Chapter 4: The Squad

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Date: September 9
Time: 4:50 PM, 2024
Location: Kimetsu Shopping District
Weather: Sunny

"The next on the list is... Chives!" Tanjiro murmurs to himself as he walks down the aisle of the grocery store that is a part of the city's biggest shopping district. He picks out the chives and walks to the checkout area as he is done with food shopping for now. As the cashier starts scanning his items, Tanjiro gets a call all of a sudden from his phone, which was now in his pocket since school was over. He takes the phone from his pocket and checks the caller, his face is bland as he asks the cashier to excuse him as he takes his call.

"Excuse me for a sec sir." Tanjiro says, "No problem, go ahead." The cashier replies back. Tanjiro then moves away from the cash register and picks up the phone and holds it to his ear. "New mission?" He says into the phone, "Not necessarily, just a heads up on what your mission objectives are going to be for now." A voice replies back. "Alright, give it to me," Tanjiro stated. "So the ore you brought in this morning was tested by one of our scientists, she said she was interested in the ore and wants more samples of it for further testing since all the samples in the box were destroyed while testing." The voice says. "I guess that's fine, but do the tests have to be so extreme?" Tanjiro replies, "Ask The Board, they are the ones who made the tests, not me." The voice replies back somewhat humorously, Tanjiro sighed, "Ok, well I guess you know what you are going to be doing for me in my next set of missions." He said after. "Yep..." The voice says back. "So... How many kgs of that stuff do we need?" Tanjiro asks, "She asked for 50kgs." The voice explains. "Alright, just track more deliveries for me so we can intercept them, and we'll have those 50 kgs of that stuff on her desk faster than you can say...." Tanjiro says. "Uh...." Tanjiro replies with a poker face. "Your good at everything agent, just not good at making jokes, please don't do that, or else I'll have the security force cuff you and put you in for solitary confinement, you were never good at making jokes and you never will be, so just stop." The voice says a bit seriously. Tanjiro makes a "bruh" face, "I know I am bad a comedy, but Christ man, you didn't have to insult me..." Tanjiro says. The voice just sighs, "Ok... Anyways, you can take your time if you want to this night to scout out whoever is delivering that ore or whoever is the buyer, because that still remains a mystery in this mission." The voice says while tapping is heard in the background. Tanjiro nods and dismisses the call and returns back to the cash register.

"Took you a while." The cashier says, "Sorry sir, it was a really important call." Tanjiro said measly. "Anyways, your groceries are back in your cart and the total is 16,452 Yen (123 USD)," the cashier adds, Tanjiro swipes his card as the offer is accepted and walks away with his groceries in his cart.


"You all understand your missions right?" Kagaya stated. "Hai, Master." Everybody says in unions. Kagaya smiles and says, "Good, now go to your homes and get ready for today's mission, I wish you luck on your missions, everyone." Everyone nods and heads out of his office.

"So, we'll meet at sundown at the shopping district right?" Genya says to Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke. "And Kanao, and Kanae-sama have a different mission, is that right?" As Genya follows up with his question. Kanao and Kanae nod as the two groups head their separate ways. "Oh yeah, by the way, Aoi, will you be handling both of our missions?" Genya says as Aoi starts walking with the sisters, Aoi looked back and shook her head, "I won't be handling any missions today since Master gave me a break last week, but if you are injured, you can come to the Butterfly Mansion." Aoi says as she turns around and begins to follow her sisters.

"One of our shipments was intercepted?" Kanao asks, "It seems so, which is a bit of a trouble since we need those ores." Kanae replies. "I'll try to track down the gang who was in charge of delivering the shipment, but in the meantime, I'll probably have to monitor the flow of ore from point A to point B to check if there are any disturbances in the system." Aoi says, "That's a delight!" Kanae replies cheerfully. "While you stay home and do all the background checks on the system, I and Kanae nee-san can check the spot where the parcel was originally supposed to be," Kanao says to Aoi.


