Chapter 21- Yukon Do It! (1/2)

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In the first class compartment, Heather and Alejandro were inside, looking at the camera toward the viewers. "Last time, on Total Drama: Around the World, we sure had a blast in China, thankfully it wasn't the blast in an explosive kind of way. Instead, most of everyone had a blast in China while getting to enjoy on taking care of some pandas." Alejandro explained to the viewers. "Well, except for Mateo of course, who got induced into a state of paralysis caused by a homemade love tea that was made by Emma."

"Our contestants were also tasked to chow down on food from one of the most authentic Chinese restaurants, and also got a sense of Deja Vu when Cindy manipulated one of the panda caretakers into giving her real food, just like Blaineley did, and Julia snuck her food over to Emma to avoid eating it, just like how Al and Courtney did." Heather explained to the viewers. "In the end, MK won immunity for her team, and Cindy was left as the one who got kicked out of the plane, after two of her fellow partners in her alliance, voted her behind her back."

"Am I ever glad she's gone. Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard." Alejandro said as he smirked and then turned to the viewers. "With eight players remaining in the game, who will be pushed out of the plane next? Find out here, on Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!!"


On the plane, in the first class department, Silas was drawing in his notebook while smiling and humming a tune, feeling a bit happy after Cindy had been eliminated from the previous challenge.

"Huh, humming and smiling today? This is the happiest I've ever seen you since Las Vegas." Bowie said as he sat next to Silas and noticed him being happy.

"What can I say? It's like a massive weight of my pain was shoved out of a plane now that both Vincent and Cindy are gone." Silas said as he smiled, but then frowned. "Now if only I could get Emma to forgive me for what I did to her back in Greece. Maybe then I won't have as many enemies as I did before."

"Eh, why even bother trying?" MK said as she crossed her arms. "Emma has always been stubborn with forgiving others, except if that person was Chase for some odd reason. Not to mention that after Chase left, she officially became a new version of him, only ten times more crazy and clingy."

"Wait, you're saying that I made Emma the new Chase, all because I voted for him and Caleb?" Silas asked as he became worried.

"No no no, I didn't mean it like that!" MK said quickly to Silas. "I'm just saying that because of Julia, and her obsession with Chase, she's officially become a worse version of him. It didn't have anything to do with you at all."

"You promise?" Silas asked as he felt unsure.

"Of course." MK said to Silas.


"Sarcastic and snarky comments, my gift, and my curse..." MK said as she face palmed after that moment she had with Silas.


Meanwhile, in the economy section of the plane, Julia was with her alliance as she was angered that they ended up losing to Silas and his alliance again. "Ugh, can't believe we're back in stupid economy section." Julia said as she crossed her arms and frowned. "No thanks to Gina and her band of freaks! She is so going to pay for this!"

"Well to be fair, you and Cindy did start cheating during the eating competition, so anyone could've found out eventually and we'd still end up here regardless." Nichelle said to Julia.

"Oh, zip it, Nichelle!" Julia said as she crossed her arms and turned her back on Nichelle as she began to file her nails.

Nichelle then left her seat as she felt as if she didn't really want to sit with Julia, after seeing the mood she was in. So, Nichelle instead went over to a different table, where she saw Emma sitting on one of the beds and with Mateo lying on Emma's lap, still being paralyzed after drinking the homemade love tea.

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