Chapter 27- Epilogue

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Meanwhile, at the same river that Chris fell down, an arm reached out as a figure made their way onto the shore, that person, happened to be Chris. He was surprisingly able to survive the fall, but the impact caused his legs to be somewhat paralyzed, so he was forced to result in crawling his way out of the river.

Chris was crawling through the forest with the case of the million dollars in his hand, but was suddenly stopped when he heard the sounds of a jeep stopping next to him, which was the one that Heather, Alejandro and Mateo were currently in.

Heather, Alejandro and Mateo got out of the Jeep as they went to confront Chris. "Ahem..." Heather said as Chris turned to Heather, and he became spooked as he backed away. "I believe you have something that doesn't belong to you."

"No way are you taking away my money, the same way you took away my plane and my show! You'll get this money and job over my dead body!" Chris shouted in retaliation.

"That won't be necessary." A person said through a megaphone as Chris, Mateo, Alejandro and Heather turned to see a team of police cars arrive and officers coming out of them while pointing their guns at Chris. Leading them, was none other than Duncan, as he was revisiting Canada with Courtney after the challenge back in Australia, but got a call from Bridgette about him attacking Silas and attempting to murder Heather, Alejandro and Silas. "Sorry, McLean, but I'm afraid we'll have to put you behind bars." Duncan said as he pointed his gun at Chris. "Hold on, scratch that, I'm not afraid that we'll have to put you behind bars."

"Duncan!?" Chris said in shock as he saw Duncan as an officer. "You work for them now!?!"

"Yup, now I suggest you hand over the case and come with us peacefully, maybe then your sentence will be the slightest bit light for you." Duncan said as he threatened Chris.

"Uh...guys, guys, you got the wrong must be talking about fact, I happen to saw him running away...uh...that way!" Chris said as he pointed to a speck of trees while trying to cover his act.

"Funny, because I seem to remember that you impaled his throat with a wooden stake." Alejandro said as he crossed his arms and flared at Chris, knowing full well of how they found Ezekiel.

"Oh please, that could've been anything that killed Ezekiel." Chris said as he tried to play innocent. "You saw how he is now, he's a feral monster who always gets himself into trouble."

"The only monster that I see right now, is you Chris!" Mateo said as he stood in front of Alejandro and Heather and looked at Chris with a death glare. "And you're gonna pay for your crimes once and for all, after you almost tried to kill Silas!!"

"S-Shut up, you sad excuse for a CEO's son, you have no proof!!" Chris shouted as he became defensive and sweated from pressure.

"Oh really, because the old security footage we found on the cameras said something different." Courtney said as she was also there and stood next to Duncan, while also began glaring at Chris. "Along with the other footage of you sneaking onto the plane and secretly trying to kill Heather, Alejandro and some of the contestants on multiple occasions."

"I was not in the right head! Dehydration and sun stroke can do that to you!" Chris said as he tried to get Courtney and Duncan to change their minds. "Heather and Alejandro are the ones who you should arrest! They kicked me out of a plane and left me out to sea!!"

"Yeah, but at least they weren't sadistic enough to rig the game for their own amusement, along with actually caring for the well being of the competitors." Courtney said as she crossed her arms. "Even Duncan and I believed that!"

"Oh alright, fine! So you got me! But what does it matter!?" Chris asked as he didn't seem scared or begun caring. "You think you all won!? I am the most famous host known all around the world!! And if anything, the producers and lawyers that I hired for the show, will instantly bail me out, and will continue green lighting season upon season, just for me to have random teens battle against each other, for everyone's amusement!! That's right!! I'm back in charge!! And I'm gonna rule the reality show industry!!!"

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