Chapter 11- Who's Got Voice: Round 1 (1/2)

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In the first class compartment, Heather and Alejandro were inside, looking at the camera toward the viewers. "Previously, on Total Drama: Around the World, our teams took a time off to the beach again once we landed near the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, where both teams have to go search for ingredients in the ocean to create a dish." Heather explained. "Both teams were tied after successfully creating their dish, but we unfortunately had to say goodbye to our lovable hockey bros, Raj and Wayne, after they suffered an allergic reaction to the octopus salad."

"The teams were both awarded with a phone to call home, Emma keeps failing to acknowledge Mateo's feelings, but someone, seemed to have caught Mateo's heart and now is left questioning about his relationship with Emma. And it seems like MK realized that he friendship with Gina, may be something more than that." Alejandro explained as he smirked.

"Ooh, I'm already getting goosebumps over all this drama going on within each of the relationships of our contestants." Heather said with excited as she then cleared her throat before continuing. "We're now down to eleven contestants left in the game. Who will be the next to make the fall? And which will stay long enough to win the grand prize, of a million dollars? Find out right here, on Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!!"


Meanwhile, in the dining area, Gina and MK were sitting together as they were watching some of the footage that MK downloaded from Julia's phone back from when they were in South Korea.

One footage they were currently watching was from when the contestants were in South Korea, and were currently watching some of the epic fails that Chase went through, such as losing Red Light, Green Light and getting pelted by dodgeballs.

Gina and MK laughed at each of the epic fails that Chase went through. "I swear, these epic fails never fail to make me laugh." Gina said as she was still laughing.

"I know, and it was made even more fun when we were in South Korea playing Octopus Game." MK said as she smirked.

"Wait, you like Octopus Game? I like Octopus Game too!" Gina said with excitement. "In fact it's one of my favorite shows to watch."

"No way! Really?!" MK said as she honestly happy to hear that.

"Yeah, I even heard that they're making a Season 2." Gina said with a smirk as she got out her phone. "I got the first season downloaded on my phone, wanna watch it?"

"Would I ever!!" MK exclaimed as she felt excited. She then noticed Mateo sitting alone at a table. "Yo, Mateo! Wanna come watch with us?"

MK didn't get a response as she and Gina saw Mateo lost in thought while starting down at the table. "Uh, hello?" Gina asked as she snapped her fingers. "Earth to Mateo?"

Mateo then snapped out of it as he turned to Gina and MK. "Huh?" Mateo asked as he was confused.

"You okay? You seemed to have been pretty down after that phone call yesterday...did something happen?" Gina asked as she remembered seeing Mateo hurt from the phone call he got from his dad.

"Well...long story and my dad don't see eye to eye that well...and being back near water, kind of brought up some bad memories of my childhood." Mateo said as he looked away. "I unfortunately didn't have that much of a good birthday, with like the phone call from my dad and Emma being more focused on Chase than with me...but it wasn't surprisingly terrible...since Silas was there and I ended up celebrating my birthday with him."

"Aw, that is so sweet." Gina said as she felt touched by this.

"But that's not what's eating me today, for some reason, after I tried going to sleep, my heart kept on beating non stop for some reason, my palms were sweaty and I couldn't stop thinking about last night with Silas, even though I'm currently still with Emma." Mateo said as he felt puzzled. "Any idea what it could be?"

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