Chapter 29: Just a Simple Drug Bust

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Date: October 31, 2024
Time: 5:45 AM
Location: Tanjiro's House
Weather: Mostly Cloudy



"Gah!" Kanao screamed as she was sent back with a spike that was lodged in her lower torso, she also had several other wounds that were the result of the demon attack.

"Kanao!" Tanjiro screamed as he looked toward the demon and quickly dashed to decapitate it.

"Go to f*ckin hell!" He screamed out of rage as he decapitated the demon that attack the two in an instant

Tanjiro quickly rushed to Kanao and held her in his hands.

"Tanjiro... Am I going to die...?" She weakly said as she coughed some blood out of her mouth.

"Don't worry Kanao, you're going to be fine! Just hang in there!" Tanjiro said as he reached into his coat pocket to find the syringe.

"Shit! Where is it?!" He thought as he tried to feel for it


But it wasn't there...

As he stood there trying to find the syringe he quickly looked back at the state of his girlfriend, kind of, well it was complicated. And realized that she had limited time before she passed away, Tanjiro looked at her eyes which started to lose their vibrant violet glow.

Kanao started to close her eyes and Tanjiro sighed as he reached into another pocket and took out two pieces of cloth and a bandage wrap.

"She already lost too much blood, god please let this work..." Tanjiro worriedly thought before taking off Kanao's ripping off Kanao's shirt and hoody and revealing the large spike that had punctured her as blood started to spill over her torso and onto the ground.

"Well here goes nothing..." Tanjiro thought as he began to slowly push out the spike from her back as she continued to bleed out.

"What the?!" Tanjiro said as he got up from his bed and looked around, "What type of dream was that?" He said to himself as he got out of bed and looked at the time.

"5:46..." He thought to himself as he walked to his closet and tossed his school uniform on his bed and walked out of the room and to the bathroom.

"I know that was a dream, but it seems all too real..." Tanjiro thought as he opened the sink and grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste, "I've had some moments of deja vu, but I mean... I don't know..." Tanjiro thought as he continued to brush his teeth, "Will this really happen in the future or something? Did I get some sort of vision?" Tanjiro thought, "If so, then I might need to be more careful and be ready for when that happens..." He thought as he turned off the shower and took off his clothes revealing his muscular build.


Even after Tanjiro walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him, he still couldn't stop thinking about what happened during the dream, "I don't want my friends getting hurt, especially Kanao, but if that's the future, the least I could do is be prepared, plus it already looked like I was about to operate on her..." Tanjiro thought, "But with those wounds that she had, I'm not sure if she'll make it, I'll probably have a very short timeframe for me to save her before she passes away..." He thought as he entered his room and began to put on his clothes.

"Looks like I'll have to tap into my medical expertise again..." Tanjiro thought as he sighed and went downstairs toward his kitchen and prepared his breakfast which was just plain cereal.

"Fffff, just forget about it...You're overthinking this Tanjiro, I'm sure my future self can handle it." He thought as he ate one spoonful of his cereal.

"But you're an agent, Tanjiro, you're supposed to overthink things, but at the same time, don't overthink it too much..." Tanjiro thought as he starts to walk around his living room in circles before completely finishing his cereal.

He put the bowl back into the sink and walked to his shoe closet where his backpack and shoes were, along with some jackets.

"Today's pretty chilly so yeah, I guess I will take a jacket." Tanjiro thought as he put on his shoes, grabbed his backpack, and put on his jacket before putting on his backpack. He also grabbed his lunch he prepared moments prior to making his breakfast and grabbed his phone which was sitting on the living room table while charging.

"Should've probably put it next to me when I was sleeping..." Tanjiro thought as he grabbed his phone and went to the front door, he turned to his left and grabbed his Airpods that were sitting on a rack near the front door.

He opened the door and started to walk toward his school, "The others said that we will meet up on the school grounds at 6:30 since we decided to do a study group for the LA test that we have today..." Tanjiro thought as he walked along the empty road.

"Oh yeah, today is the dance..." Tanjiro thought, "Shit, I don't have a costume yet..." He thought as he looked at the ground and kicked a small pebble that was sitting on the road.

"I either have to go shopping for a costume or I have to put on whatever I have in my house." Tanjiro thought, "Let's hope I don't get any missions today..." He thought as he continued to walk down the road which was no longer empty some groups of students started to walk down the same road as Tanjiro as they completely ignored him, which he didn't mind at all.


