Chapter 9- Iceland's A Geiser Of Fun (1/2)

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In the first class compartment, Heather and Alejandro were inside, looking at the camera toward the viewers. "Last time, on Total Drama: Around the World, our teams took a field trip to the bright and romantic city of Paris, France. In a strange twist, we got to meet former competitors, Lindsey and Tyler, and teams were tasked to find sewing materials for a wedding gown and suit that were hidden around the Louvre." Alejandro explained.

"Along with that, the Komodo Dragons gained a new team player named Gina, who seems to have made MK grow a soft spot for her." Heather explained. "Not only did we see some good and bad moments with some of the relationships around the challenge, but we also got to see a glimpse of Silas's feelings for Mateo. Silas plans to make sure his feelings remain hidden, but how long will he keep them hidden, and what else is he hiding?"

"Oh man, I'm already feeling anticipated to see what falls between Emma, Silas and Mateo." Alejandro said with a smirk. "With fourteen players now in the game, who will be next to take the Drop of Shame? And what more will we see from each of the contestants?"

"All will be revealed soon." Heather said with a smirk. "On Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!!"


The plane was flying through the air and was getting close to their next destination. Inside the plane, the teams enjoyed the luxury of First Class after they both won the challenge in Paris.

Some contestants were in the dining area enjoying either some time to themselves, or enjoying some breakfast. Julia was currently on her phone as she was currently writing on a blog she created.

"Status update on my journey on Total Drama: Around the World; nine episodes in and I haven't been a target for elimination. Apparently, Emma has been going behind Mateo's back and their relationship hasn't been what everyone thinks they are in, I have never felt safer than I already am. With Emma taking most of the blame, it easily gives me an advantage to avoid elimination. We also got a new team member who's somewhat as annoying as the rest of the other butt knuckles." Julia said as she was typing in her blog. "Alright, I have about a hundred characters left...what else could I say?"

"Considering buying myself a life away from the media, but having trouble deciding what to improve since they all are such a major redo." Gina mocked as she pitched her voice to be higher as a way to mock Julia, making Julia annoyed and MK snicker.

"And maybe also add: 'Must learn how to musk myself with a thing called Reality Check, like Nichelle did, that might impress some of the viewers.'" MK said as she started mocking Julia too, causing Gina and MK to laugh together and making Julia more angered and Nichelle annoyed.


"Ugh! Gina has only joined our team for a day, and she's already starting to bug me!" Julia said as she crossed her arms. "Sure, having a new member gives us a better advantage against the Tasmanian Devils, but she better not cause us to lose, other wise she might get the boot, as well as Emma."


"Watch this." MK whispered to Gina as she then put some porridge on a spoon, flicked it to the ceiling as it bounced at different directions, until it eventually hit both Julia, Nichelle and Chase.

"My hair!" Nichelle complained.

"Hey!!" Julia and Chase said as they're hair had some porridge on them.

"Weak!" Chase shouted.

Gina then cackled as she laughed with MK at Julia, Nichelle and Chase, after they got themselves covered in porridge, thanks to MK. Bowie also laughed along as he enjoyed the little trick MK pulled.

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