"So, there have been some recent sightings of demons in the shopping district, is that correct?" Nezuko says, Genya and Zenitsu nod as the group heads out of the school grounds and onto the sidewalks. "The shopping district closes at sundown, so we won't have to worry about any civilians getting in the way, just the surrounding area," Zenitsu says. Genya nods, "We'll also have to keep this battle as short and as least destructive as possible since we don't want to alert the police." He adds, "Blah, blah, less talk more killing demons!" Inosuke yells as he surprises the entire group since he was silent the entire time. "Right..." Zenitsu says. The group just continue walking as they shortly reached an intersection, "Shopping district, sundown, ok?" Nezuko says seriously to which the entire group nods as they each had their own, separate ways.

Date: September 9, 2024
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Kimetsu Shopping District
Weather: Clear

A man dressed in a boar mask along with no shirt, blue pants, and two swords strapped to his back is shortly joined by a man in a purple hoddie, loose, gray jeans, a sawed-off double barrel shotgun in a holster, and a sword. "Haha! I got here before you, all hail the king of the mountains." He says proudly. The man in the purple hoodie just sighs and looks at the entrance of the shopping district.

Codename: Boarface
Identity: Inosuke Hashibira

Description: Inosuke is very aggressive when it comes to combat, he is the first one in the fight and usually goes in without thinking, which can be both a blessing and a curse, for him, his squad, and demons alike. He uses a sword style called Beast Breathing which has 11 forms, and just like him, his breathing style is aggressive.

Codename: Hatchet
Identity: Genya Shinazugawa

Description: Due to his insane accuracy, he is the group's gunman (even though a shotgun ain't long-range), he wields a shotgun as he doesn't know and breathing styles/sword styles, but nevertheless carries a blade around with him just in case.

As the two are talking about how they will approach the demon (with Inosuke suggesting that they should charge in), they are shortly joined by two figures, one in a pink hoodie, with a knee-length skirt, and one in a yellow hoodie, with track pants.

Codename: Pink Flower
Identity: Nezuko Kamado

Description: After her family died of a demon attack, she was brought in by Giyuu and trained by Urokodaki, she was taught water breathing and successfully mastered all 10 forms, she is currently trying to learn the 11th, but to no avail. She is considered the jack of all trades of the group she is fast, strong, and agile, but not better than everyone in the group in those specific categories, but she is known to have great leadership skills, which makes her the group leader.

Codename: Yellow Bolt
Identity: Zenitsu Agatsuma

Description: Due to his speed, he is considered the Blitzer of the group, able to get into battle and out of battle faster than anyone in the group. His sword style, thunder breathing consists of 6 forms (so far), but he is known to only know one form, but since he only knows one form, he trains it all day to a level where just that one form can decapitate a high-ranking demon in one blow, but... That all happens if he is unconscious because, for the first half of the battle, he sits there cowering in fear and playing defensive while the others are going offense.

"Zenitsu, Nezuko." Genya formally stated. "Hey, Genya," Zenitsu said while walking up to him and Inosuke with Nezuko next to him. "So, where is this demon?" Nezuko said, "Somewhere in there, but I think it should be all the way in the back since that is where the darkest parts of the district are located." Genya said. They soon head inside a dark, empty, and musty mall with the air full of dust.

While walking, they decide to take in the ambiance of the empty mall. "It feels like we're not alone," Zentisu said while cowering in fear. "Because we aren't dumba*s," Inosuke said back, which ticked off Zenitsu a bit. But, Nezuko patted Zenitsu's back, which comforted him. After a few minutes of walking they stop at a location in the district that was very dark, "Inosuke, can you try to locate the demon with your breathing style?" Nezuko said, Inosuke nodded and went in front of the group and placed his two swords beside him, he then sat on one knee and place his arms out, "Beast Breathing: Seventh Fang, Spatial Awareness," he whispers to himself. From his POV, everything goes black as a fading-gray circle originates from him and moves away from him, almost like a human radar.

