Chapter 10- Great Baring Reef (2/2)

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Warning: The following chapter contains mentions of PTSD, mentioning of the Mafia and verbal parental abuse, viewer discretion is advised.

The teams gathered at different tables in the restaurant with the dish that they prepared, each having a plate of their own with a portion of the dish. Some were feeling nervous about eating the dish they made.

"Alright teams, now that you've finished making your dish, it is now time for you to eat it." Heather said as she explained. "The team that succeeds in eating their dish, will win immunity and get a phone to call someone from home. Ready, begin!"

The Komodo Dragons were first as they started to eat their dish, Damien was at first nervous on trying it, but he found that he liked the taste. "Mm, this is actually pretty good." Damien said as he smiled.

"Not bad, not bad at all." Nichelle said as she also enjoyed her dish.

"I can already feel my skin glowing from eating these lobster tails." Julia said as she felt herself drooling.

"Easy there, Drool-ia, you're drooling." Gina mentioned with a smirk.

Julia noticed this and quickly wiped away the drool from her mouth. "Anyone know where the editors are!?" Julia asked as she looked around while being embarrassed. "I would like for them to cut that piece off and tell the audience that the drool from my face was just water from the moist atmosphere! Just water!!"

"Sure Julia, whatever you say." MK said as she secretly uploaded a picture of Julia drooling on Julia's account with the phone she used. "Let's see if her so called followers still like her after seeing her drool."

"Oh ho ho, this oughta be good." Gina said with a smirk as she and MK snickered.


"Okay, I'm not sure why Gina and I keep snickering with each other." MK said as she felt confused. "Sure she and I became close after she joined our team and have even became friends, which was a first for me. But even best friends don't snicker that much together, unless...oh my gosh....I think I like her!"


With the Tasmanian Devils, they were eating their dish now. They at first thought it wasn't gonna be tasty, but it honestly didn't taste so bad when they first tried it.

"Whoa, sick salad, man." Zee said as he liked the taste of the salad. "This is probably one of my favorite salads, or probably only salad, that I ever liked."

"The octopus really brings a special juicy flavor." Scary Girl said with a wide smile as some bits of octopus got stuck in her teeth.

"Aw Lauren, chew with your mouth closed, please." Silas said as he tried to look away and felt disgusted on seeing the octopus stuck in her teeth.

"The salad's taste wasn't what I expecting, I would say that, it kind off—" Wayne said as he then felt himself being itchy and started scratching his arms. "Makes me itchy?"

"Seems like you got some sort of rash or something." Zee said as he watched Wayne scratching all over himself.

Silas then saw that Wayne had red bumps all over his skin. "Uh, Wayne...I think something happened with your skin..." Silas said as he started to feel worried.

Wayne saw the red dots on his skin and screamed in terror. "I have chicken pox!" Wayne shouted as he started to scratch himself.

"Actually, you have hives, it causes someone to have itchy red dots." Gina mentioned. "It's a symptom of being allergic to sea food."

"Aw, what a shame, Wayne." Julia said with a smirk. "Seems like you'll have to head home like Millie did."

"Strange, I'm feeling a strange taste in these mussels." Raj said as his voice started to become lisped.

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