Chapter 4- Survive Or Scare! (2/2)

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With Emma, Axel, Nichelle and Julia, they were continuing on through the halls of Dracula's Castle, in order to try and find more antiques for their coffin.

"Ugh, okay, I can't stand to stay in this castle for another minute." Julia explained. "There's like dust and cobwebs everywhere."

"Oh come on, it's not so bad." Emma said as she tried to cheer up Julia. "We're almost done with our list, so as soon as we find the other antiques, we'll be fine."

"I sure hope so, do you know how long it takes to get cobwebs and dust out of your hair." Nichelle said as she struggled getting a few cobwebs out of her hair. "I paid hundreds of dollars to get this haircut ready for the camera—"

Suddenly, a trap door was activated, causing Julia and Nichelle to fall down the hole. "Julia! Nichelle! Are you alright!?" Emma asked as she quickly went to the hole to see if they were okay. "Nichelle? Julia?"

"Just leave them, we have antiques to find!" Axel said as she charged ahead.

"Wait! But shouldn't we help our teammates?" Emma asked Axel. "They serve as our protection!"

"Not if we want to be in last again! Move out!" Axel shouted as she continued charging forward.


"If there's one thing that I learned when training for the apocalypse, is that you have rely on yourself to keep away from the zombies!" Axel said as she crossed her arms. "Helping those who are already lost, will slow you down."


"Wait! We have to stay close!" Emma called out to Axel as she tried to follow her. "There could be other vampires here from the other team! Or possibly booby traps!!"

Then, as soon as she said that, Emma accidentally stepped on a pressure plate. "I walked right into that one, didn't I?" Emma asked as she felt indifferent.

Suddenly, arrows started to shoot from different parts of the hallways, which made Emma start running and trying her best to dodge the arrows. Then, when she felt like the arrows have stopped, she stopped running to catch her breath from running.

"Okay, I think I'm safe..." Emma said as she then accidentally stepped on another pressure plate.

"Emma, look out!" A voice shouted as they pulled Emma closer to them, as an axe from a suit of armor almost slashed Emma after she stepped on the pressure plate.

Emma was surprised by this and saw behind her was Caleb, as he was the one that helped save Emma. "Whoa...thanks Caleb." Emma said as she was surprised by this. "But, why did you save me? You do know we're on different teams, right?"

"Different teams don't discriminate when someone needs to be saved." Caleb said as he smiled. "And I would never want anything bad to happen to you, even if we're on opposing teams."

Emma started to blush as she giggled a little bit. "Th-Thank you..." Emma said bashfully.


"Wow, Caleb saving from a dangerous booby trap is the most chivalrous thing any guy has ever done for me. It makes me feel bad for voting him off last season. He's athletic, strong, and handsome..." Emma said as she stopped and realized what she was saying. "Uh, Mateo won't be hearing or seeing any of this, right?"


Emma stopped looking at Caleb bashfully as she cleared her throat. "Anyways, thank you again for saving me." Emma said as she exchanged a smile.

"Thank you for coming to my arms." Caleb said with a smirk. "And whenever you need help, I'll be sure to pick you up, regardless if it's against the rules."

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