

Description: She is short and cute, but very aggressive when it comes to battle. She is somewhat cocky and always goes in without thinking (kinda like Inosuke). Even though she is aggressive towards opponents, she is kind to her comrades, if you don't tick her off. She also uses a sword style called Wind Breathing, which, according to her brother, fits her perfectly due to its aggressive nature.

Codename: Red Waters
Identity: Isamu Hamada

Description: Akari's older brother, is more methodical and thorough than her younger sister, but still kinda aggressive when all doesn't go to plan. He is somewhat bland and dull, but nevertheless caring. He possesses a sword style called flame breathing. After his family died in a demon attack, he swore that he will protect his sister (who was the only survivor along with him) until he dies.

As the two siblings run down the road to the construction site they jump on a building that overlooks the city. "The construction site is down there, and delivery will be done in about 15 minutes from now," Isamu says as he looks at his watch, "7:45, so at 8, we'll go," Isamu adds, "Ok, oni-chan!" Akira says happily. Isamu looks at his younger sister and smiles and looks back.

"Hey oni-chan," Akira says, "Yeah?" Isamu replies. "If we ever defeat the demons, what are you going to do in the future?" Aikra said, "Protect you," Isamu immediately said back. "But oni-chan, you have to be concerned about your own future too?" Akira said with a somewhat depressed tone, "My future is you Akira, I made a promise to Mom and Dad when they both died that I will protect you for as long as I live." Isamu said blandly, "But Mom and Dad never said that you have to give up your own future in order for me to thrive," Akira said back. "For now, Akira, the only thing that I know for my future is that you will be in it living your happiest life, and for now, that is all I am going to focus on," Isamu said, "Thanks oni-chan, but I want you to be concerned about yourself too if you don't start worrying about yourself then you won't be around to see me living my best life, and I don't want to lose you too, like how we lost our parents," Akira said as she hugged her brother as a lone tear ran down her face. Isamu smiled and hugged back, he patted his sister on the head and comforted her, "Everything is going to be fine Akira, for now, we are together, and thanks to Master, we are able to live a decent life." Isamu said, "At least it's better than living off the land in this world." Akira replied back, the two laughed as they looked at the city skylines.

"What time is it now Oni-chan?" Akira said as Isamu looked at his watch, "About 7:55," Isamu said as he looked at Akira, "So in about 5 minutes we leave?" Akira said as Isamu nodded. They both just sat there in silence as the minutes slowly pass by.

As Isamu's watch beeped, he turned it off and got up, "Come on it's 7, they are probably waiting for us right now," Akira nodded and got up as well. They then jumped from the ledge they were on and began to run all the way down to the construction site.

A few minutes later when they got to the construction site they were expecting to be met by a group of people wearing black clothing, but not a suit. They soon then saw to them what looked like a man in a tuxedo wearing a mask hovering over the unconscious bodies of the men that were assigned to deliver the parcel, they immediately took their swords out and were on guard.

"It looks like the reinforcements have arrived," the man said with a bland expression.


Date: September 20, 2024
Time: 6:45 PM
Location: Kimetsu Bowling Alley Construction Site
Weather: Partly Cloudy


As Tanjiro sits on a ledge overlooking the construction site, he sees 11 men carrying a package walk into the site. He looks further into the site and sees the men digging a hole in the ground and placing the package inside, as they finished placing the package, they then cover up the hole and mark an "x" on it. Tanjiro then sees them beginning to guard the hole.

As he looks at his watch, he notices that it took them 7 minutes to dig the hole and cover it up. "I don't have a lot of time on my hands, so I guess I'll have to cut this short." He thought as he sighed. He jumped from the building and onto the area of the construction site, he then started to walk inside the site quietly as he wanted to catch the men by surprise.

He approached a set of pipes that was located right behind the men, he quickly took a peak at the weapons they were holding, "Nothing bad, just some blunt weapons, and a couple of small firearms." He thought as he took out his pistol. He then took off the silencer of his pistol and fired it twice in the air, alerting the men.

