Chapter 7: First Encounter

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Date: September 20, 2024
Time: 7:00
Location: Kimestu Bowling Alley Construction Site
Weather: Clear


As the clouds cleared up revealing a partial-full moon, two people dressed in dark hoodies face a man in a tuxedo and mask.

"Who are you?" Isamu asked, "That's for me to know and you to find out." Tanjiro said back, this ticked off Isamu a little while he was thinking of a battle strategy, but before he could tell his plan to his sister, Akira rushed in without warning. "Wind Breathing: First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter!" Akira said as she charged Tanjiro, "Akira wait!" Isamu said, but it was too late. As Akira's blade was about to reach Tanjiro's neck, he simply just smiled under his mask and ducked under her sword causing Akira to launch in the other direction.

Akira managed to cancel her attack and quickly regained her stance to go in for another attack, but before she could react, her brother was right behind her, "Akira, follow my lead," he whispered into her ear, Akira nodded and began to attack along with Isamu, "Wind Breathing: Second Form: Claws-Purifying Wind!" She said as she charged in delivering four vertical blows, Tanjiro simply jumped back, avoiding the attack, "Flame Breathing: First Form: Unknowing Fire!" Isamu said as he jumped over Akira and charged Tanjiro at tremendous speeds.

But before the blade was about to make contact with his neck, Tanjiro grabbed Isamu's arms and punched his gut, sending him flying into a couple of metal pillars, "Grk!" Isamu said as he crashed into the metal pillars, "Oni-chan!" Akira said to her brother before she turned around and faced Tanjiro, "Your going to pay that, b*tch!" She said as she unleashed another form, "Wind Breathing: Seventh Form: Gale, Sudden Gusts!" She screamed as she unleashed powerful gale-force winds, Tanjiro quickly moved out of the kill zone, and once the attack was done, he quickly moved in and appeared behind Akira without her knowing, "Suprise," he said as Akira's eye shrunk, and he then gave a knee to Akira's gut and sent her flying into a pile of bricks, "AKIRA!" Isamu screamed as he looked at Tanjiro with murderous intent, "Whoever you are may be a mystery, but what's not a mystery is the day you die!" He said as he charge Tanjiro, "Which is today! Flame Breathing: Fifth Form: Flame Tiger," he said as he delivered a series of sword slashes at Tanjiro, at least he thought he did, but to his surprise, he saw Tanjiro back flip into the air right before the attack met him. Akira quickly followed up, "Wind Breathing: First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter!" She screamed as she charged Tanjiro who was still in mid-air, Tanjiro smirked and quickly changed his momentum into doing a corkscrew in mid-air, which managed to successfully evade Akira's attack. Akira then ended up on the other side of where she was originally and was beyond shocked to see the man that she was attacking manage to dodge her attack like that.

"Who are you!?" Akira questioned as Isamu quickly jumped next to her, the man simply just stood there with his hands behind his back, "Don't ignore me, answer me dumba*s!" She screamed as she was beyond pissed at this point, "Akira calm down," Isamu said as he comforted his little sister, "This guy may be stronger than we thought, so we may have to work together in order for us to defeat him," he whispered into her ear, Akira exhaled heavily as she relaxed her muscles and stance, Isamu did the same, "What do we do now?" Akira whispered back, "Again follow my lead." Isamu said. Isamu quickly charged in, "Flame Breathing: Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun!" He said as he rushed towards Tanjiro at blinding speeds, Tanjiro was about to dodge when he noticed a presence behind him, "Wind Breathing: Sixth Form: Black Wind Mountain Mist!" Akira said as she managed to approach Tanjiro from behind, when the two siblings were about to make contact with Tanjiro's body, he quickly breathed in and jumped up from the two strikes, successfully managing to evade them. "What the f*ck?" Akira thought as she looked to where Tanjiro was now, he was sitting on the pile of pipes from earlier, "Now that you have had your turn, it's time to show you what I can do," he said as he jumped from the pipes and rush towards the siblings with blinding speed. Before the siblings could react, Tanjiro was already in the middle, grabbed both of their hoodies, and launched them in opposite directions.

