Chapter 51: Spectating

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Date: December 9, 2024
Time: 2:42 PM
Location: Tanjiro's House
Weather: Cold and Windy


Andrew was slouching on the couch while watching some TV, "What to watch..." He thought as he scrolled through the options.

He was scrolling through the options for a long while before finally selecting a show, "I'm glad Tanjiro has a VPN on his TV, I don't really like Japanese shows all that much...I'd prefer the much superior 'Murican shows." Andrew thought with a hint of patriotism, "'Seinfeld'? Alright..." Andrew thought as he selected Seinfeld and started to play the entire series from episode one.


A few hours had passed by, and at this point, Andrew was binge-watching the entire series. He was on the fourth episode of the first season and was really comfortable where he was until he heard the doorbell ring. "Ugh..." Andrew groaned out of annoyance at having to get up soon and answer the door, "Hey, Tanjiro! It's me! Zenitsu! I've come to drop off some food and medicine for you!" Zenitsu said outside the door as he soon walked away from the porch. 

Andrew saw Zenitsu leave through the gate through the faint crack in the curtain that was covering the main living room window, "Psh...aaaaAAAAA" Andrew said as he got up and stretched and suffered a cramp, "Ow..." He thought with a lone tear in his right eye before walking over to the door and opening it.

He grabbed the bag and looked at its contents, "Some pre-packaged Rice Balls, a Bento box, and some Dango..." Andrew thought as he picked up a small bottle of medicine that was in the box, "This is...Sildenafil..." Andrew thought before he took a second glance and looked at the thing with very wide eyes, "The f*ck? Sildenafil? Why'd they give him f*cking Viagra?!" Andrew thought as he walked back into the house and closed the door, "Wh-How-Who?! Why the hell did they give Viagra?! I can't believe they managed to get some Tylenol confused with goddam Viagra!" Andrew thought out of a little bit of frustration and annoyance before going to the kitchen and taking out the contents of the bag.

He placed the food on the counter and Sildenafil in a drawer in the kitchen. 

"But least I got some lunch..." Andrew thought as he took the Bento box went back to the couch and started playing his show again while digging into his lunch.

Just a few minutes later he received a text, "What now...?" He thought as he took out his phone and tapped on the notification.

Edmund Tau Private Messages

Eddie: Yo, you good?

Andrew: Yeah...what do you need?

Eddie: Just came to inform you that today we have another mission.

Andrew: Which one?

Eddie: Y'know, the restaurant that we went to a week ago where we spied on a couple of dudes who said that they were going to retrieve something called Substance Omricron.

Andrew: That one?

Eddie: Yeah! And their pick-up date is today.

Andrew: Great...what time do you want to meet up and where?

Eddie: 30 mins before midnight or the time of arrival of the gang, and...

Eddie: I did some research around the area, or specifically, Minato did the research, I just sat back. And there is a cliff that overlooks the entire dock. It's pretty noticeable from afar, so you should just see it when you arrive at the docks. That's our meet-up zone, ok?

Andrew: Got it.

Eddie: Good, and uhh...what are you doing?

Andrew: Watching Seinfeld.

Eddie: Kewl.

Andrew: Also, Zenitsu came by and dropped off some food and medicine.

Eddie: That's great, free lunch.

Andrew: Yeah, but I think they got the medicine confused because they gave me Sildenafil.

Eddie: LOL, NO WAY


Andrew: It's not that funny...

Eddie: You don't have the same sense of humor as us depressed boy.

Andrew: Whatever...I'm leaving...

*Andrew has logged off*

"Great...can't get a moment's peace around here anymore..." Andrew thought as he got up from the couch.

"I mean, I don't have to go right now, it's like 7 PM..." Andrew said to himself as he looked at the clock, "My apartment is about 30 minutes I think I'll leave at 10:30 or something." Andrew thought as he stroked his chin.

"Why didn't I bring my gear with me?" He thought as he sat back down and continued to watch Seinfeld for the rest of the time he was there.


"God dam my eyes...why did I watch it at full brightness while lying on the couch like a hobo?" Andrew thought to himself as he took off his agent mask and rubbed his eyes before putting it back on.

He sat on a large edge of the cliff as he let his feet dangle from below while he put his hands behind him and watched the docks from afar. 

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