"What was that?" One of the men said, "A gunshot, come from behind those pipes," another one said as he pointed to the pipes Tanjiro was hiding behind, they began to approach the pipes as a certain tenseness in the air became thicker and thicker. They stopped before the pipes as one of them pushed the other one forward so that he can face the threat first, "You go!" He said as he pushed him forward, "F*ck you," he said as he walked slowly behind the pipes. As he approached the pipes he then jumped forward and hit the pipes from behind, but all there was, was a loud clanging sound. "Huh, nothing..." He said, "It's nothing! Go back to work!" He shouted as the rest of the men just breathed a sigh of relief and walked back to their original positions.

As the man who hit the pipes begins to walk away, he yelps as he is grabbed from behind the pipes and chopped in the neck, knocking him out. The other men hear his yelp and turn to see a man in a tuxedo carrying the unconscious body of their comrade. "Attack!" One of them says as the men armed with blunt weapons begin to charge him, Tanjiro drops the man's unconscious body as he prepares to attack.

One of the men tries to hit him with a baseball bat, but Tanjiro intercepted it by grabbing it mid-swing and punching the man in the gut and sending him back, another man tries to hit him with a pipe but Tanjiro successfully knocks out the man with a kick to the chin, he then grabs the man unconscious body as he is falling and throws his body into two of the men charging him. Another two men charge him at the same time, only to be knocked out by Tanjiro as he grabs both of their heads and crashed them together, giving them both concussions and knocking them out. He then charges at two more men who were beyond shocked by seeing how well and effective Tanjiro was at knocking out their comrades, Tanjiro grabbed one by the collar and kicked the other in the chin, which sent him back into a pile of cement. Tanjiro then forced the guy he was grabbing by the collar into the ground and knocked him out effectively, this only left two goons armed with pistols. They cocked their guns and shot at him, Tanjiro dodged each and every shot, he also took out his heat blade and activated it while mingling his way around each bullet. He sliced some of them and quickly closed the gap between himself and the two gunmen, he quickly disarmed them and grabbed one of the men by the shirt, and kicked him into the other gunman, the two were sent flying into a pile of planks.

As the dust cleared, Tanjiro stood there while placing both his pistol and blade into his suit coat, he then grabbed a nearby shovel and walked to the place where the men dug the hole. But before he started digging, he talked into his earpiece, "Yo, you there?" Tanjiro said into his earpiece, he then hears someone chewing in his ear, "*Mff* Y-yeah, I'm here." The voice says, "Are you seriously eating at a time like this?" Tanjiro says, "I skipped breakfast for this crap man, let me have my food," The voice replies back. Tanjiro sighs, "Anyways, I've located the package and I want you to send one of our carrier drones over." Tanjiro says as he starts digging, "*Mff* Ok you can expect one in a few minutes, just sit tight for now." The voice replies, "Ok," Tanjiro says as he disconnects the call.

A few minutes later, he took the parcel out of the hole, as he did that, a blue flash was seen nearing him as the drone quickly sped towards his location. After the drone stopped and lowered a mechanical hand, he took out the detachable handle and placed it on the package, as the drone sped off, "Package secured," he said into his earpiece, "Thank you for your work agent, now head back to your house and get some rest, we'll take it from here," the voice from his earpiece said. "Since when did you get so serious," Tanjiro replied with a chuckle, "Ever since I valued sleep," the voice replied a bit stressed, "We had this argument a week ago man, my mission is done, go get some sleep bro, don't make me come over there and force you to go to sleep like last time," Tanjiro said, "Uhhhh..... Ok fine I'll log off for now, just go home man," the voice said. "Will do," Tanjiro said as he disconnected the call.

For a while he stood in one place thinking about something, until he was interrupted by a scent that his nose picked up, he kept a dull face under his mask as the two slayers were standing in shock seeing him surround 10 unconscious men, "It looks like the reinforcements arrived," Tanjiro said as the two slayers took out their swords and prepared to attack.


The Spy's Diary

Entry 2


Tanjiro: When I moved here, the agency provided me with a house, at first I declined, but they insisted, telling me it was "special," at first I was a bit confused, but soon after when I got there everything made sense, even though my house may seem very normal, it certainly is not, the house is controlled by the holographic-projection table in the room in the basement, unfortunately, I can't get more specific into the specs of my house, but I can tell you the name of the next chapter.

Tanjiro: Join us in "First Encounter," where I finally face my first foes from the enemy organization.

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