Chapter 2- Roll Through Carnival! (Part 1/2)

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As soon as Chris and the contestants got onto the plane, Chris started to show them a tour around the plane, and explaining the rules on how this season will go for them. The first room they arrived at was the dining hall.

"Welcome contestants, to your flight around the world, where we are right now is the dining area of the plane." Chris said as he smirked. "Where here, you'll enjoy in flight meals made by our good chef, Chef Hatchet."

"Aw, do we really have to stomach that same porridge we had last season?" Bowie complained. "I felt like almost getting acne when eating that stuff."

"Really? I didn't seem to notice, your skin looks fine to me." Raj complimented.

"Aw, you really think so?" Bowie asked as he smiled, causing Raj and Wayne to agree. "Phew, thanks, I was getting worried that someone would notice."

"Any who, right over here is a special space that I think you're familiar with." Chris explained as he showed the plane's bathrooms. "The old confession booth, where here, you get to tell the folks at home what's going on, or just to get something off your chest."

"Really? A confession booth in the bathroom? Again?" Julia asked out of anger. "Can't anyone get some privacy on this show!? Or at least have it somewhere that is clean!?"

Next, Chris gathered the contestants over to the Economy Class portion of the plane, where there were safety harnesses, long benches and an emergency exit.

"Right here, is the Economy Class Proportion of our flight, where the team that loses a challenge will stay in between flights." Chris explained.

"Uh, where are our beds?" Priya asked.

"You're looking at them." Chris said with a smirk as he pointed to the benches and the safety harnesses, in which Damien was strapped to one of the safety harnesses while still unconscious from the hit Scary Girl inflicted on him.

"Uh, I'm not sure if that's comfortable." Emma said as she felt unsure.

"You'll get safety harnesses and emergency exits, but, no comfort." Chris said as he smirked. "Wouldn't be fun if it wasn't now would it?"

"Good thing I always came prepared..." Nichelle said as she carried a bunch of suitcases and inside some of them were pillows.

"Yeah right, there is no way you'll be seeing me right here." Ripper said as he smirked. "Not ever."

"And is never your policy on deodorant too, Shrek?" Mateo asked as he pinched his nose and stepped away from Ripper.

Emma laughed. "Oh, Mateo, you're so funny." Emma complimented.

Next, the contestants and Chris met at the First Class proportion of the plane, which included comfy chairs, a lounge area, a drink bar, red curtains and a colorful atmosphere, with him was a female flight attendant with a hat covering her appearance.

"And this right here, is the First Class Proportion of our flight, which will be the domain of each week's winners." Chris explained. "And will be treated by some of the staff we hired for this flight, such as this attendant here." The flight attendant waved everyone hello with a smile.

"Now this is something I can get used to." Bowie said as he smirked and sat in one of the seats.

"Definitely fit for someone of a star." Nichelle said as she smirked and sat in a chair too.

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