Chapter 27: Daily Life

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Date: October 19, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM
Location: Tanjiro's House
Weather: Lightly Raining


As the rain softly hits the roof with a faint pitter-patter sound, Tanjiro sits in his basement with a wrench, screwdriver, drill, and a few other tools. He slowly gets up and takes a handkerchief that was on the side and wipes his face which was covered in oil. "That should do it..." He says as he gets up and takes a remote and starts to tweak it by using the screwdriver that was on the side.

"Just a bit more..." He says to himself. After a while of twisting and turning the screwdriver and grabbing a circuit board that was on a dusty table in the basement, he blows on the circuit board to get rid of the dust and places it inside the remote. He then screws the board into place and grabs a piece of plastic that was also on the table to attach to the remote so he could protect the delicate hardware that the remote contained.

He then points the remote at the machine he built earlier which was at first, nothing. But after a click of a button, a long and thin section of the floor opened up revealing chains and some oddly-shaped hooks. He then presses the button again as the contraption closes again, "Good," he thought as he grabbed the boxes that were used to cover the entrance to his secret room. He placed the bottom boxes on the place where the contraption was supposed to be and pressed the remote again to open it. This time the machine opens up and starts to move the boxes away from where the entrance was supposed to be. "Sensors work, chains work, good." Thought the red-haired boy as he waited for a few seconds to pass by before the automated systems kicked in which caused the boxes to move back into place to cover the entrance and the machine closed up again.

"Automated system is working fine," Tanjiro thinks as he smiles and picks up his tools and places them on the same dusty table from earlier. He then looks towards the panel that was covered in dust a began to wonder, "Probably might have to build another contraption for that, it's too easy to spot..." Tanjiro thought as he said and took the tools from his table and walked over to the area to begin working again.

"God dam, is it dusty in here..." Tanjiro thought as he scratched his nose, he also took a second glance at the room and had another idea, "I should probably turn this into another room, this space seems like it could be used for something better..." Tanjiro thought as he sighed, "More work then..." He thought as he took a drill and started to drill holes around the keypad.


After a few hours of work, Tanjiro got out of the basement as he whistled a tune to himself, and went to the kitchen.

"I haven't gone shopping in a while so I wonder what I have in the fridge..." Tanjiro said as he opens to fridge only to find a carton of milk and some mozzarella. Tanjiro put on a bland face after seeing his selection and shrugged, "May as well drink some milk..." He thought as he got a glass from the dishwasher and rinsed it out under the sink where he jerked it a few times to get rid of excess water. 

He then got the milk and felt that it was almost empty, he then poured the remaining milk into the glass before throwing the carton away and drinking the milk.

"Well, I know what I am going to do next..." Tanjiro thought as he got a pen and paper that was sitting in a little box that was on the kitchen counter and began to write a shopping list.

"Let's see..." He thought as he look through his fridge which was completely empty except for that one bag of mozzarella. "I might have to get everything..." Tanjiro said as he huffed and close the fridge door.

He went to a closet that was near the front door and pulled out a crimson-red jacket and some red and black basketball shoes. 

He went to his room to grab his socks and quickly came downstairs to put his shoes and jacket on before he bursts out the door looking happy and ecstatic.

"Shopping time babby!" Tanjiro thinks to himself and starts to walk down the road before he feels his pocket and realizes he forgot something.

"Shit, I forgot my phone and keys, and wallet..." Tanjiro thinks as he runs back into his house the grab his phone and Airpods which were lying on the living room table, and his wallet and keys which were on the same counter from which he got his pen and paper.

He then walks out of the house after locking the door behind him as he sighed, "Totally ruined my mood, but ok..." He says as he turns around and begins to walk down the road.

As he walks the road, he takes out his phone and Airpods to connect them together and goes onto his Spotify after connecting the AirPods and presses "Shuffle" on his list. "Let's see what we get..." Tanjiro thinks as he presses the button.

He then puts the phone in his coat pocket before the song comes on and to his satisfaction, the song that came on was probably one of his favorite songs. 

"Hell yes, 'My Ordinary Life'." The redhead thought before doing a fist pump and began to whistle along to the song in perfect sync.


After an hour of walking and navigating the roads of his neighborhood and downtown Kimetsu, he finally reached the "Kimetsu Shopping District" which some parts were still under repair due to a certain squad of demon slayers duking it out with a demon a month or so ago.

Tanjiro walked past the construction and looked at it with no words and just kept whistling as he walked past the site. "Did they really have to do it here?" Tanjiro thought as he looked to where the grocery store was before finding it and speeding up his pace towards the area where the store was located.

