Chapter 7- Octopus Game (1/2)

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(Credit goes to karateunicornalc  for the idea.)

In the first class compartment, Heather and Alejandro were inside, looking at the camera toward the viewers. "Last time, on Total Drama: Around the World, our contestants took a trip to the wild side on Madagascar, where they were challenged to spend a night out in the jungle. While most of the Tasmanian Devils were busy telling scary stories, a giant spider came over to the Komodo Dragons' camp, who was actually revealed to be Izzy, unfortunately, a robotic clone of a giant spider came and attacked them, so they couldn't get that much sleep." Heather explained. Some footage on none of the screens showed Heather up in a tree with a pack of robotic wolves while screaming in fear, making Heather nervous and laughed a little. "I wonder who put that there..." Heather said with a nervous smile as she turned off the screen.

"Anyways, as for some of the contestants, Caleb got to show more of his dark side when pushing Silas out into the river and left him behind, fortunately for Silas, he was rescued by a lone member of the Komodo Dragons, and may or may not have created a bond between each other." Alejandro explained. "And shockingly, we received some security footage of Emma, kissing Caleb twice, and making out with him. Talk about going behind your own partner and team's back cold blooded."

"Yikes, I guess being kicked off earlier pulled Caleb into the dark side, huh?" Heather asked as she smirked. "Anyways, there wasn't an elimination ceremony, but Axel was removed from the competition after suffering hallucinations from a severe spider bite and seems one contestant is hiding a secret from his team. So now, fourteen players are left remaining in the game, wanna know who gets voted off next? Find out in one of the most thrilling episodes yet, of Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!!"


The next day, all the contestants were not on the plane this time, and were instead sleeping in a room where different beds were stacked together. In one of the beds, MK was sleeping in one of them that was on the bottom of the stacked beds, until she slowly opened her eyes to wake up. MK then stretched as she started to yawn.

When she fully opened her eyes, she was surprised to see that she wasn't in the Economy Class section if the plane. So MK then got out of her bed and went to check around. "Huh, don't remember seeing this on the plane?" MK said as she looked around. "Pretty safe to say we're not in Economy Class or anywhere on the plane."

MK then noticed the rest of her teammates waking up and stretching, along with noticing where they were. "Huh, this isn't Economy Class." Mateo said as he looked around. "Where are we?"

"Maybe some kind of warehouse?" Damien guessed as he looked around.

"Strange that Heather and Alejandro aren't here..." Julia said as she felt suspicious.

"Now that you mention it, where are they?" Emma asked as she looked around.

"No worries, babe! I'm right here!" A voice called out, which revealed to be Chase, as he was currently on the other side of the warehouse with his team.

Emma groaned in annoyance at this. "Oh great..." Emma said as she grumbled. "Chase and his team are here too..."

"Aw, were you becoming worried about me and thought I was lost?" Chase asked lovingly with a smirk. "That's so sweet of you."

"Ugh! Like I said before and again, I do not care about you or if you're gone, and I'm not worried about you at all!!" Emma said in anger. "I could care less on if you get hurt or not!"

"So you were caring, that's so sweet, babe." Chase said with a smirk, making Emma groan in annoyance.


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