"Bye, guys!" Tanjiro said as he waved to his friends at the school gate, his friends were all in clubs and they all had club meetings they had to attend, so Tanjiro was the only one to leave the school.

"Bye!" They all said as they began to walk back into the school.


As Tanjiro was walking down the road, he was thinking to himself about what to wear for the dance while scrolling through messages on his phone, "I don't know what to wear, I don't have any costumes so I either can't go to the dance, or say 'yolo' and wear whatever I have in my closet." He thought, "Or I could go shopping..." Tanjiro thought as his phone began to ring as he soon noticed who was calling him.

"Scratch that..." Tanjiro thought as he picked up the phone. "Hey, Tanjiro." Minato said from the other side of the phone, "Hey, Minato, what's up?" Tanjiro asked. "HR asked me to give you this short mission, it ain't that bad, just a quick drug bust is all that is." Minato said, "So it shouldn't take long." Minato added, "Fine I guess, where is it?" Tanjiro asked.

"In an abandoned building in Tokyo, it was scheduled to be demolished in a few weeks, but I guess drug syndicates are still using it as a place to meet up and conduct illegal activities." Minato said, "I'll send you the coordinates soon, and all you need to do is bust the gang there, and that's it..." Minato stated, "Sounds easy enough." Tanjiro replied, "What's the mission status?" Tanjiro asked, "Subdue," Minato replied.

"Aight' I'll be there in a few hours, I'll probably quickly finish this mission because I have a dance to go to." Tanjiro said, "Aight' that's cool, I'll write the mission report as soon as you're done." Minato said, "Aight' bye," Tanjiro stated, "Bye," Minato replied.

"Well looks like I'm going to have to wear whatever the f*ck I have at home." Tanjiro thought as he shrugged and started to jog down the road to his house.


Tanjiro looks at his watch and checks the time, "5:30..." Tanjiro thought as he sits on a ledge that was on the roof of a tall building that was located across the street from the abandoned building Tanjiro was supposed to go to, "Dance starts at 7:00, I have to meet my friends at 6:30 at the school yard since we have to do some final preparations before the dance starts..." Tanjiro thought as he sighed and jumped from the building he was posted on and onto the old and worn building where the drug syndicates were partaking in illegal drug dealing.

As Tanjiro stands on the roof of the building he looks down to the floor, "7 floors down." He thinks as walks to the ledge of the building and raises his arm, he then flicks out his wrist to the side as a small grapple hook shoots out of his sleeve.

Tanjiro twists one of the buttons on his sleeve as the rope starts to wind up back into his sleeve. As the rope winds up with a soft "Wrrrr" sound being heard from his sleeve, Tanjiro grabs the grapple and attaches it to the ledge of the building before stepping on the ledge on jumping off.

The rope of the grapple starts to unwind from his sleeve as Tanjiro falls from the ledge of the building. Tanjiro then grabs onto the rope as it continues to make a "Vrrrr" sound as he continues his free fall.

Tanjiro then puts his feet on a ledge of the open building as he stops falling and the length of the rope stops increasing for a brief moment. Tanjiro then thrusts himself off the ledge and swings onto the floor below.

He rolls on the ground and soon stands up as the grapple hook on the top of the building unhooks with a small yank from Tanjiro and quickly returns back into the sleeve that it originally came from.

The members were surprised at Tanjiro's sudden entrance as Tanjiro soon took the time to attack.

"10 members," he quickly thought before quickly charging the first man as he delivers a knee to his jaw which sent him flying into a nearby pillar.

He then kicked another guy in the gut and he was sent rolling back on the ground and held his stomach in pain. Tanjiro grabbed the arm of one man who was about to stab him with a knife and crushed his arm, he then delivered a volley of punches to his stomach as he threw him to the side and sweep the leg of another man who appeared behind the man he just threw across the room.

Tanjiro stood on the man and flicked his wrist toward the man's back as a tranquilizer dart flew out of his wrist and into the man's back which caused him to go unconscious soon after as the tranquilizer soon took effect as it entered the man's bloodstream.

A couple of the people there had firearms as they started firing at Tanjiro who just stood there as the bullets phased through him.

