Chapter 16- It's Incredibly Spain-Ful (2/2)

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Soon after Vincent and Mateo agreed to do the next challenge by themselves, everyone gathered to an arena, known as the Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas, which happens to be a bullfighting ring.

The contestants, camera crew and the hosts were sitting on the bleachers while Vincent and Mateo weren't anywhere to be seen. "So why exactly did Vincent and Mateo want to go against each other?" Nichelle asked Julia, Emma and Cindy as she was confused.

"Who cares? Vincent always does stupid things just to gain attention." Cindy said as she shrugged and crossed her arms. "Who know's what that guy's thinking."

"Really? Is doing stuff stupid sound like something you would do also?" Gina asked with a smirk as MK, Bowie, Scary Girl and Silas snickered.

"Ugh, whatever." Cindy said as she rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, one of the double doors of the arena opened as coming into the ring while performing a triple back flip, was Vincent, as he now wore a red matador's outfit with his sleeves ripped off. Vincent flexed some of his muscles as he was looking at Silas and most of the girls with a flirtatious smirk.

"Well, ladies, like what you see?" Vincent said as he flexed one of his arms and kissed his biceps.

"Blech." Gina said as she looked away and gagged.

"Seen it." MK said as she looked away while putting her hand out.

"Pfft, Raj's has got better muscles than that." Bowie said as he rolled his eyes.

Silas just hid away with his hood as he felt embarrassed. Emma on the other hand, felt herself staring in awe at Vincent's muscles. "Wowie..." Emma said with astonishment. Julia saw this as she and Cindy face palmed.

"Does Emma ever make up her mind when it comes to dating?" Gina asked as she looked at MK and Bowie with a bored expression.

"Based on my experience, no." Bowie said as he shook his head as he also felt bored.

Then, the doors opened again as walking into the ring was Mateo, as he wore a dark blue matador's outfit. "Not bad, my rugged amigo, but it's easy to say that I look better as a matador." Vincent said as he flexed his muscles and was feeling confident.

"The only difference is that you have your sleeves ripped off and looking like a expo of Duncan and Lightning mashed together." Mateo said as he rolled his eyes, making MK, Gina, Bowie laugh at Vincent after hearing Mateo's insult to him. Silas also snickered too, but stopped as he noticed Emma glaring at him.

"Oh well, anyways, I bet you're wondering what kind of challenge I've decided for us to partake in, is that right?" Vincent said with a smirk.

"Let me guess, bullfighting?" Mateo asked as he rolled his eyes. "Hence the ridiculous costumes?"

"Close, it is actually...the Bull Fight....Of Love!!!" Vincent said as he did a little flamenco dance while he said that last part.

"Love?" Mateo asked as he was confused.

"Of course, the two of us will partake in a very grueling battle against each other and a bull." Vincent said with a smirk. "Then, while we fight against the bull, we shall fight to win the heart of the fairest maiden known..."

Emma then gasped happily as she thought Vincent and Mateo were gonna fight for her. "Did you hear that guys? Mateo is gonna fight Vincent for me!" Emma said happily to Julia, Nichelle and Cindy. "I knew Mateo still had his heart for me and ignored Silas's manipulative charms!"

"Ugh, read a room!" MK said as she rolled her eyes.

"And that fair maiden is....Silanha!!" Vincent said as he presented Silas in front of Mateo, which caused everyone, including Mateo, Emma and Silas to be shocked.

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