Chapter 26- Back Where It All Began (2/2)

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Heather, Alejandro and Scary Girl couldn't believe of what they've seen when they saw both Ezekiel's dead body, and Chris pounce from the water to drown Silas, like he originally did back in Germany.

While Scary Girl was known to have a fondness in dark stuff such as murder or blood, even she felt worried about her cousin and the possibility that if she or the others don't do anything, they may end up losing him.

"Oh this is awful! I know that I've always loved blood and murder, but even I don't want something like this to happen to my cousin! What can we do!? What can we do!?" Scary Girl asked as she was panicking and running around. "I know! I'll go back to help! That's what I'll do! I'll go down to—"

However, Scary Girl panicked and ran around so much, that she accidentally bonked into a tree and fell to the ground dizzily while seeing stars above her head.

As Heather looked at the river and how Chris took Silas down to the water in a sudden flash, Heather thought back on all the times she and Alejandro bonded with Silas during the season, like back in Las Vegas, Africa, Los Angeles and Antarctica, she couldn't stand by and watch Chris put Silas's life in danger.

So with determination, Heather then took off her scarf as she then jumped into the river, which surprised Alejandro. "What the—Heather what are you doing?!" Alejandro asked as he was shocked by this and felt concerned for Heather.

"What do you think I'm doing!? I'm going to go down there and save Silas before Chris does something that could kill him!!" Heather said with determination to Alejandro.

"What!? Look, I get that you want to save Silas, I do as well, but didn't you see what Chris did to Ezekiel!?" Alejandro asked as he was worried for Heather. "He's now much more of a threat than he was in the past! You could end up getting yourself killed!!"

"I already almost killed myself by enduring through Chris's sick games, just for the sake of some stupid prize that wasn't really worth the trouble anyways!" Heather retaliated to Alejandro as she was in tears. "And I am not gonna lose Silas because of him, like how I lost you after All Stars!"

Alejandro eyes shrunk as he remembered how to two of them split ways after fighting each other to win the million, how they once shared a bond between each other, but was ruined all for the sake of a briefcase filled with cash, that's been capable of corrupting the minds of almost anyone that went on the show.

Hearing this made him ever the more guilty of choosing the money over Heather, all because he wanted to win and prove himself to his family. Alejandro sighed as he understood Heather and her determination to save Silas. "You're right, I'm sorry..." Alejandro said to Heather as he then got into the water too. "But to do this, you're going to need some help."

Heather smiled at Alejandro as she felt touched that he got into the river to help Heather with saving Silas. Scary Girl then woke ip and regained consciousness.

"Lauren, you go and warn the finalists about what's going on, and bring them to the river to help us save Silas." Alejandro said to Scary Girl.

"I'm on it boss!" Scary Girl said as she then began running back to find where the finalists were, but not before bonking into another tree. "Ow."

As Scary Girl ran back to go and go find the finalists, Alejandro and Heather then began to swim as fast as they could, all while trying to find wherever Silas was. Meanwhile, in a farther part of the river, Silas rose up to surface as he managed to escape from Chris, swam back over to the raft that Heather and Alejandro were previously on, and held the case that Chris stole a while ago.

As he rested on the raft, Silas took a moment to lie down and tried to catch his breath after the experience he endured back in the water when Chris tried to drown him, the same way he did back in Germany.

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