A few seconds pass as Inosuke still sits in the same position, he then suddenly gets up and points in the direction of the dark area of the district. The group nods, while Zenitsu cowers in fear, only to receive a bonk on the head from Genya. "Ow..." Zenitsu says in pain while rubbing his head, "Stop being a coward, you're a demon slayer aren't you?" Genya says almost threateningly. "But it's scary inside there..." Zenitsu exclaims, Genya thinks for a bit and comes up with an idea, "You guys go on ahead, we'll follow later." Genya says to Nezuko and Inosuke, to which they both nod and charge in. Genya then goes up to Zenitsu's ear and whispers, "If you don't go in, then your precious Nezuko-chan might be in danger..." Zenitsu immediately runs in while screaming, "IM COMING FOR YOU NEZUKO-CHANNNN!" Genya just smiles and runs in along with him.


Insouke and Nezuko stop as they are pretty deep inside the district and they can barely see anything. "Why'd you stop?" Nezuko asks, "It's here..." Inosuke says as he takes his swords out, which Nezuko also does as they are on guard.

All of a sudden a wall is broken by a loud explosion as a demon with long nails comes out. "Oh my, it seems like dinner is coming early." The demon says in a sadistic tone. The two slayers face towards the demon with their swords on guard, "Oh my, two slayers, I thought you guys disappeared a long time ago." The demon says while laughing creepily. She then extends her nails, aiming to try and pierce the two slayers' bodies. "Blood Demon Art: Nail piercings." She says, the two slayers jump out of the way and begin their attack, "Beast Breathing: Eight Form: Explosive Rush!" Inosuke says while charging at the demon, "Water Breathing: Third Form: Flowing Dance!" Nezuko says while slicing all of the demon's nails. "Tch," the demon said, "Blood Demon Art: Nail Bindings!" The demon exclaimed as her nails now start to surround her, as Inosuke's attack connects to her nail "cage" the attack is nullified and Inosuke is sent back, "Inosuke!" Nezuko says as she switches her forms, "Water Breathing: Sixth Form: Whirpool!" She says as she begins to violently slash at the demon's nail cage, breaking it in half. The demon is they sent back into another wall as she has blood covering her face. She smirks as she releases another attack, "Blood Demon Art: Nail Spikes!" Her nails then dig into the ground as massive nail spikes start to come out of the ground. The two slayers barely manage to dodge and follow up with another attack.

"Water Breathing: Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent!" Nezuko says while in mid-air as she charges the demon, "Beast Breathing: Fourth Fang: Slice 'n' Dice!" Inosuke says while slicing all the nail spikes. But before the attacks make contact with the demon's neck, they are soon blocked by a tendril, "Blood Demon Art: Nail Tendrils!" The demon says as long and skinny tendrils come out of her back. They begin to attack Inosuke and Nezuko, who are having a hard time fighting the nails. "Where are they?" Nezuko thinks as she is currently surrounded by nail tendrils, she is then scratched by one of the nails, and her skin is easily cut, she grits her teeth in pain as the tendrils inflict pain with each cut. Inosuke manages to get out of the attack of the tendrils and starts the charge at the demon.

"What is this man thinking?" The demon thinks to herself as she counters Inosukes slashes with one of her tentacles, she mentally sighs and unleashes another attack on Inosuke, "Blood Demone Art: Raning Nails!" She says as sharp nails start raining on Inosuke out of nowhere, Inosuke is stabbed by a few of them, but quickly plucks them out as he charges the demon, but as soon as he starts charging, a nail almost pierces his head, but he was quickly saved by Nezuko, "Water Breathing: Fourth Form: Striking Tide!" Nezuko shouts as she slashes a multitude of raining nails, the nail rain soon ends and the two slayers start to charge to demon again. "Blood Demon Art: Nail Wall!" The demon screamed as a wall of nails stopped the slayer's attack. The two were sent back as another attack encircles them. "Blood Demon Art: Closing Nail Cage!" A wall of nails as hard as a diamond start to close on the slayers, the slayers try their but, but to no avail. They are soon trapped by the wall and about to be devoured if their saviors don't come soon, they are heavily fatigued due to the number of attacks they had to defend against and can't attack any further.

