Chapter 38: Arteus Corps Part 4: Lab Reports

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Location: [REDACTED]
Weather: [REDACTED]




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"Now let's get onto the structure of our facilities and outposts that we placed all around the world."
"The Main Facility, or HQ is the area that houses most of our assets and anomalies. It's the largest site by far when compared to other facilities. It is located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, but not exactly known to anybody except for people in the corporation, of course."

"We also do have other facilities that are built for different purposes, since HQ is basically our home."

"We have several different types of facilities, but the main ones you should know are Information and Education Facilities, Housing Facilities, Anomaly Containment and Extermination Facilities, and Checkpoint Facilities."

"To begin us off, Information and Education Facilities are basically like schools that serve as a place where young agents that were born here go in order to get a basic education that is provided to all public schools around the world, including some other things. And education about the department they want to join in the future. The system is almost like that of usual public schools, with lessons being taught in classrooms, homework and projects being given out, and sometimes 'Field-trips' that take a class on tour to a specific location in the world. But, as the agent completes their basic education at an average age of nine, they are given the choice of which department they want to join. After they select their given departments, they are then given a mentor that helps guide them through the responsibilities and purpose of their department, along with teaching them how to perform tasks that the department has to accomplish. Our system offers a ton of classes for all subjects ranging from basic math classes such as Calculus all the way to super advanced and highly-interpretive classes such as Quantum Mechanics, we also offer a very wide range of languages due to our organization being very diverse.

"Next is Housing Facilities. These facilities basically provide shelter and food to agents when they are off duty or complete with work. Lower-class agents and personnel get an external Housing Facility meaning that their place of stay and rest is not located in HQ, but rather in another area of the world. Class A agents and higher are given their own room in HQ. But any lower than that, and you would have to go to an external facility in order to have a nap.

"Anomaly Containment and Extermination Facilities. As the name predicts, we usually take anomalies here to contain, and later exterminate them. We also have one in HQ but has a limited number of rooms, and building more can result in a breach occurring, which we don't want. And since there are so many anomalies around the world sprouting in different areas, we decided to build containment facilities designated to a specific continent in order to house the anomalies that we capture from the said continent. We also have facilities that are built much more durable and stronger than others due to the fact that we sometimes come across highly dangerous and highly intelligent anomalies that require a LOT more security."

"And finally, we have Checkpoint Facilities. The purpose of these things is to make sure an agent is alive and well if they are deployed on an overseas mission. Again, we do have one of these built into the HQ. These facilities are usually built with Housing Facilities in combination so the agent could check up and have a rest after a long mission without having to check in and go back to their mission site to have a rest."

"Now that we have our offsite facilities covered, let's have a look at the structure of our HQ."

"As you can see here in the map of the HQ provided, the entire thing is built in a cylindrical-like formation with all floors being shaped around a large tube that we like to call the 'Lava Lamp'."

"There are many floors to this facility which is also located about 15,000 feet under sea level. But I'll just summarize it up for you two since we still have much more to cover."

"Floors 3, 15, 23, 38, 49, 56, and 93 are the floors that house the main buildings for all departments. Floor 3 is R&D, Floor 15 is ED, Floor 23 is Medical Department, Floor 38 is Maintenence, Floor 49 is ERCPD, Floor 56 is Security, and Floor 93 is EIA."

"All of these floors branch out into several different rooms, all with a purpose that is designated for each department. R&D has several general research labs in their main room along with specialized labs, an archive of their studies, and a manufacturing plant in their branch rooms'"

"They are labeled on the map for the other departments so you know which department's branch rooms are used for." 

"There are also two areas where agents can go and eat food or have a lunch break, there is one on Floor 25 and another on Floor 75."

"The personnel living quarters are from floors 5-10 and they house everybody that works or is stationed in HQ."

"There is a teleporter room on Floor 15 where all our agents who have gone on missions come from once they return back, there are terminals in the room ahead to let those agents check in after completing a mission or just for a casual check-up."

"But on floors 80-100 is the Anomaly Containment Zone where we store hundreds of dangerous anomalies in tight and durable containment cells. The area is marked in black on the map and can be only accessed by Class A+ agents or authorized personnel."

"I forgot to mention that there are a total of 150 floors in this facility with each floor being on average 15 feet (4.57 M) tall. There are only two entry and exit points, one being the teleporter room and the other being the Breach Room where all non-combative personnel go to stay safe in case of a breach or breaches. They have escape pods there if the situation is critical in order to ensure their safety due to them being very valuable to the corps."

"If you have also noticed, Floor 150 is also marked in black. This is because the Floor is home to The Board and probably the most protected and well-kept room in the entire facility, with hundreds of security guards and high-classed EIA agents making daily rounds in it and with highly-skilled Maintenance Workers keeping the room in check."

"The floors above 150 is where our power comes from in this facility. Ten floors all dedicated to powering the entire facility with a combination of fusion reactors, plasma reactors, and a newly designed 'Heat Cell' which takes in sunlight and coverts it into more fuel for the reactors and also acts as a turbocharger for them which causes them to work at several times their usual capacity along with extending their service years."

"There are also partial floors that are called sub-levels. They are like branch rooms, but they don't belong to any department. Most of these sub-levels are public to everybody, such as the "Hall of Loyalty and Dedication" or "Agent's Paradise" which is basically just a big garden that most agents like to go to in their free time. 

"This is a basic overview of our facility, but there are still many more rooms and levels I haven't covered yet, but they will be covered in the near future once you get a mentor to train you two."

"Are you two following?" 

"Yes, Sir."

"Good, I thought I lost you for a second with you two being all silent."

"Anyways, let's go more in-depth into our departments. Starting off with EIA..."

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