Chapter 15- What's Athen-ing? (2/2)

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Warning: The following chapter contains scenes of panic attacks, PTSD and other scenes that some may find unpleasant, this chapter is also going to have very unpleasant parts so please forgive me for what you're about to see. Enjoy 😊

After Heather and Alejandro left the Olympic course with the contestants, the two hosts brought the contestants to a tall mountain with a hiking trail. Next to the bottom of the mountain was a pen of goats.

"Welcome everyone to part two of today's challenge: Climbing Mount Olympus." Alejandro explained. "Or well, half of it in this case."

"For this challenge, you must grab a goat from this pen and lead with it as you take the hiking trail, of Mount Olympus." Heather explained. "But be sure to take the right path, since the mountain has different twists and turns that can easily get you lost. Over at the halfway point of the mountain, is a farm up on the mountain that will serve as the finish line for your challenge. The first person to reach to the top and to the farm with their goat, will win First Class until our next destination, and can bring a person of their choice into First Class."

"For Gina, since she won the first part of her challenge, she gets her reward of a compass and a map." Alejandro said as she gave Gina a compass and map.

"Sweet." Gina said as she smiled.

"The rest of you will have to go along hiking up the mountain by yourselves at your own pace." Heather explained. "Now that we've gone over the rules, go on ahead and grab a goat, then make your way to the mountain and begin hiking. Ready, go!"

The contestants then went to the goat pen to pick a goat for them to climb with. Julia was nervous on bringing a goat with her, considering of the horrible experience that she had with one of the sheep back in Iceland.

"First sheep and now goats?" Julia asked in vain.

"Ooh, seems like every animal wants to maim your hair, huh?" Gina said with a smirk as she and MK grabbed their goats. "Oh well, we'll see you at the top."

"Try not to have your hair eaten again." MK said with a smirk as she went with Gina and their goats as they began to follow the mountain's trail and begin hiking.

Julia was annoyed by this, but then felt her hair being tugged again as a goat began eating her hair, which made Julia scream and tried to pull the goat away from her and stop it from eating her hair. The rest of their contestants grabbed their goats as they begun to make their way up the trail.

With MK and Gina, they were following the map and compass that was given to them with their goats, as they then stumbled upon two different paths. "Hmm, fork in the road, which way do you think we should go?" MK asked Gina.

Gina was holding the map as she was looking at which way she and MK could go. After a few seconds of reading and also looking at the compass, she then decided on which track they can take. "The map says we need to go...that way." Gina said as she pointed on the path to the right.

"Eh, works for me." MK said as she, Gina and their goats went to the path on the right and continued hiking.

"You know what this mountain reminds me of?" Gina asked MK.

"Hercules?" MK asked.

"Exactly." Gina said with a smirk.

"Meg was probably my favorite because her sarcasm reminds me of moi." MK said with a smirk.

"I would say so too." Gina said with a smile. "And I also kind of liked Hades, since he was one of the most relatable villains that I've ever met. Especially when he rages when something doesn't go right, which reminds me of Scarlett."

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