"What the?!" One of the people with the guns thought as she soon turned around to see their attacker behind them as he then delivered a kick to her neck which knocked her out and quickly delivered a neck chop to her comrade as she saw him fall along with her before completely closing her eyes.

Tanjiro then blocked an incoming punch from one of the members as he soon began to engage in quick hand-to-hand combat before delivering a series of jabs to the chest which broke a few of the man's ribs and a palm to the chin and caused his lower teeth to dig into his upper jaw as he was then soon flying back and rendered unconscious.

Tanjiro then turned to the last 3 people as he appeared behind the first one and gave him a knee to the head which knocked him out. He then grabbed the man and threw him into another person they both went flying into another pillar. And then he grabbed the throat of the last man before choke slamming him into the ground which caused the ground underneath to crack under the pressure.

Tanjiro then released the man's throat and stood upright as he looked at his unconscious body. Tanjiro then went to the middle of the room where a small box full of cocaine and meth was located, he reached into his coat pocket and put a sticker on it.

As Tanjiro looked around to see the carnage he just created, he heard a few moans of pain and saw some of the bodies there were bleeding a bit from the mouth due to how hard Tanjiro had hit them. Tanjiro was about to leave when he noticed a glimmer coming from one of the member's jackets, he then walked over to see what it was.

Tanjiro reached into the man's pocket and took out a small piece of metal with the word "42B" engraved on it, "Probably code or maybe their identification number." Tanjiro thought as he turned it around and saw that there was a message on the back that said "We shall rule this world under the darkness of light."

Tanjiro looked at it closely before getting back up and putting the piece of metal in his pocket.

He then looked at his watch to see the time, "5:40..." He thought, "I gotta make it back fast." He thought as he then rushed out of the building at blinding speeds.


As he entered his house he quickly ran upstairs and into his bedroom to see what he had in his closet that he could put on.

"Regular clothes and school uniforms, what am I supposed to do with that?!" Tanjiro thought as he began to walk around his room while trying to think of a plan.

"I don't have anything so what am I going to wear...?" He wondered as he then looked at his suit and he smiled, "Guess I'm going like this." Tanjiro thought before he walked out of his room and downstairs toward his basement.

As he walked down the stairs of his basement, Tanjiro grabbed a remote from his pocket and pressed a button, the boxes that were in the basement and covering his secret entrance started to slide to the left to reveal an empty wall.

He then walked over to the wall on started to bang on a specific part of the wall with his fist. Each bang was specific on time and soon enough, a small part of the wall opened to reveal the hand scanner. Tanjiro scanned his hand and the secret room opened.

He walked over to his case where he put his mask in and soon approached his "Weapons wall" and put his gun and a few other things from his coat back onto the wall, "I might need my blade though..." Tanjiro thought.

Tanjiro then walked over to his wall with his agent uniforms, he then started to remove some clothing from his suit with other pieces of clothing.

After a few minutes of changing, Tanjiro was now wearing a black coat with a black vest and black undershirt. He wore a blood-red tie along with night-black pants and formal shoes which were also black in color.

He then grabbed a golden tie clip from a rack underneath his suit rack and put it on his tie. He fixed his collar and sleeves and put a deep red handkerchief that was laying on the side in his breast pocket along with an ink pen, but not before folding the handkerchief in a blooming flower-like design by using the "Bird of Paradise" fold technique. The design was held by a rubber band that Tanjiro had on him and he put the piece of cloth in his breast pocket along with the ink pen that was also on the rack that he got his tie clip from.

He then exited his secret room looking fabulous as ever with one of the buttons of his jacket buttoned up as he walked out of his basement.

Tanjiro walked to his bathroom to do his hair. He grabbed a comb from a little contained and started to comb his hair back as he fixed his hair into his iconic hairstyle (That we all know and love).

He walked out of his bathroom and checked his watch, "5:52." He thought as he grabbed his phone and Airpods that were sitting on the table that he put down earlier in order to get changed into agent uniform for his assignment.

He then walked out of his house with his keys and locked the front door.

He then headed down the road with his Airpods in his ear as he started playing his playlist again, in which Tanjiro of course whistled along too.


Tanjiro arrived on the school grounds expecting to meet his friends, but they were nowhere to be found.

"Weird..." Tanjiro said as he rolled up his sleeve and looked at his watch, "6:19, at least one of them should be here." Tanjiro thought.

