Chapter 17- Shanks For The Memories (2/2)

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After a while of running, Julia, Nichelle, Mateo, Cindy and Emma finally made it to the Geelong Museum of Natural History, where Heather and Alejandro were.

"Sweet! We beat the others here!" Emma said as she cheered.

"Think again, blondie." A voice said as Emma and the others turned to see MK, Gina, Bowie, Zee, Scary Girl and Silas at the museum too, with Gina and MK smirking at Emma and the others.

"What the? How did you guys get here so fast?" Cindy asked as she was shocked by this.

"We took the subway, of course." MK said as she smirked. "Greatest way to travel without having to battle through traffic."

"What!? Thanks a lot for slowing us down, Nichelle!!" Julia said as she scolded Nichelle. "You and your overgrown fear of tight spaces!"

Nichelle hung her head low as she felt ashamed. "Okay...welcome contestants to the second part of your challenge." Heather explained to the contestants. "In this next part, each of you must sneak into the museum and perform a heist by stealing one artifact inside each the museum, which include: The Museum's Vault, the Ancient Egypt exhibit, the Pre-Historic exhibit, the exhibit of gemstones and minerals, the exhibit of Area 51 and the Gallery. First one to make find all six artifacts, and meet up back to Geelong Prison by any means of transportation, will win immunity and First Class."

"First a prison break, and now heist?" MK asked as she smirked. "It's like this challenge was made for me."

"And one more thing first, each of the exhibits are guarded by a highly functioning security system that's used to guard the museum, so be sure not to get caught." Alejandro said to the contestants. "And...go!"

The contestants then rushed into the bank to try and retrieve each of the artifacts inside, while each holding a bag that was given to hold their artifacts. In the gallery, Silas, MK, Gina, Zee, Scary Girl and Bowie were each grabbing a peace of artwork that was inside the museum.

Bowie sighed as he looked at one painting in front of him. "Being in this gallery reminds me so much of Paris, when Raj had his head sticking out of one of them and making silly faces, while me and Wayne were laughing..." Bowie said as he started to feel tearful, but snapped out of it when Gina slapped him. "But I gotta keep it together so I can win this for Raj and his friend."

"That's the spirit, fight for your love!" Gina said as she cheered for Bowie.


"Usually whenever my brother Alex feels like giving up on something, I remind him to always keep going and do it for the people whom he cares for." Gina said with a smile.


As soon as each of them grabbed a piece of artwork, they made it to the Ancient Egyptian exhibit, but the entry to it was guarded by lasers. "Here's the Ancient Egypt Exhibit." MK said as she looked at the exhibit.

"How we gonna get inside?" Zee asked while wondering.

"Leave this one to me." Gina said with a smirk as she stretched a bit. Then, just like she did in Paris, she flipped through the lasers without touching them, made it to the other side after doing a flip and deactivated the lasers so they could go through. "After you."

"Nice job, Gina." Silas said as he gave a thumbs up

"This is why I love you, Gina." MK said to Gina with a smirk as she walked up and gave a small kiss on her cheek. "Now let's see what we can find."

As Gina, MK, Bowie, Scary Girl, Zee and Silas ventured deeper into the exhibit to find some more artifacts, Julia, Emma, Cindy, Nichelle and Mateo were currently inside the exhibit of gemstones and minerals, with Emma, Cindy and Julia admiring the jewelry inside.

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