Chapter 24- Ice To See You Again (2/2)

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Meanwhile, with Gina, MK and Bowie, they were still around the frozen sea, still trying to find Silas and where he ran off to after the Orca was chasing him earlier.

"Silas!?" MK called out as she tried to reach to Silas.

"Silas!!" Bowie called out as he looked around for Silas.

"Sil! Where are you!?" Gina shouted as she also looked around and turned to the others. "Hopefully he didn't end up as Orca food."

MK then heard footsteps as she looked over and saw Silas and Mateo walking together with Snowball, while still looking around for penguin eggs. "It's okay, he's in one piece." MK said to Bowie and Gina as she pointed to where Silas was. "See, he's over their with Mateo."

"Aw, and with a cute little baby penguin." Bowie said as he saw Snowball with Silas. "How adorable."

With Mateo and Silas, while they were still searching for eggs, Snowball started to become fussy and chirped to Silas while waving her flippers. "What's wrong, Snowball?" Silas asked Snowball as he carried her. "Are you feeling hungry?"

Snowball nodded her head, to indicate that she was indeed hungry. "Can't say I'm surprised, baby penguins are pretty hungry when they're first born." Mateo said to Silas.

"So, what kind of foods do emperor penguins eat?" Silas asked as he carried Snowball and they stopped walking.

"Well, they usually eat stuff such as krill, fish, and squid." Mateo said to Silas and then looked down at the frozen sea nervously. "Only problem is that they're all in the frozen sea, and we can't just send Snowball down there, especially when she's not old enough to swim on her own. Plus she doesn't have her sea feathers yet, she'll get too cold and become sick."

Silas then tried to think of some way that they could both help each other in feeding Snowball. That was when Silas thought of an idea. "I know, Mateo, you stay and keep an eye on Snowball, while I swim down and try and catch some fish." Silas said to Mateo.

"Are you sure? That water's pretty cold and you've seen how many predators there are in the ocean." Mateo said as he didn't feel good with letting Silas swim there and risk on getting chased by a leopard seal or orca again.

"I know, but those orcas and leopard seals are nothing like the demons I had to battle with in my head long ago, nor are they different than any of the other jerks that we faced off in the past." Silas said as he felt determined and turned to Mateo. "So I'm willing to do anything to ensure that Snowball gets enough food until we find her family."

"Wow....that's....actually pretty brave of you Silas." Mateo said as he was impressed by Silas's bravery and how he changed since they first met, while also trying to hide his blush. "You've certainly changed since we first met."

"R-Really?" Silas asked as he was surprised to hear Mateo say that, in which Mateo gave a slight nod, which made Silas blush and smile at him. "Th-Thanks."

So, Silas borrowed the basket that Mateo was carrying before, turned back to the freezing ocean as he found a space of the ocean that wasn't covered in ice. Silas took a deep breath, breathed in some air and dove into the water to find food for Snowball.

While he searched in the sea, he felt himself becoming a bit cold from the water, but he wasn't gonna just give up. So Silas began searching through the ocean to find some fish, squid or krill that he can use to feed Snowball. After a while, he noticed a school of fish swimming by, which consisted of Antarctic Silverfish.

This gave Silas the perfect opportunity for him to swim over and catch them. So with the basket in hand, Silas swung it around the school of fish, managed to grab a couple fish and place them in the basket, as he then swam back to the surface.

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