He then grabbed a cart that was in the rack on the side a walked in, "Now let's see..." Tanjiro said as he walked through the first aisle, "Some powder mixes, nice." Tanjiro thought as he began to grab some of the mixes and stumbled across a white powdery-like substance.

He turned the contained a revealed it to be MSG, "MSG, the cocaine of cooking..." Tanjiro thought to himself before grabbing the container and looking at the contents. He then looked around before putting the container in the cart and continued to walk around the store.

He then walked towards the vegetable aisle after getting a bit more things from the other aisles that he previously visited. "Leek, tomato, carrot, cabbage, zucchini, cucumber, spinach, onions, eggplants, yada yada..." Tanjiro thought before ripping some bags from one of the nearby plastic bag dispensers and started to place the previously mentioned vegetables in the bags along with some other vegetables.

He then walked over to the fruit aisle he picked some apples, bananas, tangerines, and a watermelon. "Genya will surely love this," Tanjiro thought to himself as he checked the watermelon and chuckled. 


After 40 or so minutes of shopping and goofing around with the cart by riding it since he was bored, Tanjiro reached the check-out counter with a cart filled to the brim with groceries. He then placed the food on the conveyer belt, walked to the end of the conveyor belt, and leaned against the bag dispenser.

He began to whistle as the worker scanned his items and put them in the bags. 

"That will be 33,104 Yen (about 236 USD)." The lady at the counter said, "Here," Tanjiro said as he grabbed his wallet and gave her his credit card. "Thank you for your purchase, please come again." The lady said with a smile, Tanjiro then nodded and smiled as he got his groceries and put them in a large fabric bag that he had also bought while shopping. 

"This will allow me to carry my groceries easier." Tanjiro thought as he walked out of the store with all his groceries in one hand.

"I haven't eaten something, so I guess I'll go buy a quick sandwich." Tanjiro thought as he looked for a nearby cafe before finding it and walking toward it.

He sat down and placed his bag near him as he a waitress came up to him and offered him a menu before asking what he would like to order, "What would you like?" The waitress said, "The club sandwich please, along with some water thanks." Tanjiro said as the waitress smiled and went back to the kitchen.

As Tanjiro waited, he began to take in the scenery. His senses were ecstatic and taking in every bit of what the view offered them. His ears took in the joyful sound of children and the chatter of the surrounding crowd, his eyes seeing all the vibrant colors of the shopping district with lights hanging from above and colorful signs being posted everywhere, and his nose was taking in the refreshing smell of the cafe he was at while also simultaneously picking up the scents of the joyful people.

"Even in constant service to a highly-secretive organization, an agent can still find peace in the open world..." Tanjiro thought before he put his arms on his head and relaxed a bit as he felt completely at peace in his chair.

But soon his peace was interrupted as his nose started to pick up something strange...

"Hmm?" He thought as his nose began twitching a bit he turned around and got up from his chair to trace where the scent came from.

He began walking with his nose as his guide as a flurry of thoughts went off in his head, "This smell..." Tanjiro said before he started to pick up the pace, "It smells sinister and evil..." He thought, "It smells like old human flesh and blood, could it be one of those things?" Tanjiro thought as his nose started to pick up a path that was outlined with a red smoke-like substance.

As he ran through the crowd as he pushed past people while apologizing to them he reached the origin of the smell which was emitting from a man under an umbrella while wearing a white fedora, a black tuxedo, and some white formal pants. 

He touched the man's shoulder in which he turned around to ask what did, "Hello?" He said, "Oh hey, sorry." Tanjiro said as he got a full glimpse of the man's face along with his red eyes and semi-long black hair. 

One part of Tanjiro's brain was taking in every detail about the physical attributes of the man along with brainstorming loads of questions and answers, but the other part...

"Holy shit, it's Michael Jackson!" Tanjiro's other "part," thought before it started laughing inside his head. Tanjiro's lips curled up into a smile but he kept his laughter contained as he started to engage in a conversation with the man he just bumped into.

The man with the fedora also took in the physical attributes of the man he just happened to conveniently bump into, and he started sweating...

Like a lot.

"Oh sorry, I thought you were someone else..." Tanjiro said as he rubbed his head, "No worries, it's fine..." The man replied back while struggling to keep a smile on his face. "Sorry, but may I ask what your name is?" Tanjiro asked, "He's sweating a lot, I can get the smell of fear from him... Does he fear me?!" Tanjiro thought as the man replied, "It's ok young sir, my name is Muzan Kibutsuji. Nice to meet you." The man said as he still sweated bullets.

"May I also know your name?" The man asked, "Oh yeah sure, it's Tanjiro T-" Tanjiro was about to answer before he had a sudden flashback.


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