Chapter 16- It's Incredibly Spain-Ful (1/2)

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In the first class compartment, Heather and Alejandro were inside, looking at the camera toward the viewers. "Last time, on Total Drama: Around the World, Athens, Greece, home to the original Greek Olympics, and of course, the original Mount Olympus. Our competitors competed hard in both completing the Olympics, and to hike up Mount Olympus with a goat." Alejandro explained. "Tensions began rising as Julia managed to make Emma go completely crazy and turn against Silas, after she framed him for pushing Emma off a cliff."

"And thus, we took a trip back to memory lane as Julia turned Emma into the new Courtney, thus now vowing to win at all costs." Heather explained to the viewers. "And it seems like a new rivalry has sparked between Julia and Gina, after Gina witnessed what happens, and vows to stop her."

"Will Silas be able to patch things up with Emma? Or will Emma continue to stay as the new Courtney or Julia?" Alejandro asked the viewers. "Find out right now, on Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!"


Back up on the plane, Mateo was still currently asleep in bed while enjoying a peaceful sleep. His sleep was interrupted however when he felt a dark shadow clouding over him. This made Mateo slowly open one of his eyes and found Emma glaring at him in anger, which spooked Mateo.

"Oh, morning Emma." Mateo said as he shook off the feeling and stretched a little. Emma then grabbed Mateo's hand and dragged him out of bed as she dragged him to somewhere else. "Emma? Where are we going?"

Emma then dragged Mateo over to where Julia and Nichelle were, who were in a conversation, before noticing both Emma and Mateo. "Oh hey Emma and Mateo, what brings you here?" Julia asked as she greeted them in a polite and happy manor.

"Me and Mateo have thought long and hard, and decided that despite us being enemies in the past, we will join your alliance." Emma said to Julia with determination.

"Excuse me, what?" Mateo asked as he was confused as he didn't really remember agree to being in an alliance with Julia or Nichelle, nor did he remember hearing that Emma was thinking of joining Julia and Nichelle in an alliance.

Emma covered Mateo's mouth with his hand as she forced a smile. "Like I said, we agreed to be in an alliance." Emma said with a forced smile as she glared at Mateo, trying to hide her anger.

"Excellent choice." Julia said with a smirk. "Trust me, you won't regret this."

"Yay..." Nichelle said weakly as she didn't feel sure of this.


"I'm all for having more people in our alliance, but something tells me that this won't really go well for me or any of us." Nichelle said as she held her arm and felt nervous. "And I honestly felt really bad for not stopping Julia with framing Silas back in Greece. The poor thing, he must feel so bad right now..."


After a while, everyone met at the mess hall to eat some breakfast and snacks. Nichelle, Emma, Mateo and Julia were sitting at a table to themselves, while Gina, MK, Bowie, Scary Girl, Zee and Silas sitting by themselves.

Gina, Julia, Emma, Bowie, MK and Scary Girl we're making noticeable glares at one another, as if they looked like they could pounce at each other at any minute.

Nichelle, Mateo, Zee and Silas on the other hand, we're just minding their own businesses, with Nichelle enjoying some donuts, Mateo drinking some coffee, Zee looking around feeling a bit nervous of the tension in the room, and Silas just hiding himself from Emma by trying to avoid eye contact with her.

"Mm, oh you guys have gotta try these donuts." Nichelle said as she held one donut in hand that she took a bite of. "It's been one of the desserts that I've been craving since I haven't had much of them during my time as an actress. You guys want one?"

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