Chapter 25- The Wild, Wild West!!! (1/2)

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In the first class compartment, Heather and Alejandro were inside, looking at the camera toward the viewers. "Last time, on Total Drama: Around the World, our competitors took a trip to the icy wastelands of Antarctica, where their egg sitting techniques were out to the challenge. Some were good, and others Uh...not so much..." Alejandro explained to the audience. "And during our second challenge, we had a surprise visit from the mysterious creature from Africa, as the contestants' hike, turned into a search for the host kind. Sure the lava was below me and I was almost close to falling, but I remained strong."

"Did you though?" Heather asked with a smirk as she turned on a tv screen and showed Alejandro panicking and screaming for help, like before.

This made Alejandro chuckle nervously as he turned to the audience. "Moving on...we're now down to our final five competitors." Alejandro said nervously as he smiled. "In today's challenge, only four people will remain, and will move onto the finals, where one of them will be declared the winner, and win one million dollars!"

"Best get your saddles ready, because we're in for a wild ride." Heather said with a smirk to the audience. "Right here, on Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!!"


As the plane was in flight, Heather and Alejandro were in the cockpit of the plane, as Alejandro and Heather were flying the plane, with Heather being noticeably tired after all that has happened during the season.

"Man...what a season that has been..." Heather said as she felt tired and yawned. "So glad that we're getting close to the finals, I didn't think that taking over the show after kicking Chris out would be so much weight to hold on your back..."

"I know, even my rock hard abs wouldn't carry that much..." Alejandro said as he also felt himself becoming tired.

"Just for once, I'd like for us to just relax from all of this and not have so many people come after us." Heather said as she stretched a little. "But then again, that could be impossible, considering the actions that we've done to others.."

"Yeah, I see your point..." Alejandro said as he agreed with Heather. They were silent for a while, until Alejandro spoke up again. "So, what do you plan to do after the show ends?"

"Eh, probably just get some relaxation....or who knows, maybe since we're hosts, we can audition for a different reality show together." Heather said to Alejandro. "Like one for the Ridonculous Race, I hear Don's been looking for some people to host with him for an upcoming season he's putting together."

"Huh, that would be nice." Alejandro said he thought about it, and then smiled. "But whatever happens, we'll do it together, side by side."

"Aw, thanks Al." Heather said sweetly to Alejandro as she gave Alejandro a little hug.

"So, since you were feeling a bit tired, how about I take over on driving the plane while you go get some rest?" Alejandro asked Heather.

Heather yawned as she stretched a little. "To be honest, I am feeling kind of tired after all that's I'm gonna head back and take a nap..." Heather said as she got up and kissed Alejandro on the cheek. "Love you."

"Love you too." Alejandro said as Heather then left to go take a nap, and Alejandro was left to fly the plane alone. Alejandro sighed as he then took out a small box from his pocket, opening it up to reveal a ring inside. "Just gotta wait for the right time..."

In the first class compartment, Gina and Silas were sitting alone as they were pretty bummed out that Bowie and MK were eliminated after getting injured in Antarctica.

Silas then noticed Gina wearing the same hat that MK wore. "MK's hat?" Silas asked as he saw the hat on Gina's head. "Where'd you get that?"

"Grumpy Cat wanted me to have it after she left." Gina said as she held onto her hat.

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