Chapter 20- Pand-Aahhh-Monium (2/2)

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Inside the restaurant, everyone sat at a table together as they were ready to take part in the next challenge, most of everyone place their panda cubs in a small container for the panda caretakers to take them back, Silas was the only one who hasn't given up his panda cub yet as he was about to do so before he could join the others.

"Here you go sir." Silas said as he held Lotus  to where the panda caretaker could reach her.

When the caretaker tried to take Lotus, the cub however protested and had its claws stuck onto Silas's hoodies and became fussy, as she didn't really want to leave Silas.

"Uh, sorry, I don't think Lotus wants to leave yet." Silas said as he still held Lotus and tried to calm her down. "Would it be okay if I keep her until she's ready?"

The panda caretaker shrugged as he didn't mind and just walked away. Silas then went over the join the others at the table, while Lotus sat on Silas's lap.

"In order to win immunity, you'll have to eat more than anyone else, here at this wonderful Chinese restaurant." Heather said to everyone else.

"Who doesn't love Chinese food? Back before the real me was revealed, I went to this Chinese restaurant to try out some freshly made dumplings and post it on my blog." Julia said with as smile. "I ended getting a lot of followers after that."

"Yeah, dumplings are nice, except, we're in one of the most authentic Chinese restaurants." Alejandro said with a smirk. "You'll be enjoying some real street food delicacies, such as deep fried grasshoppers, kung-pao larvae..."

Before Alejandro could continue, Julia and Gina felt themselves gagging at the mention of those foods that Alejandro was listing off of. "You guys okay?" MK asked as she was confused.

"N-No worries, I've dealt with eating gross food back last season, I can handle it." Julia said with a weak smile as she tried to hide her nervousness.

"And I don't really have the strongest stomach." Gina said as she frowned. "Runs in my family."

Then, coming into the restaurant was Emma, as she looked to have been dizzy from the fall and was now covered in dirt and mud. "So...what did I miss?" Emma asked dizzily.

"Ah, Emma, just in time." Heather said to Emma. "You get to sit out of today's eating challenge, but that might cause you to be on risk for elimination."

"Great, just great! Why didn't you go back to help me Mateo!?" Emma asked as she angrily looked at Mateo. "More to the point, why did you push me off the wall!?!"

"Technically the horse pushed you off, since you were standing behind it." Mateo said to Emma as he tried to explain.

"Yup, and you know what they saw, never stand behind the back of a horse." MK mentioned to Emma.

"Whatever, after that, I landed into a pig pen! A pig pen of all places! After I landed on one back in Iceland!" Emma said in anger to Mateo. "Luckily, I was able to survive it by having a strong stomach."

"Well, is that so..." Julia said as she then got an idea and smirked.


"I've been dreading the eating challenge...last season, I could barely eat anything after the challenge with all those disgusting foods, and for the fear that might've still had a tapeworm inside of me." Julia said as she shuddered. "And my body is a temple, so I had to make a lot of apologies for contaminating it with gross-osity, perhaps maybe I could use Emma's strong stomach to my advantage..."


"I was hoping that we wouldn't do another eating challenge after Iceland." Gina said as she frowned. "Like I said before, I don't have the strongest stomach. It would've been cool to have Zee with us as he's been known as a human trash can, but, the food can't be as gross as anything that was served during last season. Nevertheless, I'm not gonna get too cocky about it, and just try my best to win immunity."

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