"AHHHHHH!" A voice yelled, Tanjiro looked in the direction the yell came from, and saw Zenitsu wearing a long yellow Haori with pumpkins riddling the entire Haori. He was wearing old-fashioned Japanese clothing underneath with a blue kimono and black hakama pants underneath.

He had a plastic vine with leaves protruding from it that were supposed to represent the leaves of a pumpkin. He was wearing a pumpkin hat as he was running away from Inosuke who had green face paint that had black lines that were drawn with a marker to represent stitches, he also had the same design on his chest and left arm. He was also wearing a headband that had two nails attached to it in order to make it look like Inosuke had nails drilled into his head.

He also wore black pants with brown fur covering the top part of his pants. "Come back here Monitsu! I'm hungry!" Inosuke said as he chased Zenitus down the road toward Tanjiro.

Tanjiro quickly move out of the way before Zenitsu collided with him as he looked at Zenitsu who collapsed on the ground in front of him, "Tanjiro! You were supposed to catch me!" Zenitsu complained as Tanjiro helped him up while apologizing. "Help me Tanjiro! This boar wants to eat me!" Zenitsu said as he then went behind Tanjiro and hid behind him from the Frankenstein boar.

"Come here, crybaby! I'm hungry!" Inosuke said, "I'm not food you idiot!" Zenitsu replied back. "Then why are dressed up like one?!" Inosuke said, "It's my costume you dingus!" Zenitsu stated. "Guys please stop fighting..." Tanjiro said as Inosuke shoved Tanjiro out of the way and started to bite Zenitsu to which Zenitsu held him back by grabbing his arms before Inosuke could bite into him.

Tanjiro tried to calm the two down but the trio was soon interrupted by another voice, "Zenitsu! Where are you?!" A female voice said, "Inosuke get back here!" Another female voice said.

The trio turned around to see four other people turn the corner as they saw the three other guys having a debacle.

"Inosuke you idiot!" Aoi said while wearing a nurse outfit with a white full-body apron and some navy-blue clothing underneath with white cuffs on both her shirt and pants. She was also wearing a nurse hat that had a light-blue cross on it. She soon approached the group and grabbed Inosuke by the ear.

"Don't do that, you idiot! You scared Zenitsu!" Aoi said as Inosuke winced in pain, "Ok ok! I'm sorry!" Inosuke said as he winced in pain. "Zenitsu! Are you ok?!" Nezuko said as she walked up to the group.

Nezuko was wearing her school uniform along with whiskers that were drawn on her face with a marker, she also had cat ears, a cat tail, and paws. A very simple design, but a very cute one.

"Y-yes I am Nezuko-chan! Thanks to you!" Zenitsu said as he started blushing madly as Nezuko approached him.

The last two members of the group walked up to the rest after everybody else calmed down a bit. "Yo!" Genya said as he walked up to the group, "Genya, hey!" Tanjiro said as he greeted Genya who was wearing wolf ears, along with horns on his head, a wolf tail, and carrying two plastic knives that had a boney color to them.

"Tanjiro, what are you wearing?" Genya said as he got a full look at Tanjiro's suit as he fixed it, "My Halloween costume!" Tanjiro said with a cheerful expression, "That's good, but this is a Halloween dance, not a f*cking galla!" Genya said, "I know, but this is what I came up with..." Tanjiro said. Genya broke into laughter and started to pat Tanjiro on his back, "Only joking bud! You're looking sharp today!" Genya said as he hit Tanjiro on his back, "Puh!" Tanjiro said as he jolted forward, "Th-thanks Genya for the compliment..." Tanjiro said as he rubbed his head.

Tanjiro then turned to Kanao who was wearing an oversized white cape and sleeves that had thick black lines running all over it that was also drawn with marker. She was a wearing knee-high yoke skirt with pink flame designs on the bottom of it. She was also wearing a light-pink kimono and black boots that had dark-pink knots.

She was also wearing a knot of the same color in order to keep her cape intact.

As a conversation between the group was forming behind them, Tanjiro and Kanao got one good look at each other, Tanjiro's eyes widen a bit as he looked at Kanao who was staring back.

Tanjiro thought the oversized sleeves and cape made her stand out along with the rest of her costume. Her violet-colored eyes matched her skirt which was a sort of violet that soon faded to white as it ran down the skirt. He thought that everything matched her and her costume as the knots were also a similar shade of pink as the belt she was wearing to keep her skirt upright. "Cute..." He thought as soon as little blush formed on his cheeks as he just kept staring at Kanao.

