Chapter 39: Arteus Corps Part 5: Captain Cluck

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Weather: [REDACTED]


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"As I explained to you earlier, EIA is the department that specializes in espionage and the capture of criminal organizations or anomalies.

"These people are probably the most elite and well-skilled out of any department here due to how dangerous their jobs are when out in the field."

"They don't have their own rank system and therefore, rely on the general rank system that other personnel use in order to identify who is above who."

"The EIA are the top dogs when it comes to combat and tactics, trainees are expected to be highly skilled in combat before joining EIA, where their combat skills can be improved on drastically along with the way they fight."

"EIA also has two separate divisions, one being the 'Main Agency' and the other being the 'Contractor Agency'. The Main Agency is where new recruits usually go and is the bulk of the EIA, the Contractor Agency on the other hand, is a relatively moderate-sized group that overviews the activities of the Main Agency, they are also given the task of assigning their designated agents their mission and submitting a report to the HR or the highest-ranking officials in the EIA after the agent is complete with his/her mission."

"Members of the Contractor Agency are also members of the EIA which means that they are pretty good at combat, whether it be long-range or short-range. But in order to become one of the CA, then you must be able to excel at multi-tasking, electronic warfare, system breaching, maneuvering, communication, and teamwork. You don't have to be a high-ranking EIA member in order to become a CA, but you do have to excel at those specific tasks I just listed. And if you do, the HR will transfer you into CA and you will get an operations room of your own where you are connected with several agents."

"The MA are the ones who actually go out into the world in order to topple criminal empires or capture life-threatening anomalies. Some personnel of CA also do get to go out on missions along with MA members, but that's only if HR permits you. But, either way, MA members are trained to be the best of the best when it comes to sabotage, infiltration, and intelligence gathering. This is why they earn the nickname 'Spies', and as for all spies no matter what agency they are a part of, they must be prepared for anything and anybody, which is why MA personnel are trained to their absolute limits physically and taught all types of tactics and maneuvers they have to make in order to deal with a certain type of situation they have magically caught themselves in."

"The entry process for EIA is very long, which is why they mostly take agents who were already born in the corporation in order to teach them the required material to become an EIA agent. They teach a lot of things in EIA, which mostly has to do with the previous three things I said earlier, but in order to actually enter into the EIA entrance program or 'AEP' it is more commonly called, agents must learn at least five languages since we can't have agents that only know one language since it limits their capabilities."

"They finish their academic and EIA education at the age of eleven, and they usually begin their combat education right after with the help of their mentors along with receiving a bit more education which comes in the forms of words of advice."

"After completing the combat phase of their beforehand training, they are then entered into the AEP which only happens once a year, it's a three-month process in which they are tested to their absolute extremes and forced to make decisions that could affect them later in the program. They are tested both physically and physiologically to weed out the weak agents from the rest. Once the three-month process is over, the actual test begins, which is also called the 'Devil's Game'. The remaining participants are dropped via air into a very isolated and dangerous island filled with deadly traps tipped with various amounts of poison and chemicals, highly advanced puzzles that are timed, and anomalies that are very strong and experienced."

"Despite all those traps that are set for them, it may seem that not a lot get out alive, but we can assure you that at least 50% of the recruits make it into EIA, this is because, along the entire duration of the AEP, you are practically forced to make bonds between other recruits and work together, which is VERY important when partaking in the exam. EIA agents are always told to communicate with each other and to work as a team in order to limit casualties and for better efficiency, and this event tests other recruits on how well they can work with one another and to find out who is a natural-born leader."

"But, if you decide to go alone and split off from others, you may as well be dead, so far, there have been no agents that managed to pass the AEP without some form of communication with other recruits."

"Another reason for why the passing percentage is high is because EIA mentors are probably the best mentors in the world, I mean they teach their students EVERYTHING they need to know about how to be a valuable asset to both EIA and the corporation, along with the combat skills that they need in order to survive the AEP."

"I probably got your hopes down since EIA mostly takes in agents that were born in the corporation, but rest assured, the EIA does take in external agents like you, you just have to be skilled in combat like other personnel before they enter the program. And once you are selected, you will be put into our CRAM program which stands for 'Centralized Resident Agent Moralization" where external agents are enlisted for an entire year in order to be eligible to take the AEP."

"They hook you up with an academic mentor that teaches you all you need to know about how to be mentally prepared for the AEP and what you need to know in order to be an agent. And a physical mentor that teaches you how to hone and perfect your combat skills as quickly as possible."

"The CRAM program has seen some success, and training external agents can be a bit easier since they are already pretty skilled and knowledgable in what they do, as compared to internal agents who need to be taught from scratch, which could take a while."

"Anyways, that's about it for EIA, you will find out more once you actually join our corps since EIA agents are more commonly seen than any other type of personnel due to how frequently they go out on missions."

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