The two siblings were shocked for a bit until they quickly returned back to reality. They quickly saw that they were about to crash into metal pillars, but as if they shared a brain, they quickly channeled their momentum into their legs and launched themselves from the pillars and towards Tanjiro, "Wind Breathing: Eight Form: Primary Gale Slash!, Flame Breathing: First Form: Unknowing Fire!" Akira and Isamu said as they charge Tanjiro at incredible speeds, though the two siblings were coming at him from both sides, Tanjiro managed to find a narrow gap between the two people and quickly jumped in between the two siblings blades as they both were launched in opposite directions due to their momentum from their attacks.

They quickly regained their foothold and started another attack, "Wind Breathing: First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter! Flame Breathing: Third Form: Blazing Universe!" The two siblings said as they charged Tanjiro again. Tanjiro simply dodged once again as he backflips into the air and twists his body in weird ways in order to dodge every sword slice. The two siblings are sent in opposite directions once again as they land on metal poles and continue to attack the man.

As the two siblings are attacking Tanjiro with every form they have while also simultaneously jumping from one metal pillar to another they witness Tanjiro dodge every attack like it was nothing. One combined attack and he dodges to the left, another dodge to the right, and he even ducked under the attack like he was in the dam Matrix. At this point, they were shocked, pissed, and exhausted due to them having to use their breathing forms with every attack they did, "Who the hell is this man?" Isamu said while heavily breathing and attacking at the same time. As his attack met Tanjiro, Tanjiro simply jumped up into the air and his eyes met his. As Isamu looked into Tanjiro's glowing eyes he could sense a bit of dread from himself as his eyes looked like they were peering into his soul, "Scary..." he thought as he passed Tanjiro once again and attacked him again.

The siblings attacked once again, but that's when Tanjiro decided to make his move. As the siblings were about to reach him, he grabbed their arms and started to spin them around, he let go of the female and she went flying into a partially built wall, and he launched the male into the air and kicked him downwards sending him flying into the ground, the two siblings were fine, but now they were heavily bruised due to the attack, "Ow..." they both thought simultaneously, Tanjiro then took out his heat blade, but the blade wasn't made of plasma, but rather metal as he began to change his guard while wielding his seemingly regular knife. The two siblings got up from the ground, grabbed their swords, and attacked him again, but they didn't use their breathing styles as they were too exhausted. Akria reached Tanjiro first and she was about to slice him, but Tanjiro deflected the strike as sparks flew in the air, Isamu was about to slash Tanjiro from behind, but he quickly turned around and deflected his strike too. Akira and Isamu quickly began trying to slash Tanjiro as hard as they can while also trying to find an opening, but Tanjiro simply managed to deflect every attack with his small blade. As the sparks flew, the two siblings realized that they couldn't keep this going on any further as they were too exhausted to even wield their blades correctly, they both canceled their attack and took a step back to take a breath.

"*Huff* *huff* Who the hell are you and what do you want from us..." Akira said as she put up her guard, "I am simply here to eliminate the criminal underground." Tanjiro said, "We're not criminals, you have no idea what you're trying to prevent..." Isamu said, "I may have no idea, but I can assure you that I have an excellent sense of justice, and I can spot a criminal, like this," he says as he snaps. "Then who are we to you?" Isamu questions, "For now, I don't view you two as criminals but rather as siblings who are trying to survive by joining the organization you work for," Tanjiro says, the sibling's eyes widen in shock as they did not expect him to know that, "H-how do you know about that!" Akira questions him, Tanjiro simply looks at her, "First of all, you screamed "Oni-chan" when I punched him in the gut earlier, implying that he's your older brother, and parents usually won't let their kids out this late at night while carrying blades, implying that your parents don't know about your secret life, or your parents have already passed." Tanjiro says, "Who the hell gave you the right to talk about our parents like that? Your parents must be worried about you too?!" Arika questions him, "My parents have already passed and are, in fact, the reason why I am here, it's simple, I just want revenge," Tanjiro says with a menacing aura which scared both of the siblings.

