Random Memes That I Thought Of (Ft: Total Drama Cast & Friends)

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Since I was a little bored, I thought I might entertain you with a few random memes or vines that I found on YouTube, and how some of them fit in well with the cast of my story and a few friends as well. (Keep in mind, these memes aren't mine and be prepared, as some of these have foul language) Hope you enjoy.

Get Your Dog:

Vincent: *Comes into Silas's house and tries to flirt with him again.* Hey Silanha, how's—
*Behold, a wild Doggo Mateo, as it barks at Vincent*
Vincent: *Screams like a girl* Get your f*cking dog! Man!
Silas: *Smirks* It don't bite.
*Vincent tries to shake Mateo off his arm as he's currently biting it*
Vincent: Yes it do! Get it off—

Would You Guys Be There For Me?:

Chase: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something—
Emma: No
Wayne: Nope
Emma: Absolutely not.
*Most of everyone tries to hold their laughter*
MK: Hope it sucks bro
Alex: Wow...
Damien: *Tries to hold in his laughter* I hope it sucks...
Gina: What the f*ck?
Bowie: Hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life.
Raj: *Tries to hold in his laughter*
Mateo: Hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you.
*At this point, everyone starts to burst into laughter, while Chase just stares in shock*
Scarlett: I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing that I could've changed that up.
*Everyone then bursts out laughing, while Chase is suffering alone in silence*
Chase: Oh brother!!! Man...what the hell!?!
Alex: S*it got real, real quick
*Chase then begs on Emma's knees*
Chase: I was just asking if you would be there for—
*Goes back to suffering as soon as Emma and the others begin laughing*

Scarlett, What Did You Do!? (Happens After You Got Voice Chapters)

Alex: Scarlett! There are three dead humans in our house!
*Points to three corpses: Cindy, Jose and Vincent, who also had their hands gone*
Scarlett: Oh, hey, how did they get there?
Alex: Scarlett! What did you do!?
Scarlett: Me? Uh, I didn't do this!
Alex: Explain what happened, Scarlett!
Scarlett: I've never seen these guys before in my life!
Alex: Why did you kill these people, Scarlett?
Scarlett: I do not kill people. That is...that is my least favorite thing to do.
Alex: Tell me, Scarlett, exactly what you were doing before I came home.
Scarlett: Alright, well...I was upstairs...
Alex: Okay...
Scarlett: I was watching tv...
Alex: Go on...
Scarlett: Gina telling me about those three people
Alex: Okay...
Scarlett: So, I travelled to Vegas...
Alex: Yes...
Scarlett: And I...I stabbed them each 37 times in the chest.
*Alex is horrified by this*
Alex: Scarlett! That kills people!
Scarlett: Oh! Well, I didn't know that!!
Alex: How could you not know that?!
Scarlett: Yeah, I'm in the wrong here. I suck.
Alex: What happened to their hands?
Scarlett: What's that?
Alex: *Points to the corpses* Their hands, w-why are they missing?
Scarlett: Well, I kind of cooked them up....and ate them.
Alex: Scarlett!
Scarlett: Well, I—I was hungry. And well, you know, when you crave hands...
Alex: Why on earth would you do that?!
Scarlett: I was hungry for hands and your sister told me to kill them! Gimme a break!
Alex: Scarlett!
Scarlett: My stomach was making the rumblies.
Alex: Scarlett!
Scarlet: That only hands would satisfy!
Alex: What is wrong with you, Scarlett!?
Scarlett: Well, I kill people and I eat hands! That's—that's two things!

You're An Irredeemable Monster! (Not Giving Out Spoilers):

Nichelle: Sweet mother of goose, Julia!
Julia: Well, you know what they say: Can't win immunity without losing a dozen people, ha ha ha ha.
Nichelle: Oh...Oh! That was horrible! Your goal is horrible! *points at Julia* YOU'RE HORRIBLE!! YOU'RE AN IRREDEEMABLE MONSTER!!!
Julia: Oh, wha-what took you so long? Idiot! *Pushes Nichelle out of the way*

You're A Stick:

Julia: Ugh, this energy bar has so many calories...
Gina: B*tch you're a stick!

Call Me For What?
*Gina & MK babysit in this skit*
MK: Ow! Again with the eye!? Okay, you want me to call Gina!
*Everyone then runs away in fear*
MK: Heh Heh, works every time, they're scared to death of her.
*Gina shows up with an angered, tired glare*
MK: Gah!
Gina: Call me for what?
MK: Eheheheh, Gina my love!

Not Rocco (If Mateo and Emma were kids in this):

Emma: It's someone else's birthday, somebody who is small and cute, very cute.
*Mateo sees Emma holding a rock as his eye twitches*
Mateo: Not Rocco
Emma: Yes! Rocco! You got it Mateo!
Mateo: *Face Palms*

I Am Right Here!:
*Emma is sitting by herself as she sees Bowie & Raj together*
Bowie: Love you man
Raj: I love you too.
Emma: All the hot guys are either taken or gay...
Chase: I AM RIGHT HERE!!!!

I Am A Man!

Raj: Dude, have you noticed that your voice has changed?
Wayne: What? You mean how I sound like a man and you squeal like a piglet on helium?
Raj: You take that back!
Wayne: *Chuckles* Sure, when you ask me like a man.
Raj: I am a man!!!
Wayne: Really? Cuz right now you sound like a mouse whose parachute won't open.
Raj: IF YOU DON'T TAKE THAT BACK—*Resorts to squealing which then causes Wayne's ears to bleed*
*Silas and Mateo were watching TV together, with Mateo drinking hot chocolate*
Tv Man: You have won this antique crystal decanter worth over ten-thous—
*The loud screeching caused the mug to explode and get hot chocolate all over Silas and Mateo*
Raj: *Squealing dies down* And by the time I'm finished, you'll be whistling right out your butt!!
Wayne: Ow, okay okay! I take it back!

Don't Touch Da Child!:

*During the entire Who's Got Voice Chapters with Jose, Cindy & Vincent abusing Silas*
*Heather comes in and slaps all three of them*
Heather: Don't touch my child...
*Jose, Cindy & Vincent didn't listen as they tried to attack Silas again, but Heather kept stopping them*
Jose, Cindy & Vincent: Stop it!
*Alejandro appears*
Alejandro: Who's touching da child!?
*Heather points to Cindy, Vincent and Jose*
Alejandro: *Slaps Cindy, Vincent and Jose* Don't touch da child!!
*Everyone then gangs up and starts beating up Cindy, Vincent and Jose. Vincent secretly escapes, notices Silas and attempts to flirt with him*
Heather: *Sees this* He was touching my child!
Alejandro: You are touching da child!?
Vincent: No!!
*Alejandro and Heather then tackled Vincent and resume to beating him up*

(That's all I could think of. Let me know if you want to see more though)

(Silas, Mateo, Vincent & Cindy Belong to Me)

(Gina & Alex belong to karateunicornalc )

(Nothing else belongs to me)

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