Chapter 20- Pand-Aahhh-Monium (1/2)

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In the first class compartment, Heather and Alejandro were inside, looking at the camera toward the viewers. "Last time, on Total Drama: Around the World, our contestants were paired up to perform some of the most popular circus stunts in a circus tent located in Moscow, Russia." Heather explained to the viewers. "Some alliances were tested, and a few tempers too, some mostly from Emma."

"The challenge provided an opportunity for Mateo to take a break from Emma, and let him be in First Class with Silas after both of them won." Alejandro explained to the viewers. "While it may have seemed like Cindy was gonna get eliminated, it was Zee, one of our audience favorites, who unfortunately took the Drop of Shame."

"With one of the truly unselfish players out of the game, will tensions rise higher?" Heather asked the viewers. "Find out right now, on Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!"


As the plane was flying in the air, in the first class section, Silas and Mateo were still sleeping together, unaware that they were cuddling each other. Both of them then found themselves slowly opening their eyes as they stretched their arms a bit.

When both of them turned to each other and realized what they were doing, they screamed in shock as they backed away before anyone could see them cuddle anymore. After that, they stared at each other in shock after their night together and were left trying to process on all that happened earlier.


"I can't believe I was cuddling Mateo last night." Silas said as he was in shock. "I mean, it admittedly felt nice, but I don't want Emma to know about it. She'd rip me to shreds! Hope Mateo didn't think that it was weird..."


"I never thought that I would be stuck cuddling Silas without knowing that I was." Mateo said as he was in shock. "But admittedly, it felt nice. Hopefully Silas didn't find that weird though."


Soon after, Silas and Mateo went to the common area to sit with their groups. Mateo was sitting with Julia, Cindy, Emma and Nichelle as Julia was discussing on strategy to Emma.

"I understand that you want Silas gone, Emma." Julia said to Emma. "But strategy is still key, for now, we should focus on picking off the strongest competitors in Bowie and Silas's alliance, and then finish off with the weakest members of their alliance. Hello? Are you even listening?"

Emma however wasn't listening as her eye was twitching, looking as if she hadn't been sleeping in a while, and was scribbling through a notebook like crazy. "Must eliminate Silas! Must eliminate Silas! Must eliminate Silas!!" Emma said crazily as she was scribbling through her notebook crazily, making Mateo and Nichelle creeped out.


"Courtney, Sierra, Izzy and Lauren, you have been replaced." Gina said with a smirk. "Never thought that I would see Emma making Courtney look like a saint, or possibly become an even worse version of her."


"Uh, mom, could you please pick me up?" Nichelle asked as she hugged her legs in fear. "I'm scared..."


"Yeesh, looks as if Emma hasn't slept in days." Nichelle said as she saw Emma crazed state.

"I know..." Mateo said as he shook like a leaf. "Was she always like this when she broke up with Chase and then eventually almost got back together with him?"

"Not really, Emma used to be pretty sweet when we first met." Nichelle said to Mateo. "But I'd never imagine that she'd end up like this after one accident in Greece."

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