Chapter 24- Ice To See You Again (1/2)

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Instead of the plane, we are introduced to a news channel, where a woman with purple hair and purple, green and cyan blue clothes was standing outside the studio that the contestants were trapped in back in Hollywood, where she looked at the camera and gave the news,

"Hello, hello, hello, everyone!" The purple haired woman said as she held her microphone and gave the news. "It's your trusty reporter, Sierra, formally known as a Total Drama competitor back during the original Total Drama show, here to give you some intel on the latest news. Today I'm coming at you live outside the studio in which Noah and Owen work at, here in Hollywood, Los Angelos. Where not so long ago, a group of malevolent people came together, kidnapped Heather, Alejandro, Owen, Noah and the rest of the current Total Drama contestants, and trapped them inside a simulation used for an upcoming movie."

"Orchestrating this heinous crime, was Topher. Formerly known as a contestant in Total Drama: Pahkitew Island, Topher and a few other people gathered together as a way for him to take revenge on Chris McLean and the rest of the reality showbiz, for 'rejecting him'. Some of the people involved in this heinous plan were Alejandro's older brother, José, and Cindy Willows, former reality stars known as the now cancelled show, Date On Live! José, the host of the show, was recently exposed in Las Vegas for his abuse against one of his cast mates, Silas Willows, the same went for his sister, Cindy, after she exposed herself for the person she really was during the reality show, Who's Got Voice. Both of them were charged for their crimes of fraudulence, domestic abuse, power usurpation, attempted murder while in simulation and kidnapping."

The next scene shows previous footage of Cindy getting arrested for her crimes. "Mommy! Daddy! I don't want to go to jail!" Cindy shouted as she and the other bad guys were shoved into a police shuttle. "Send me all the lawyers, just get someone! Anyone!! Daddy!!! Mommy!!!"

The scene goes back to Sierra as she continued explaining the news. "I think it's safe to say that those two have been trashed." Sierra said as she then giggled on that last part. "Get it? Trashed? Because of Cindy's band? Anyways, also implicated was current contestant, Gina Floki's brother: Eric Floki, who holds a criminal record of illegal drug possession and dealing, domestic abuse against his younger siblings, vandalism of property, both private and public, along with illegal possession of cigarettes and alcohol. Finally, implicated in this also was none other than current Total Drama contestant, Mateo's father, Roberto Rodriguez. Widely known as the CEO of Todos Tostones, who was charged for actually being the boss of a mafia group, that did things such as human trafficking, bank robbery, illegal slavery, drug dealing and countless murders. Man, he sounded twice as bad as Alejandro during both World Your and All Stars, which for the latter, I did hate, mostly because my Codykins wasn't there. Did you know that he's now a world renowned taste tester for foods? And a part time model for hand cream?"

Sierra sighed happily before snapping out of it and continuing back to the news. "Anyways, moving on from the recent arrest of Topher, Cindy, Eric, Roberto and José, multiple footage from Total Drama: Around the World, shows a mysterious creature living inside the plane, even after they were seen kicked out of it multiple times." Sierra said as she screen showed different pictures of Chris hiding in the plane. "This begs the question, who is this mysterious creature? Why does it keep going after Heather and Alejandro? Multiple theories from some of the shows fan, conclude the the creature to potentially be Chris McLean, who went missing during the start of the season and was replaced by Heather and Alejandro. But, who knows, maybe it could be Ezekiel again? Or perhaps another former Total Drama contestant, or perhaps we may never know. That's all the time we have left for today, now on back to the show."


Back on the plane as it flew forward to their next destination, everyone was in First Class after the whole incident back in Los Angeles, trying to relax before the plane could land to their next destination.

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