Chapter 9- Iceland's A Geiser Of Fun (2/2)

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After waiting a while, Heather and Alejandro came back to the picnic area where everyone else was at, while also having an intern come in with some plates of food that were covered by silver lids

"Alright everyone, food is served!" Heather said with a smirk as she presented the dishes. "The team that finished the most dishes will win today's challenge!"

The intern walked over to the dishes and place each dish to a contestant. "First, we thought we'd let you try something easy, like say, I don't know, some bread?" Alejandro asked as the intern lifted the covers of each dish to reveal a dark bread. "Or commonly known as Hot Spring Rye Bread. Known for its sweetness and happens to be specially cooked in special wooden casks in the ground close to a hot spring and then pick it up for the next day. Enjoy your meal."

"Or, as it's said in Iceland: Njóttu máltíðarinnar." Gina pointed out.

"Wow, nice pronunciation." MK said as she gave a thumbs up to Gina.

"Thanks, Icelandic's one of the languages I speak." Gina said with a smirk.

"Oh really, so then what's Icelandic for snarky and annoying know it alls?" Julia asked with a smirk.

"Hmm, I'm not sure to be honest, but I can say this." Gina said with a smirk. "Farðu að rugla þér."

"What does that translate to?" Julia asked as she was confused.

"It translates to 'Go screw yourself!'" Gina said with a smirk as MK and the rest of her team laughed, making Julia growl in anger as she was annoyed.

Then, the teams started to eat their dishes, they were nervous at trying the dish, but found that some of them liked the taste of the bread. "Huh, this doesn't taste so bad." Damien said as he smiled.

"It's honestly pretty good." Chase said as he also seemed to like the taste.

"Eh, some cream cheese or butter would be nice with this though." MK said as she ate her bread.

Almost everyone on both teams were done, leaving Zee, Nichelle and Julia left to finish their bread. "Come on, Julia and Nichelle, we're almost done." Damien said to Julia. "You just have to finish that last plate and we'll be done."

"And gain a couple hundred pounds and lose more followers?" Julia asked as she was against that decision. "No, thank you!"

"Seriously, you're going to throw the game over your own image?" Gina asked.

"I'm not certain of how much sugar is in this, so I'm afraid I'll have to decline as well." Nichelle said as she also refused to eat.

"Done!" Zee called out as he held his finished plate.

"And with that, the Tasmanian Devils gain a point." Heather said with a smirk.

Gina then face palmed as she felt annoyed by this. "I'm surrounded by morons..." Gina said as she place her hand off her head."

"No worries, G." MK said as she also face palmed. "I feel the same way."

"Of course, I didn't mean you guys as morons, I was more of talking to Nichelle and Julia." Gina said to most of her team. "No offense."

"None taken." Mateo said to Gina as he shrugged.

"And, if you think that meal was delicious, you'll probably want to think twice on this next dish." Alejandro said with a smirk as an intern place more dishes next to the contestants, making some of the contestants appear nervous fro what they're about to eat next.


"Judging by how normal the Hot Springs Rye Bread looked like, it was probably going to be the least weird thing we'll eat today." Gina explained.

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