Chapter 3- Aokiga-Hi-Yah! (Part 2/2)

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With Damien, he was looking around the forest, trying to look for puzzle pieces for his team, though he was scared of being in the forest by himself, but he had to keep up his courage for his team.

"It's okay, Damien, you can do this..." Damien said as he looked around nervously. "You've handled shark infested waters and almost drowning, how hard can it be?"

Damien then stepped on a twig and gulped, knowing that he might've set off an alert to one of the ninjas in the forest. He turned to hear rustling coming from one of the bushes, and shaking at the thought of what will come out of it.

When something came out of the bushes, he screamed in terror and shielded himself for what's to come. When he felt nothing, he opened one of his eyes and saw a bunny coming out from one of the bushes, making him sigh of relief.

"It was just a little bunny." Damien said as he felt relieved. "I don't know why I was so worried there."

However, Damien spoke too soon when he heard a loud stomp, he slowly turned behind him, and saw the same ninja that tried to attack Scary Girl and Silas.

"Um...Hi?" Damien said nervously. The ninja however, got out his shurikens and started throwing them at Damien, causing him to panic and run away. "Can't we talk about this instead of fight?!"

Damien then heard crazy laughter from in front of him, he turned his head and saw that coming his way was Scary Girl, as she ran towards him with her signature crazy smile and crazy laughter, making Damien scream in terror.


"Aw man, not only was I about to get chopped by a ninja, I'm also gonna get chopped by Scary Girl!?" Damien asked in a state of panic.


"Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait! I know we're on different teams, but—" Damien tried to reason with Scary Girl but for some reason, Scary Girl went past him and went to the ninja instead, making him confused. "Huh?"

The ninja tried to throw more shurikens at Scary Girl, but she managed to dodge all the shurikens and grab one of the ninja's legs, while also tossing him around and hitting his head.

"That's what you get for throwing stars at me!!" Scary Girl shouted as she continued throwing the ninja around, until she eventually stopped, and the ninja was unconscious. Scary Girl noticed the corner piece she and Silas tried to catch before and took it. "Bye!"

Scary Girl took the piece as she then skipped away to somewhere else, Damien saw this and sighed of relief that Scary Girl saved him, instead of terrorizing him.


"At first I thought it was it for me when Scary Girl appeared, but strangely, she didn't attack me." Damien said as he then smiled. "Now I'm starting to think that, maybe Scary Girl isn't really as scary as she seems."


"Sure I enjoyed Damien screaming in terror, but if the ninja kept throwing stars at him, he wouldn't be able to scream anymore, which was something I didn't like." Scary Girl explained. "So I saved him and left him alone, for now at least."


Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, Priya, Nichelle and MK were out trying to look for the puzzle pieces of their puzzle. "Man, this forest is huge." Priya said as she looked around. "The pieces could be anywhere here."

"Yeah, not to mention that our puzzle pieces are green, and so is this forest! It's gonna take us hours to find our pieces!" Nichelle said as she was becoming annoyed with the challenge. "How are we going to find them?"

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