"Tch," Akira thought as she managed to overcome the fear, she went in for another attack, she managed to cut right through Tanjiro, or at least she thought. Tanjiro appeared behind with his heat blade finally ignited.

Akira then fell to the ground as her sword snapped in half and fell unconscious. "AKIRA!" Isamu said as he watched his dear younger sister fall to the ground, he looked back at Tanjiro and prepared to attack as he felt an unspeakable rage build up inside him, "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT MOTHERF*CKER," he screamed as he charged Tanjiro, "Flame Breathing: First Form: Unknowing Fire!" He said as he slashed Tanjiro, who just jumped into the air and landed behind him, Isamu turned around, "Flame Breathing: Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation!" He said as he tried to slash Tanjiro again, Tanjiro jumped back and Isamu charged at him again, "Flame Breathing: Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun!" He said as slashed upwards, but Tanjiro simply dodged to the right, at this point, Isamu looked at Tanjiro with an insane amount of rage, "Flame Breathing: Third Form: Blazing Universe!" He said as he changed his stance and tried to hit Tanjiro. Tanjiro then grabbed his hoodie and threw him onto some scaffolding, Isamu crashed into the scaffolding, heavily bruised and exhausted, he charged him again with one last form, "Flame Breathing: Fifth Form: Flame Tiger!" He said as he charged with a large amount of speed.

He managed to reach Tanjiro's neck, but before he was about to cut it off, Tanjiro ducked the last second and punched him in the gut, and sent him flying again. Isamu didn't mind it and stood up again, but as he stood up, he noticed that he couldn't even hold his sword straight as it was shaking everywhere, he also began breathing heavily. "This guy is gonna kill himself if he doesn't stop," Tanjiro thought as he looked at the unconscious Akira and then Isamu, he sighed underneath his mask and readied his guard, "Guess I gotta finish this quickly," he thought to himself again. Isamu was about to attack once again, he raised his sword but noticed that the man in front of him was gone, he soon fell onto his knees and saw his sword break in half, his eyes shrunk as he heard the man who used to be in front of him talk to him from behind, "Relax bud, you're gonna kill yourself if you keep this up, I respect the admiration and courage to protect your sister, but I assure you that you are trying too hard. Trust me I've been there, but it's useless, this battle has already been decided from the start, I am going to spare you for now because I, myself have a set of morals, but let this battle be a lesson to you, don't go all out in rage because someone you love is temporarily decommissioned, it's just going to cloud your thought and judgment, and one day, that will come and bite you back in the a*s." Tanjiro said as he deactivated his heat blade and stood there, witnessing the man behind him fall unconscious.

Tanjiro looked back at the unconscious people behind them, 11 men dressed in black, and two people dressed in hoodies. He sighed and jumped from the construction site and onto a nearby roof of a building. He then began to run back to his house to end his day once and for all.


Date: September 20, 2024
Time: 8:05 PM
Location: Butterfly Mansion
Weather: Clear


"Caw! Caw! Two slayers have been found unconscious and heavily bruised at the construction site, the Kakushis are bringing them to the Butterfly Mansion as we speak!" A crow says while sitting on Kanae's arm, Kanae gasped a little at this and thanked the crow, the crow left her arm and out through an open window. Kanae then left the room and shouted from upstairs of the mansion, "Aoi prepare the beds, we have patients coming!" She said as she quickly rushed downstairs towards the basement, she opened the basement door and rushed down the stairs and quickly opened the lights of the basement, revealing something that looks like an infirmary, with beds, nightstands, and medicine rack, and a desk. She quickly went to a door in the basement and opened it, revealing a small closet loaded with bandages, splints, ointments, etc. She then quickly grabbed some bandages from the closet and placed them on a nightstand near one of the beds.

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