Chapter 25- The Wild, Wild West!!! (2/2)

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After a while, Heather and Alejandro took the contestants over to a stable that was next to Dodge City, where they will explain the next challenge to the contestants.

"Each of you have done well with showing off your western spirit." Heather said to the contestants as she smiled. "But what western challenge wouldn't be complete, without these beauties?"

The contestants were confused on what Heather was talking about, until they heard the sounds of neighing, and saw horses inside each of the stalls that were inside the stable.

Everyone was in awe of seeing the horses up close, all except for Julia, who gulped as she looked at the horses while trying to hide her hair inside her hat.


"Horses....of everything it had to be horses...." Julia said as she face palmed and felt angered.


"That's right, the next set of challenges include you using a horse." Alejandro said to the contestants. "So look around the stable, and see which horse you want to pick while competing in the next set of challenges."

The contestants then looked around to see which horse they want to pick for the next challenge, all except for Julia as she stayed behind and made sure that no horses began eating her hair.

"Ouch, first sheep, then goats, now horses?" Gina asked as she teased Julia with a smirk. "Animals just really want to get a munch on that weave you have there, huh Julia." Julia growled in anger at Gina's insult.

Emma was looking around the stable for a horse, until she stumbled a upon a cream colored horse with blonde hair and a white stripe on her face. "Say, you're pretty cute." Emma said as she smiled at the horse and placed her hands on the horse's face. "I betcha with some ribbons and hair styling, you'll be the cutest horse in the Wild West."

Gina and Mateo rolled their eyes at this as they went to search for a horse. Gina was searching around the stable as she noticed a brown and white painted horse that secretly stole some hay from another horse's stable. The horse stealing the hay reminded her of MK and her fondness for pickpocketing.

So Gina walked over to the horse and smiled at her. "You know, you remind me of a certain someone that I know." Gina said to the horse as she decided to take him. "What do you say we ride together, huh JD?" Gina said as she took the horse, now named JD, out of their stables.

JD snuggled his muzzle against Gina as he took a liking to her, so Gina left with JD as she took her out of the stable by grabbing onto the reigns that were strapped onto the horse.

Mateo was looking around for a horse until he stumbled upon a stallion with a solid brown coat and black mane, munching some grass and keeping to himself from most of the other horses.

This made Mateo start to take a liking to the horse as it reminded him of his personality, so he approached the horse as he gave him a smile. "You seem like a nice horse." Mateo said to the horse as he gently pet the stallion's neck.

Julia was watching the three contestants with their horses, as she gaged at them being together. "This makes me sick..." Julia said with disgust. "I can't believe I have to ride a horse for this challenge..."

A white mare then walked over to Julia as it attempted to eat Julia's hair, but Julia noticed this as she backed away and screamed a little. The horse then titled her head as she was confused by Julia's sudden scare.

Julia sighed as she looked at the horse, thinking that there wasn't gonna be any other option for her, so she just decides to go with it until she wins immunity. "Look, I don't like you, and you don't like me." Julia said to the horse. "So don't make this any worse than it already is."

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