Chapter 8- Louvre Is In The Air (1/2)

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In the first class compartment, Heather and Alejandro were inside, looking at the camera toward the viewers. "Last time, on Total Drama: Around the World, our teams were tasked to play games from one of South Korea's popular shows: Octopus Game." Alejandro explained. "It seemed as though the Tasmanian Devils had the upper hand, but thanks to MK's knowledge of the show, and Julia surprisingly stepping up to encourage Nichelle and bring out her inner action hero, the Komodo Dragons finally lost their losing streak and won the challenge."

"In a strange twist at the elimination ceremony, before one of the contestants from the Tasmanian Devils could take the drop of shame, a surprising footage of Caleb pushing Silas into the river, along with revealing Caleb's motives and Emma kissing Caleb, caused his team to turn on Caleb and asked for a re-vote, which we gave to them." Heather said with a smirk. "And just like that, Caleb's out of the game, and now thirteen players remain."

"Probably for the best, since there's only room for one handsome hunk on this show." Alejandro said with a smirk as he gave a wink.

Heather rolled her eyes as she wasn't amused. "Anyways, will the Komodo Dragons win more challenges, now that Caleb's not one of their team members? Will Mateo and Emma's relationship stay strong, even though Emma cheated on Mateo? Find out more, on Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!"


As the plane was in flight to their next destination, meanwhile, in the first class section of the plane, Nichelle and Damien were sitting in some of the first class seats of the plane. Earlier, they heard from MK and Mateo that Caleb was using Emma as a way for his team to win and pick off the other competitors one by one, and even made Emma cheat on Mateo by her kissing Caleb.

"I'm glad we won the challenge, but I still can't believe Caleb would've been cruel enough to make Emma cheat on Mateo and then come after us." Damien said as he was shocked by this.

"I know, and he seemed like a really nice guy too, along with him being a little cute." Nichelle said as she daydreamed a bit but snapped to reality. "But still, it's unbelievable he would go that far. I even heard a bit of a rumor that Caleb almost killed Silas in Madagascar, and made him vote himself after his team lost the last challenge."

"Wait, he voted himself out?" Damien asked in shock, as he remembered wanting to get himself eliminated last season after he found out how dangerous Total Drama really was, making him start to sympathize with Silas.

"Apparently, yeah." Nichelle said.


"Wow, I can't believe Silas voted himself after his team lost..." Damien said in shock as he felt bad. "I've been in the same position he had once and no one should ever have to feel like they should get themselves voted off, no matter the reason."


Meanwhile, in the dining area, Julia, Mateo, Emma and MK sat at a table by themselves to eat breakfast, while the rest of the Tasmanian Devils were at a table by themselves too and also ate breakfast.

"I'm honestly glad that Emma and her team managed to win the challenge." Chase said as he ate his breakfast but felt bummed out. "But me being in Economy Class, and her being in First Class, really sucks, man..."

"No worries, brah, I'm sure you and Emma will be reunited one day." Zee said as he comforted Chase and pat his back.

"At least now, I only have to worry about one person close to Emma, then I can come up with something to make Emma dump Mateo, and by then, Emma for sure will come back to me." Chase said with a smirk.

"Yeesh, pathetic much?" Bowie whispered to Raj and Wayne as they snickered.

Suddenly, the plane started to shake as most of everyone fell out of their seats and onto the floor. "What's going on!?" Raj asked as he was surprised.

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