As the cage finally closes, the demon starts to talk again, "Well well well, looks like these two slayers have finally decided to give up." She then starts laughing like a lunatic. "Don't worry my prey, I'll make sure that your death will be a painless one..." She sadistically says, "If you don't resist that is." As she adds. The two slayers are struggling to get free the demon slowly walks to get a good look at her captured prey, "My, my what a cute face." She says as she caresses Nezuko's face with murderous intent, Nezuko is disgusted by this and jumps back. "Don't be afraid, like I said, your death will be a painless one." She says, but as soon as she says that, her hand gets shot off by something in distance, "What?!" The demon yelps in surprise as she looks at her attacker, she raises her hand to launch an attack at him, but it stopped when a flash of seemingly lighting slices her arm off, "What the hell?!" She thinks to herself.

"Thunder Breathing: First Form: Thunder Clap and Flash: Sixfold," an unconscious Zenitsu (who was already unconscious due to him seeing Nezuko about to die) says as he prepares for another attack, the demon regenerates both of her limbs and launches an attack at both of them. "Blood Demon Art: Nail Bands!" She says as long and thin slices of nail come out of the floor at blazing speed, Genya manages to dodge the attack while also shooting some of these nails and rushes at her, Zenitsu blitzes through with another first form and almost reachers her neck, the demon blocks the attack with her arm, but it gets cuts off, and she is soon sent back.

As she stands up she sees her two attackers looking at her with murderous intent, she was beyond angry at this point, "WHY CAN'T THESE MOTHERF*CKERS JUST DIE!" She thought inside of her head, "Final Blood Demon Art: Complete Nail Destruction!" She says as nails start coming from the ground and from the air in mass quantities from all directions. The attack overwhelms both Genya and Zenitsu, but since the demon wasn't looking where she was aiming, the nails actually managed to break the cage that Inosuke and Nezuko were put in.

As the two slayers jumped out of the cage, they were blocking all the pieces of nail coming at them along with Zenitsu and Genya. "Think! Find an opening or else you are dead!" Nezuko thought to herself. While blocking, Nezuko found an opening, but it was too far for her to reach, "Zenitsu!" She called out, "I found an opening!" She shouted as she pointed to it. And as if Zenitsu could see where she was pointing (let alone hear her since he was unconscious) he immediately took a big breath and whispered.

"Thunder Breathing: First Form: Thunder Clap and Flash...."

And then all of a sudden a bright yellow light starts to blitz through all of the demon's attacks until it reached her neck, Zenitsu managed to cut into the neck, but only half of it. The demon was beyond shocked at Zenitsu's speed but quickly managed to snap back and make an attack on Zenitsu, but to her surprise, her arms were shot off by Genya, she was about to regenerate them back but found another slayer on the other side of her, to her surprise and amazement Inosuke also managed to escape the attack and creep up behind her, "Beast Breathing: Third Fang: Devour!" Inosuke screamed while slicing the other side of the demon's neck.

Eventually, the force coming from both sides of her neck overwhelmed the toughness of her neck, and it eventually led to her getting decapitated. As her head flies off, she could see the slayers that decapitated her approach her and slowly watch her disintegrate. "Im-impossible! How did you puny slayers manage to slay someone like me!" She yelled, but she received no response as the slayers slowly watch her disintegrate. "Curse you....!" She yelled as she finally rotted away, leaving nothing but dust particles where her body originally was.

The four sheathed their swords and take a look at their injuries, Zenitsu and Genya suffered minor scratches and gashes along with Nezuko, but with Inosuke being stabbed a few times by the nail rain from earlier was bleeding a little bit more. Thankfully, Nezuko had some bandages with her and patched some of Inosuke's wounds to limit the blood until they got back to the Kocho's house.

