Chapter 26: Decorations

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Date: October 14, 2024
Time: 1:25 PM
Location: Kimetsu High
Weather: Sunny


As everybody sat in their separate classes and watch the minutes tick by as their teachers were lecturing them. Tanjiro laid his head on a desk and tapped his pen on his desk as each tap marked a second ticking by on the clock.

His mind started to wander off as his brain began to hum a random song that he heard earlier this week, and before long, his lips began to hum softly at the song that was stuck in his brain.

As he hummed while his teacher was still lecturing the class, a marker then flew past his face he felt the faint gush of air as he immediately looked up and saw the scar-ridden LA teacher looking directly at him. "Care to hum louder Kamado?" Iguro said as Tanjiro shook his head, "No sir!" He said as Sanemi scoffed and turned around.

"Better keep your head in the game Tanjiro-san..." A student said as he teased him, "Yep." Tanjiro replied as he just focused his mind on the board, "I absolutely hate LA..." Tanjiro thought as his eyes were beginning to wander, "Out of all the subjects in school, LA was the worst..." He thought, "It was the same thing all year round, it's not like science, or math, or history where you experience something different every year." He thinks as he twirls his pen in his hand, "Frickin' bullshit grammar and essays are all you have to worry about, I swear, you could do this entire course in a year!" He thinks as he side-eyes the clock and looks back, "A little bit more before dismissal..." Tanjiro thought as he looks at the writing on the board and copies it down.


"May Tanjiro Tsugikuni, Neuzko Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibara, Kanao Tsuryui, Aoi Kanzaki, and Genya Shinazuguwa report to the principal's office." The PA says everybody gives a quick glance at Tanjiro who was already getting up and leaving the room as he took one quick glance at Iguro who just kept writing.

"Genya's dead..." Tanjiro said as put on an over-dramatic straight expression as he turned and walked down the hallway as the door closed behind him.

"Why did Ubuyashiki-sama call us to the office?" Tanjiro wondered as he walked through the completely silent hallways with only a little bit of chatter being heard from the nearby classes, "Was it about what happened today?" Tanjiro says as he walked by a wrecked vending machine that had a wet floor sign posted near it.

"Ain't my fault," Tanjiro said as he shrugged and looked back at the vending machine.


A little earlier today during lunch, the gang was trying to get a little snack from the school's only vending machine.

"Here's a couple of yen," Tanjiro said as he passed the currency over to Inosuke who jumped for joy and put the bill inside the vending machine, "Thank you Gonpachiro! The lord of the mountains is pleased with your donation!" Inosuke said, Tanjiro smiled back in response and leaned on the wall next to Zenitsu who was on his phone.

Everybody was on their phones so Tanjiro decided to take his out and start texting certain "Dumba*s" while everybody was completely oblivious to the business Tanjiro was currently conducting in.

"Hey! Open up!" Inosuke yelled as everybody soon got off their phones and looked at the commotion that Inosuke was causing.

"Inosuke calm down..." Tanjiro said as Inosuke started to shake the vending machine violently, "Not until this thing gives me my food!" Inosuke exclaimed, "Inosuke stop you are going to break it!" Genya said.

"It won't break!"
Inosuke replied back as he shook the vending machine violently.

"Inosuke sto-" Aoi said as the vending machine came crashing down as glass shattered on the floor and soda cans popped open and started to spill liquid.

"Bruh..." Genya said as the bell rang, meaning that students were now returning into the hallways and now saw the wrecked vending machine along with the squad surrounding it.

"Impeccable timing..."
Thought Tanjiro as he walked back slowly while whistling he grabbed the collars of Zenitsu and Genya and walked behind the corner with the other members of the gang doing the same as Aoi took Inosuke by the ear and Kanao and Nezuko slowly walked back all while whistling.

As they all turned the corner they huffed a sigh as Tanjiro looked from the corner to see the students still looking down at the vending machine and at the corner they just turned. He then turned to his friends and said one thing while taking a big breath.


The entire squad booked it down the hallway to their respective classrooms as they quickly took a seat and act like nothing happened.

"I'm like their dad aren't I..." Tanjiro said as he sighed, "Why is it that everywhere I go to make friends, I automatically become the 'dad' of the group." Tanjiro thinks as he chuckles, "I guess it's just in my genes to be the parental figure of the group, just like with Minato and the others." Tanjiro thinks as he turns the corner and walks up the stairs toward the principal's office.


