Chapter 1- Welcoming The Contestants!

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The scene opens up to an airport, where a middle aged man, known as Chris McLean, stands in front of the camera, getting ready to broadcast his favorite reality show: Total Drama.

Chris turns to the viewers and welcomes them. "Welcome back everyone! It's been a year since we unleashed our first season of our reboot, and we've come back for a rematch! Things will get grizzly, things will get scary, and some things may become more harrowing as the season goes!" Chris said to the viewers. "As always, competitors will have a space for them to confess what and how they feel and compete against each other, for a chance to win a million dollars! This time, we're taking them to a tour around the world! Let them compete in environments that they've never seen! Compete in challenges that may be their last! And most importantly, go against each other! As always, I'm your host, Chris McLean, and this is Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!!"


Back at the airport, Chris is looking at the viewers as he stands next to a bus stop that's near the airport. "Welcome back to Total Drama: Around The World, we're right here at this bus stop waiting for last year's competitors to arrive." Chris said as he smirked, a bus then pulls up. "And here they are now! Now, give a warm welcome to one of our last season's finalists...Priya!"

Coming out of the bus was a short girl of Indian descent and wore a blue beret and clothing. "Hi everyone! Second season here I come!" Priya said with a smile. "Not sure if I'll do as good as last time, but I'm looking forward to giving it my best!"


"Last season I did really great, my parents were really proud of me for how far I came and I'm hoping to make them proud again in this next season." Priya explained. "Then, after that, I can achieve my dream and head to med school!"


"Love the enthusiasm, Priya." Chris said to Priya as she walked and stopped. "Next up, we have our two favorite hockey players...Wayne and Raj!"

Next one coming out of the bus we're two boys in hockey jerseys, one had blonde hair and a red cap, while the other had dark brown hair. "Woohoo! Can you believe it, Raj? We're going on a world tour!" Wayne said as he smiled.

"I know, just think of all the sights we'll see out there! Like the Eiffel Tower, the Statue Of Liberty, maybe even a haunted forest!" Raj said as he was excited. "And we get to be on a plane!"

"Not to worry, Coach! We won't let you down again this season!" Wayne said to Chris with enthusiasm

"Woohoo! Million dollars here we come!" Wayne and Raj both said as they joined Priya.

"Alright, and welcoming our new happy couple for this season...Emma and Chase!" Chris said as he smirked, but stopped when he noticed no one coming out of the bus. "I said...Emma and Chase!....Hello?"

"I said I was going first!" A female voice shouted.

"No, I said I was!" A male voice shouted.

Getting out of the bus with force and falling onto their faces were two other competitors, one was a girl with blonde hair and ponytail, while the other was a boy with dark hair and a red hoodie. Also known as Emma and Chase.

"Whoa-ho-ho there, what's all this commotion about?" Chris asked as he was surprised.

"They've been like this during the whole trip to the airport." Priya explained. "Even we don't know what happened."

"So lovebirds, what seems to be the problem?" Chris asked as he walked over to Emma and Chase.

"Lovebirds!? Blech! Don't even try to call us that after what this guy did to me!!" Emma said in anger as she and Chase got up and she pointed at Chase. "Argh!!! I gave you another chance and you threw it away, again!! This is exactly why we broke up in the first place!!"

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