Meanwhile, Kanao was very mesmerized by the boy in front of her. His suit looked like it was very expensive and hard to make, but it nonetheless made Tanjiro look very sleek and handsome. Black and red seemed to suit him the best as Kanao got a good look at Tanjiro's suit, she also saw the handkerchief that was in his pocket which was folded into an elegant-looking and beautiful flower design. "This man is not dressed for a Halloween party, he's dressed for a f*cking wedding!" Kanao thought as she looked at Tanjiro who gave her a soft smile, this only caused Kanao to blush more as if she wasn't blushing already. "Tanjiro, when did you get so handsome?!" Kanao thought as she covered her face in embarrassment.

Tanjiro noticed this and soon came to Kanao's aid as he lowered his height to hers, "Kanao! Are you ok?!" He said as Kanao faced away from him while still embarrassed.

"I-I'm f-fine Tanjiro." Kanao said, "Are you sure?!" Tanjiro questioned, "Ye-Yes I'm fine!" Kanao replied back as she slowly started to turn towards Tanjiro who had already backed away a bit. "Come on! The others are waiting for us!" Tanjiro said with a cheerful smile as he asked Kanao for her hand, to which Kanao hesitated at first but soon took as Tanjiro then took off with her.

"Let's go Kanao!" Tanjiro said as he led them both in the direction of the school, "Ta-Tanjiro wait!" Kanao said but Tanjiro ignored her and kept running with her.

At this point, Kanao was more than simply red, she was completely red as she was way too embarrassed to even face look at Tanjiro. "His hand is so warm!" Kanao thought, "How can one man be so handsome yet so kind?!" She thought as she and Tanjiro ran through the schoolyard, "It's not fair!" She thought as they soon came to a stop as she and Tanjiro finally met up with the group who walked ahead of them.

Tanjiro let go of Kanao's hand as he starts to talk with Genya and Zenitsu, Kanao on the other hand rushed to Aoi and buried her face on her back as Aoi reacted with utter confusion.

"Kanao, what happened?!" Aoi said as she turned around, "J-just keep walking..." Kanao said with pure embarrassment as Aoi sighed and kept walking while talking with Nezuko who was just as confused as Aoi.

Zenitsu also heard Kanao's heartbeat whose speed could rival that of a bullet train. Zenitsu then looked at Tanjiro with extreme jealousy, "Dam you Tanjiro! You goddam innocent and dense idiot!" Zenitsu said as he gritted his teeth in frustration.

Genya held Inosuke in a headlock as they walked down the hall towards the gymnasium as he was trying to fight Genya again.

The group walked into the gymnasium and they soon saw the lights turn off and disco lights flying around the entire gym in different colors.

Spy's Diary

Entry 11


Tanjiro: Hello, everyone!

Tanjiro: So today, we'll be talking about the other weapons I carry apart from my heat blade and USP.

Tanjiro: Also the term "heat blade" is the name of the weapon given by agents like me, the official name of the weapon is "Plasma Integrated Switch Blade".

Tanjiro: Anyways, let me explain the use of the handkerchief, pen, and tie clip that I carried with me today to the dance.

Tanjiro: The handkerchief acts like a normal handkerchief, you can dry your face off with it, but when applied with enough force, the handkerchief releases a chemical that can subdue a man. The poison is very strong and effective, and it can be used to knock someone out if you cover their mouth and apply force.

Tanjiro: The poison is so strong that it could take down even the strongest of opponents!

Tanjiro: The pen acts like a normal ink pen, you can write with it, do tricks with it, etc. But if inserted into a person's body, it injects a lethal poison into them if the agent twists the pen top a certain way, it can also suck out liquids from the body acting as a syringe if the agent spins the cap the other way in order to do that.

Tanjiro: The tie clip has an integrated USB built into it along with an adapter. The agent just slides the clip part of the thing and out comes the USB. This can be used for gaining enemy intelligence from computers or laptops, it can also be used to plug in viruses in order to corrupt the database of our foes.

Tanjiro: Anyways, that's it for today, join us next time when I and my gang participate in Halloween-related activities and witness some spooky things, and of course dance in the chapter "The Dance".

Tanjiro: Bye! See you next time!

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