Chapter 3- Aokiga-Hi-Yah! (Part 1/2)

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In the first class compartment, Heather and Alejandro were inside, looking at the camera toward the viewers. "Last time, on Total Drama: Around the World, sixteen returning campers signed up to join the next season of Total Drama, along with welcoming two new competitors." Alejandro explained as he looked at the viewers. "Our first destination was at the heart of bosa nova music and exotic colors, Brazil's very own, Rio De Janiero."

"Their task was to roll through Brazil on roller skates and then create their own parade float and strut through carnival, some were creative and colorful, while others, not so much." Heather explained as she explained to the viewers. "The Tasmanian Devils had a hard time trying to plan what to do for their parade float, until Silas helped with making a decision. Unfortunately, the Komodo Dragons won thanks to Nichelle's Carnival Queen performance and of course...Chase accidentally setting his team's float on fire while trying to do his livestream. It seemed like he was gonna get the boot, but Millie beat him to it due an allergic reaction to the makeup she wore, making her the first contestant to be eliminated for the season."

"And if you think that challenge was impressive, you haven't seen nothing yet." Alejandro said. "We're your hosts, Alejandro..."

"And Heather." Heather said.

"And we welcome you to...Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!" Alejandro shouted as he then looked at Heather. "I always wanted to say that."

"Me too, Alejandro, me too." Heather said as she smirked.


On the plane to their next destination, the Komodo Dragons were in the first class compartment, some were enjoying themselves in the fruit platter they won after their first challenge, while some were just relaxing.

"Mm, these mangos are so delicious." Emma said as she was enjoying the fruit platter.

"Hold on." Julia said as she got her cellphone and took a selfie of herself with the bowl of fruits she has in front of her. "Definitely makes a cute post."

"I could get used to First Class, all day." Nichelle said as she ate some oranges. "Especially when it involves fresh fruits like these."

Ripper then got up from his bed and stretched. "That was one of the best sleeps I've ever had." Ripper said as he smirked. "Now to treat myself to some food."

Ripper then got out of bed, which was actually a bunk bed attached to the plane and he slept on the top. Once he got out, he accidentally fell on MK as if she was a door mat and left as he was unaware of the action.

MK got up while holding her back. "Ow...thanks for using me as a doormat and not noticing it!" MK said sarcastically in anger. "What am I? Nichelle?"

"Hey! Don't forget that I was the one that made us win the challenge!" Nichelle said in anger.

"No, it was only because Emma's dumb ex-boyfriend blew up their float! You wouldn't win any challenge if you had the chance!" MK argued back at Nichelle, making Nichelle groan in anger and Emma to do a face palm.

Chase was watching from the dining area of the plane and groaned in annoyance of seeing the other team enjoy themselves in first class, while the Tasmanian Devils are stuck in economy class and eating in the dining area.

"That fruit platter should've been ours! Who was dumb enough to place us in Economy Class!?" Chase asked as he looked at his team and crossed his arms. "We're better than that!"

"Well, you did accidentally lit our float on fire." Silas said as he scratched his neck.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Chase asked Silas as he was annoyed by what Silas said.

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