"That should be it for today..." Genya said as Zenitsu collapsed on the ground and started to sleep, Genya sighed and picked him up, and began to walk with Inosuke and Nezuko. "Aoi, we got a few injuries, nothing serious, but we might need it checked up on," Nezuko said as she talked inside an earpiece (that they definitely had the entire time). "Ok, bring them to our house and we can get them patched up." Nezuko accepted and start to walk in the direction of the Butterfly Mansion.


Date: September 9, 2024
Time: 9:48 PM
Location: 9583 Mangurobu Dr. (Butterfly Mansion)
Weather: Clear

As the gang arrives at the front door, Nezuko rings the doorbell and is greeted by Aoi who is already at the front door, waiting for them.

Codename: Blue Bird
Identity: Aoi Kanazaki

Description: She was chosen as a "mission handler" due to her ability to multi-task and manage data, she also knows a bit about first aid and how to give care to wounded people. She is the mission handler for Nezuko's squad and works in the background, she gives the squad detail about missions and sometimes can give the briefing herself.

"Come inside, your wounds need treating." She said sternly, while taking them inside, she glances at Inosuke who is covered in more bandages, this makes her worried for a second as she heads inside. The exhausted slayers rest on the couch as Aoi gets the first aid kit and some Tylenol. "Kanae-sama and Kanao already left?" Genya says as he rests on the couch, "They just left a while ago, after dealing with their school work." Aoi replied back.

"To be honest, what was a demon that had a blood demon art that was based on nails doing in a shopping district?" Genya said, "Probably getting a pedicure or something..." Aoi replied. Which made the entire group except for Zenitsu (cause he was still sleeping) chuckle.


"And... That should be it." Aoi says as she patches up Nezuko, "Thanks Aoi!" Nezuko brightly says back. "You four should head back to your homes, your missions are done for the day, and we have school tomorrow so you should probably head back, I'll tell Master about the mission, so don't worry about it," Aoi adds on. The group nods as they start to head out of the house, "Wait," Aoi says before they leave, she then goes to the kitchen and retrieves a little box, she then goes to Inosuke and gives him the box. Inosuke opens it and is very happy that he got tempura, "Thank you pigtails! This has made the great lord happy!" Inosuke exclaims with a proud and happy smile, Aoi looks the other way and pushes them out of the house, "Thank you for your stay! Come again!" She says in a rather rushed tone. This leaves the group utterly confused as they head in their separate directions. "Bye! Genya and Inosuke!" Nezuko says as she walks with Zenitsu (who is awake by now). Genya just waves back and Inosuke walks with a proud but goofy march.


A certain masked figure is casually sitting on a rooftop that overlooks the Butterfly Mansion.

"You got the info?" He says into his earpiece, "Most definitely." the voice replies back. The masked man grins under his mask as he heads to his next "location."


And now it's time for the first entree of The Slayer's Creed brought to you by our pink flower!

Nezuko: The corps has existed for a long time. As long as demons still exist we do, but being a demon slayer in the modern era is not as easy as it seems. You have to balance out your school work and life in the corp on a weekly basis, but, since the Ubuyashiki family is so rich, us demon slayers get paid about 20,000 Yen (149.44 USD) monthly if you are the lowest rank, which is Mizunoto, as you rise in rank, your pay gets higher and higher. Eventually, if you become a hashira, you can be paid any amount you want, which is bizarre to me. Also, if a slayer is injured in battle, and attends Kimetsu High, they can be excused by the principal from any homework assignments they have to do for at least a week in order to focus on recovery, which means I get the week off with no homework along with my friends! But since we are still perfectly fine, we have to attend school which is a bummer.

Nezuko sighs

Nezuko: Anyways... Join us next time where we join Kanao and Kanae-sama in the next chapter, "The Missing Parcel" on their quest to find out what happened with the missing shipment of ore. And maybe get to know a bit more about the mysterious masked guy.

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