Chapter 6- Mad Mad Madagascar (2/2)

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As it was closer to night time, Heather was out in the jungle by herself after she left Alejandro during the fight they had with each other. Heather was still trying to make her way out of the jungle, but haven't had that much luck and kept getting herself covered in spider webs.

"Ugh! Stupid jungle and these stupid spiders! Why did I ever agree to come here!?" Heather said in anger. "Well, at least I'm free of that narcissist and his stupid easy going flirting."

Heather then came to a stop when she heard growling, she looked around to see where the growling came from and became a little nervous, being that it was nighttime and she was out in the woods alone.

"Okay, very funny, Alejandro, if this is some kind of prank you're pulling just so you could prove you're right, then you can just give it up." Heather said as she crossed her arms and frowned.

Suddenly, however, the same pack of robotic wolves that ganged up on Silas before being saved by Mateo. The wolves barred their teeth as they crept towards Heather with sharp claws.

Heather took a few steps back as she then became a little scared. "Um...nice wolfies...good wolfies..." Heather said nervously.

As one of the wolves barked and tried to tackle her, Heather ran as fast as she could deeper into the jungle, while screaming in fear and the robotic wolves chasing her. After a while of running, Heather climbed up into a tree so she could get away from the robotic wolves. The wolves didn't climb up, but they still barked at Heather.

Heather knew she had to think of something in order to get them to go away, so when Heather noticed Alejandro coming towards the same tree Heather was in, she felt relieved.

"Alejandro! Thank goodness you're here! Quick! Get these wolves away and me, off of this tree!!" Heather shouted to Alejandro as she pleaded.

"Hmm, I suppose I could, if you take back what you said and prove I am right." Alejandro said with a smirk.

"What!? Never!!" Heather shouted in anger. "I'm about to turn into dog chow!! Help me first!!!"

"Then I wish for you, a soft landing." Alejandro said with a smirk as he walked away.

"Wait, where are you going!? Come back here!! You overly narcissistic coward!!" Heather shouted in anger as she saw Alejandro leave.

Suddenly, she felt a strong crack on the branch she was hanging onto, Heather then noticed that the branch was breaking and was getting closer to the robotic wolves and their metal jaws, which made Heather more worried. However, she noticed a mango growing from the tree and smirked as she got an idea.

Heather then grabbed the mango and looked at the robotic wolves with a smirk. "Hey Dog-Droids! Catch this!!" Heather said with a smirk as she then threw the mango towards a bush, this made the robotic dogs curious and went after it. Heather then let go of the branch and landed on the ground and smirked. "Ha! I did it! You see that, Alejandro!? I told you I don't need you or your brain!! I saved myself and I didn't even need your help!! Ha!! So take that!!"

Suddenly, Heather heard some growling and saw that the wolves came back and growled at her, while getting their claws ready. Heather then gulped as she stepped back in fear.


"Okay, maybe I didn't plan it as good as I thought..." Heather said nervously.


The wolves then started to charge at Heather, and as she screamed in fear and was about to run away, a loud whistling sound was heard. The robotic dogs stopped charging and covered their ears as they couldn't stand the loud noise. In fact, it bothered them so much that it caused them to short circuit and deactivated.

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