Chapter 18- Africa Stole My Heart (1/2)

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In the first class compartment, Heather and Alejandro were inside, looking at the camera toward the viewers. "Last time, on Total Drama: Around the World, our competitors revisited Australia in Geelong, as they were sent to the brick house, where they proceeded to perform an escape from prison, and then robbed a museum. Some friendships were formed, as more were staring to become enemies." Alejandro explained to the viewers. "While MK's expertise in heisting and breaking out of prison helped out her team, one other contestant managed to save her team after consuming too much coffee and went berserk, literally."

"Yeah, remind me to never give coffee to Scary Girl." Heather said as she cleared her throat and still began to talk to the viewers. "Nichelle's fear of tight spaces made some parts of the challenge hard for her alliance, but it was a non-elimination round, so they're safe, for now."

"Which contestant will be locked up from their goal of winning a million dollars? How long will each alliance remain?" Alejandro asked the viewers as he smirked. "Find out right now, on Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!!"


On the plane, in the first class compartment, Gina, MK, Silas, Bowie, Scary Girl and Zee were sleeping in their seats after winning first class back in Geelong, Australia. Gina yawned as she stretched but felt herself feeling queasy.

"That was not a first class sleep...." Gina said as she placed her hand on her back.

"Tell me about it..." MK said weakly as she woke up and sat on her seat. "That sleep felt like I was inside a car wash and rollercoaster combined...which is fitting, given Scary Girl's driving."

"Yeah...I almost puked most of my weight after getting carsick..." Silas said weakly as he too woke up, he was also wearing the necklace that Mateo gave to him from the previous challenge.

"Whoa, neat necklace, Silas." Zee said as he woke up and noticed Silas's necklace. "Was that from the museum?"

"Yeah, it was." Silas said as he smiled at Zee, while trying to make sure his alliance didn't know that Mateo gave him the necklace, so neither of them could be in trouble.

"Your massages are ready." One of the flight attendants said to Silas and his group, as some of the interns came into first class with some massage beds.

"Sweet, I've been meaning to get a massage." Gina said as she held her back. "My back is killing me..."

So Gina, MK and Bowie went to change into bathrobes, laid down on the beds, and let the flight attendants give them each a massage. While they were enjoying their massage, one group however, was glaring at Gina, MK, Bowie, Silas, Zee and Scary Girl. That group of course, happened to be Julia's group, as they were sitting together in the common area.

Julia and Gina were glaring at them because they were jealous of their win, with Emma also being a bit jealous, but was more of glaring at Silas as she still hasn't really gone over what Silas did to her back in Greece.

Nichelle and Mateo on the other hand, were busy doing their own hobbies than glaring at the other group. Nichelle was busy doing her nails, while Mateo was reading a book.

"Look at them, enjoying themselves in first class, while we're in here being treated like peasants..." Cindy said while crossing her arms and feeling jealous. "That should've been me getting a massage, not Silanha and his team! If I wanted to, I could tell mommy and daddy to already get me a private massage therapist, and I can have all the massages I could want. Or perhaps I'll do that when we land, I'll know they'll say yes since I've always been the only good child in the family."

"I know, you must've dealt with so much pain with Silas as your brother, or no wait, Silanha." Emma said as she agreed with Cindy as she then snickered. "I still can't believe that's his real name..."

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