As he turned another corner, he saw his friends already waiting by the door to the office as they were looking pretty anxious and worried.

"Let's not hope it's about what Inosuke did earlier..." Tanjiro said as Genya nodded, "We're so f*cking dead..." Zenitsu said as Aoi slapped Inosuke, "You idiot! Why did you have to do that?! Now we are in massive trouble because of you!" Aoi said as she scolded Inosuke, "But that blasted thing wasn't obeying me!" Inosuke replied as he held his head in pain. "Inosuke, you can't just expect everything to 'obey' you..." Tanjiro replied as he sighed, "I know! That's why I would force them to obey me!" Inosuke said as Tanjiro looked at him with an "idiot" expression, "That's not how life works bud..." Tanjiro said as he went to the principal's door and knocked on it.

"Come in." A voice stated as Tanjiro took a deep breath and opened the door, "Hello, Ubuyashiki-sama!" Tanjiro said with his usual smile and cheerful tone. Ubuyashiki replied with a smile as the gang entered behind Tanjiro, "We're sorry for what we did earlier Ubuyashiki-sama, I'll take the blame if there is anyone needed to be blamed, I should've known better that Inosuke would have done that..." Tanjiro said as he bowed, Ubuyashiki chuckled, "As noble and caring as always young Tsugikuni, but no, I'm not concerned about that for now." Ubuyashiki said, "We were planning to get new vending machines installed anyways since the one you just broke was a pretty old and worn-down one, so in fact, you did us a favor since we can now just clean up the mess and place a new vending machine there instead of having to go through the lengthy process of lifting the machine and transporting it to a dump." Ubuyashiki said, "Wait, wasn't it going to go to the dump anyways?" Tanjiro thought as he continued to listen to what his principal had to say.

"Anyway, the reason I called you students here was to help the teachers with decorations for the Halloween dance that will be happening in a few weeks." Ubuyashiki said, "Really?" Tanjiro replied, "Mhm." Ubuyashiki said as he nodded. The entire group then breathed a huge sigh of relief as Ubuyashiki chuckled.

"What's our task Ubuyashiki-sama?" Genya said, "Simple, grab the streamers and other decorations from the storage closet behind the stage and begin decorating from there." Ubuyashiki said, "The necessary tools will be provided to you by the teachers as you begin your work." Ubuyashiki said.

"That's very nice Ubuyashiki-sama, but why us?" Nezuko said, "It's simple, you guys are probably the most efficient and creative students that I know of. I couldn't think of any other students to call apart from you guys." Ubuyashiki said with a soft smile, "Thank you for believing in us Ubuyashiki-sama!" Tanjiro said as his face immediately brightens up at the compliment.

"No problem Tanjiro, why don't you guys start now since sending you back to class would be counter-productive since you will just leave the class in a few minutes from now?," Ubuyashiki said as the students nodded and left the office and closed the door.


"I can't believe Ubuyashiki-sama let us go like that," Zenitsu said as the gang walked up to the stage and started walking further into it. "Yeah, we were spared by the boar's stupidity for now..." Genya said as he took a quick glance at Inosuke who was being tugged on the ear by Aoi.

"Found it!"
Tanjiro said as he opened a door that said "Storage" and took out a box of black, orange, and white streamers along with several plastic pumpkins, some hanging decorations, bottles full of fake blood, some police tape, several white cloths, some red string, fake spider webs, and a lot of other things.

"Holy shit, this is the motherload of Halloween decor..." Genya said as he looked at the decorations that Tanjiro threw out of the storage closet, "Looks like we have our work cut out for us." Zenitsu said as he looked at the pile of decor that was sitting on the ground right in front of him.

The entire gang was pretty surprised to see that many decorations able to fit in one small closet.

"Welp, that's all of it..." Tanjiro said as he placed the last box on top of the pile, "Now where do we start?" He questioned.

"I think we should start at the entrance." Kanao said, "Good idea!" Tanjiro said as he smiled and Kanao blushed a little. "But before we do that..." Tanjiro said as he looked at the number of people he had, "Kanao and Aoi, go get the materials that we need so we can post the decor up. Genya and Zenitsu will help with the streamers, and Nezuko and Insoule will be with me as we deal with the other decorations. After Kanao and Aoi get back, you can help Genya and Zenitsu with the streamers." Tanjiro said as the group nodded and began to pick up the things that were laid on the ground.


Kanao said as she knocked on the door to the gymnasium.

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